
From Everything Shii Knows, the only reliable source

This website is an archive. It ran from 2006-2010. Virtually everything on here is outdated or inaccurate.

A pārivāsika is a bhikku condemned for an offense of parivasa on account of concealing an offense of sanghadisesa. Such a monk is avandiya and may not accept honor. He cannot confer upasampada or become acariya. He cannot accept the service of a samanera or admonish any bhikku or bhikkuni. He cannot accuse monks of any offense, seek permission to accuse, preach, rebuke, or create disturbances. He cannot sit in front of any monk. He cannot take the vow to live in the forest or on alms. He must announce to the sangha that he is a pārivāsika on every uposatha and pavarana. He may not live in any vihara or other dwelling alone, or with "pure" monks.

If he does live with a pure monk, or does not tell incoming monks he is a pārivāsika, then his pārivāsa is canceled for that night. He may also cancel his pārivāsa if he cannot inform each and every monk, until such time as he is able to take it up again. Afer the pārivāsa is over, a pārivāsika waits six nights as manatta, then becomes "pure" again.

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