What's New: July, 1993

July 26, 1993
The Army High Performance Computing Research Center is now running a Web server. Included is information on Heterogeneous Supercomputing (and an example of research therein), a directory of AHPCRC research projects (here's one with an MPEG movie), AHPCRC preprints, and more.

Principia Cybernetica has announced a Web server. The server is running on a Mac. For an overview of the Principa Cybernetica project, see here.

July 25, 1993
Brown University's High Energy Theoretical Physics group is running a Web server. Included is information on physics preprints, a directory of sources of physics news, a virtual bulletin board that takes advantage of Mosaic's workgroup annotation support, and more.

The U.S. Geological Survey is now running a Web server. Included is information on the Geologic Division of USGS and more.

An experimental Web server for NASA Langley Research Center is running. See an introductory fact sheet, an interface to LaRC's technical library, and more.

Simon Gibbs at Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, University of Geneva is making available a hypermedia interface to the CROSSWIRE image collection. CROSSWIRE is a collaborative art project run by the OTIS digital net-gallery, located here.

Universit�t Passau in Germany is now running a Web server. All text is in German (an interesting change of pace!). See information on the "WWW in Passau" project and more.

Sandia National Laboratories has introduced a public Web server. Included is information on the Massively Parallel Computing Research Laboratory and the Technology Information Environment for Industry program.

July 21, 1993
Newsday, a New York City daily newspaper, has begun publishing on the Internet. A recent series, "Riding The Information Highway", is among the material online; Newsday says, "This series on information highways can be read today in San Francisco, Tokyo, Paris and Buenos Aires - but not on printed paper. For the first time, Newsday is making a series accessible to anyone with a personal computer and modem, from Long Island to Luxembourg." Further, on the topic of publishing over the network, Newsday says, "Space is limited in a newspaper because of the cost of paper and production, but the electronic version has a selection of related articles... Readers can communicate directly with writers, both by electronic mail and a live chat period - a group conversation conducted online through personal computers." Newsday is currently publishing via the interactive Delphi information system. To access the material, go here (when you are connected, log in as HIGHWAY).

The prototype NCSA digital image library just got a little more interesting with the addition of audio clips and, in one case, an example of referencing an actual paper from the library. (Again, don't bother with the WAIS server yet.)

The new home page for the National Metacenter for Computational Science and Engineering is here.

UIUC Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology (home to a large part of NCSA) is now running a Web server. See also information on the Beckman Visualization Facility.

For a WWW interface to NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group) and IRIS Explorer Center information, see here. (Seems to be behind a slow network link from the US, so be patient...)

Cornell Law School is now serving an example version of the NASDAQ Financial Executive Journal via the Web. See here for the toplevel interface, here for the cover art, here for an interview with William S. Lerach, a Partner in Milberg, Weiss, Bershad, Hynes & Lerach, etc.

July 20, 1993
Jonathan Katz at the UCLA Computer Aided Design Laboratory has made available a tarot card reading system for Mosaic.
July 19, 1993
A new Internet Talk Radio program, now available: F. W. DeKlerk at the National Press Club.

The St. Olaf College Web server has WWW versions of the US State Department Travel Advisories and Consular Information Sheets.

July 18, 1993
Version 1.0 of the VMS WWW browser from Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been announced; see here for the announcement.

The University of Nottingham is running a Web server. A listing of services offered is here; information on the Communications Research Group and UK independent and alternative music is available.

A big list of CS technical report archive sites is here. (It's in Australia and behind a very slow network link, so don't pull it over too often.)

Information on a new RTF to HTML converter is here.

July 17, 1993
Here is a new Web server for the University of Wales College Of Cardiff.

Lule� Tekniska H�gskolas Datorf�rening in Sweden is now running a Web server (bonus! also in Svensk).

How are Gopher, Z39.50/WAIS, and the World Wide Web doing in terms of byte traffic across the US NSFnet? PostScript plots for 1993 to date are available: here for normal scale and here for log scale. (The raw data is here.)

Here's something that absolutely does not get the attention it deserves: Richard Stallman singing the Free Software Song.

July 16, 1993
St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, USA is now running an experimental Web server.
July 15, 1993
The Honolulu Community College has upgraded its dinosaur exhibit, and now includes narration by one of the exhibit's founders (an introduction is here) and more. The world needs more exhibits just like this -- yow.

Also, the HCC Network Services List keeps growing and growing and growing.

Michael Witbrock at CMU has made available a document containing Amiga information.

The latest HTML+ spec is here (the SGML DTD) and here (the PostScript guide, which Ghostview can't handle, so you may want to exercise Binary Transfer Mode for this one).

July 14, 1993
The latest addition to the NEXOR server (well, apart from the menu of Martijn Koster's favorite Indian takeout restaurant), is a hypermedia interface to the index of the Macintosh Archive at the University of Michigan.

Rob's Multimedia Lab (courtesy Rob Malick at NIH) is open for business.

A most excellent collection of fiction adapted especially for WWW is here, courtesy Robert Stockton at CMU. Another interesting document, pointing to hypertext'd Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, is here (in Indiana). Also see the Online Books FAQ.

Information on the Pittsburgh Free-Net and other public networking initiatives is here. Information on Internet Accessible Coke Machines (a cutting edge technology) is here.

July 12, 1993
The Astrophysics Data Facility, part of NASA's National Space Science Data Center, and the STELAR Project announce the availability of a World Wide Web server, providing access to a number of online databases and services of interest to the astronomical community.
July 11, 1993
The United States Library of Congress recently announced the Library of Congress Machine-Assisted Realization of the Virtual Electronic Library (LC MARVEL), which is (unfortunately) a Gopher server. However, it links to some interesting things.

The US Army Corps of Engineers' Construction Engineering Research Laboratories (USA/CERL) is now running a Web server. Some researchers have hypertext "plans"; there is also information on CERL and information on GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System).

July 10, 1993
A prototype NCSA digital image library is here; don't try using the WAIS server yet but feel free to browse through the various documents.
July 8, 1993
The Australian National Botanic Gardens has a new World Wide Web server for biodiversity information. Here is a terse home page and here is a more narrative home page.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center's WWW server is now online.

The San Diego Supercomputing Center is now running a WWW server.

July 7, 1993
A biorhythm (yes, biorhythm) server is now here (courtesy UCLA).
July 6, 1993
An alternative overview of Web-based services is available here (courtesy Nexor).

New Archie gateway software that works on top of Plexus, called ArchiePlex, is here.

July 5, 1993
New additions to the MSU/UCG Web server include a page of current weather maps and movies (for instance, see a movie of satellite images over the last 48 hours), and maps of MSU.
July 3, 1993
New Internet Talk Radio programs now available are Peter Deutsch on Geek of the Week and John Gibbons on TechNation.

Some information on how to create MPEG movies is here.

Information supplied by Tony Sanders and Ian Feldman on the simple formatting language setext is here. The latest Plexus HTTP server does runtime translation of setext documents into HTML; this may be of interest to people who don't want to deal with HTML/SGML but still want to do basic formatted text and hyperlinks.

An up-to-date list of registered MIME types is here.

July 2, 1993
Want to learn to tango? See the �cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne Tango server! Also see the main hypermedia server of the d�partement d'Informatique at the �cole Polytechnique F�d�rale de Lausanne.

The UCLA Computer Aided Design Laboratory is now running a Web server. See UCLA information, a campus map, and more.

Michigan State University is online with a Web server; there is also a home page for the MSU Unix Computing Group here.

Matthew Gray at MIT has online a very thorough listing of all known Web servers, produced by the World Wide Web Wanderer -- a Perl robot that traverses the Web from an info.cern.ch starting point.

This What's New Page was originally created at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

The NCSA What's New Page is officially in the public domain. This means that you are free to do anything you wish with this listing. However, this does not imply anything about the documents which are referenced via this page or any other pages found on this server.

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