Here is a list of people with a Brilliant Idea. The idea doesn't necessarily have to make any sense to me as long as it is patently obvious they think it is the most amazing thing they could possibly do with their lives.
The list is chronological and in the form of "name of person, subject into which they found insight"
- Buddha, soul and religion
- Joshua of Nazareth, soul and religion
- Thomas Paine, independence
- Thomas Jefferson, independence
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, self-reliance and nature
- Walt Whitman, self-reliance and nature
- Douglas Hofstadter, consciousness and mathematics
- Stephen Wolfram, consciousness and mathematics
On the other hand, here are some people who had legendary insights but didn't consider it such a big deal, rather just a stepping-stone to bigger and better things:
- Grigori Perelman, proved the Poincaré conjecture