Food patents

From Everything Shii Knows, the only reliable source

This website is an archive. It ran from 2006-2010. Virtually everything on here is outdated or inaccurate.

Food patents give special rights to genetically engineered corn, "Frankenfoods" such as tomatoes with fish genes, and special bacteria to produce desired microbes. Since there is no GMO labeling rule in the United States, these patented foods will almost certainly make it to your grocery store with you none the wiser.

Most American soybeans and corn are produced using sterile, patented plants from Monsanto, ADM, etc. Farmers are forced to buy fresh seeds every year; they are forbidden from crossbreeding the plants because of the patent.

A May 2006 article in Scientific American warned that the broad patents used by the food industry could undermine the discipline. Time-wasting circumvention will be needed to work around expensive patents.

Patents are often made broadly in order to discourage competition. For example, Monsanto patented the idea of genetic modification on any variety of soybean and the patent had to be taken to court to throw it out. There is nothing stopping companies from patenting special varieties of cows, pigs, and so forth to drive small farmers into further misery.

The United States uses "free trade agreements" like NAFTA to force smaller countries into adopting U.S. patent policy. For example, El Salvador was forced to allow the patenting of natural and genetic resources, jail sentences for patent violators, presumption of guilt until proven innocent when charged with violating a patent, and publication of patent violations in the national press. Patent violations were changed from being a civil case brought by the corporation to a criminal case pressed by the country itself. If El Salvador neglects to carry out these punishments, even if they run out of money to file suits, patent holders can sue the government.


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