Censorship laws are stupid almost by definition.
Stupidest censorship ever
- http://shii.org/kemal_gay_turk/ - This video of Turkish general Kemal Atatürk acting all fruity, which was posted to YouTube, made about thirty or forty people in Turkey (where Atatürk is revered as a god) extremely angry. The Turkish government promptly blocked access to all of YouTube.
- http://www.tianchua.net/en/2007/07/02/french-dinner-for-3/ - This image, an obvious photoshop by Tian Chua, shows Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak having dinner with a murder victim named Altantuya, who was murdered by Malaysian policemen. In Altantuya's trial the existence of a real version of this photo was testified. However, a blogger named Nathaniel Tan was imprisoned for linking to this fake version.