Both the fat and the organs of grass-fed beef contain vitamin K2, menaquinone. Vitamin K2 offers protection from heart disease, boosts brain, kidney, and reproductive function, and strengthens facial structure.
Is grass-fed beef a food for the privileged?
Industry apologists frequently claim that if everyone were to eat grass-fed beef we would force half of the world into starvation. This is of course absurd since most developing countries feed their cattle with grass anyway-- it's what cattle are built to eat.
The fact of the matter is that grain-fed beef, what we eat today, is a food for the privileged. To make grain-fed beef you need to subsidize the grain with government money, ruin local water tables with pollution, and pump the cattle full of antibiotics. Joel Salatin demonstrates that you can run a grass-fed farm almost as cheap as you run a grain-fed farm, and lower pollution to zero at the same time.