June 23, 1992 NOT JUST COWS A Guide to Internet/Bitnet Resources in Agriculture and Related Sciences Written and compiled by Wilfred Drew. June 23, 1992 The purpose of this guide to direct the user to resources in agriculture that are available on the INTERNET or BITNET. In several places this guide is uses examples specific to the VAX VMS environment. This is because Morrisville College uses the VAX. It would be impossible to cover all possible variations on system specific commands or unusual implementations. Please feel free to copy this guide in any format as long as credit is given to me. I worked hard on this guide and expect to get credit for it. The guide is copyright free. Please contact me if there are any questions. Wilfred Drew Serials/Reference Librarian State University of New York Morrisville College of Agriculture and Technology Morrisville, New York 13408 BITNET: drewwe@snymorva.bitnet Voice: 315-684-6055 FAX: 315-684-6115 Acknowledgements: To all of those that have gone before me in the pursuit of INTERNET trivia. How this guide was produced: This guide was written and compiled entirely on a microcomputer and our local VAX. Except for my initial list of libraries with holdings in agriculture, all information is from sources on the INTERNET. Sample screens were captured using QVT. The original document is written in WordPerfect 5.1 format. The ascii version is derived from that file. Table of Contents INTERNET/BITNET TOOLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 GOLD-MAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 MAIL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 FTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 Sample FTP session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 TELNET. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 LIBRARIES WITH EXTENSIVE COLLECTIONS IN AGRICULTURE. . . Page 4 INTERNET ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARDS. . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 Advanced Technology Information Network . . . . . . Page 11 CLEMSON UNIVERSITY FORESTRY AND AGRICULTURAL NETWORK Page 15 PENpages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 19 CENET - Cornell Cooperative Extension NETwork . . . Page 26 MAIL BASED SERVICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 30 Almanac Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 31 LISTSERVER Discussion groups related to agriculture Page 33 OTHER IMPORTANT SERVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 41 Miscellaneous services of interest . . . . . . . . . . . Page 41 Wide Area Information Server at THINK.COM . . . . . Page 41 Geographic Name Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 43 FEDIX: On-line Information System for Colleges, Universities and other Research Organizations . . . . . . . . . Page 45 Weather Underground (University of Michigan). . . . Page 47 WORKS CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 48 INTERNET/BITNET TOOLS Tools needed to access services on the INTERNET or BITNET: GOLD-MAIL (I prefer this to VMS MAIL mentioned further below under MAIL. This information was taken from the GOLD-MAIL help screens on our VAX.) Gold-Mail is a VMSmail compatible electronic mail system. The menus are "pulled down" from the menu bar by pressing the underlined (first) letter in Gold, Message, Send, Output, Utilities, or Customize. Menu options can be selected by typing the underlined letter in the option's name, or using the arrow keys and pressing RETURN. The CANCEL key (F20 or ) may be pressed to cancel a menu without performing a command. Mail messages are organized into drawers and folders. Folders may be created when moving or copying mail messages. Folders may be opened and closed by placing the highlighting on the folder name and pressing RETURN. Mail messages may be read by moving the highlighting to the desired message and pressing RETURN. Operations may be performed on multiple messages by selecting them using the SELECT key (numeric keypad "." key). (End of extract from Gold_Mail help screens) GoldMail is started by: $ gmail MAIL (taken from the VMS MAIL help screens on our VAX. These will be different for other systems). Invokes the VMS Personal Mail Utility (MAIL), which is used to send messages to other users of the system. For a complete description of the VMS Personal Mail Utility, including information about the MAIL command and its qualifiers, see the VMS Mail Utility Manual. (End of extract from VAX help files) FTP (taken from the FTP help screens on our VAX. These will be different for other systems). FTP is the user interface to the ARPANET standard file transfer protocol. FTP allows users to log into remote systems, transfer files to and from remote hosts, obtain listings of directories on remote hosts, and other common file operations. The FTP utility supports two styles of user interfaces, a DCL command interface and a ULTRIX command interface. The DCL command interface is the default. To select the ULTRIX command interface, define a symbol as follows: $ FTP :== $UCX$FTP/ULTRIX Most FTP commands require one or more file specifications. Local file specifications must be valid VAX/VMS file specifications. Remote file specifications will be interpreted by the remote host and therefore must be valid to that host. Any file specification which is not a valid VAX/VMS file specification must be quoted. (End of excerpt from VAX help file) Sample FTP session using ULTRIX interface: (my comments wil appear in bold) $ ftp hydra.uwo.ca <== Same command would be entered in DCL interface. This command is entered at the prompt. The address of the remote system here is hydra.uwo.ca. Response from remote system: 220 HYDRA.UWO.CA MultiNet FTP Server Process 3.0(12) at Thu 7-May-92 11:48AM-GMT Connected to HYDRA.UWO.CA. Name (hydra.uwo.ca:drewwe): anonymous <== Enter anonymous at this prompt. 331 anonymous user ok. Send real ident as password. Password: <== Enter your e-mail address. It will not be visible. 230-Guest User DREWWE@SNYMORVA.BITNET logged into PUB:[000000] at Thu 7-May-92 11:48, job 5793. 230 Directory and access restrictions apply ftp> cd libsoft <== Change directory command. In DCL interface would be SET DEF 250 Connected to PUB:[000000.LIBSOFT]. <== Directory changes ftp> ls <== Lists files in directory 200 Port 6.98 at Host accepted. 150 List started. <== I have deleted the list of files from this example. 226 Transfer completed. Received transfer complete reply 1553 bytes received in 00:00:27.97 seconds ftp> ascii <== Sets file transfer to text 200 Type A ok. ftp> get ftp_guide.txt <== command for transferring file to our system 200 Port 6.99 at Host accepted. 150 ASCII retrieve of PUB:[000000.LIBSOFT]FTP_GUIDE.TXT;1 started. 226 Transfer completed. 7896 (8) bytes transferred. local: ftp_guide.txt remote: ftp_guide.txt 7896 bytes received in 00:00:10.67 seconds ftp> quit <== Ending session 221 QUIT command received. Goodbye. $ <== Back at VAX prompt TELNET (taken from the TELNET help screens on our VAX. These will be different for other systems). TELNET is a remote login protocol in the Internet protocol suite. It allows a user on one host to establish a connection with a remote host and interact as if the user's terminal is connected directly to the remote host. (End of extract from TELNET help screens) No sample session is shown for telnet because of the wide variety of services available via telnet. See the separate sections of this guide for more details. LIBRARIES WITH EXTENSIVE COLLECTIONS IN AGRICULTURE Why search library catalogs on the INTERNET? There are several reasons to search OPACs on the INTERNET: 1. Our collection is relatively small and you can access farlarger collections such as Mann Library at Cornell University. 2. Many libraries have mounted unique databases such as the ones on CARL (Colorado Alliance of Libraries). 3. If you were to access any of these by modem and telephone it would be a long distance call. Access through the INTERNET does not cost you anything. 4. It allows you to check out a distant library with out leaving your office. The following list of library catalogs is extracted and adapted from UNT's Accessing On-Line Bibliographic Databases. These catalogs were selected because they have relatively large collections in agriculture or contain other unique and useful features. Note: Since our campus does not have TN3270 on our VAX, use the gateway at Washington University -- St. Louis for access to some of the TN3270 systems. It is the last entry in this list. ************************************ Arizona State University Location: Tempe, Arizona USA To access: 1. Type TELNET CARL.LIB.ASU.EDU. 2. At the destination prompt, enter CARL. 3. Enter 5 for VT100. 4. Press RETURN twice. To exit, type //EXIT twice. ************************************ Cal Poly State University Location: San Luis Obispo, California USA To access: 1. Type TELNET LIBRARY.CALPOLY.EDU. 2. Choose 1 for Polycat and follow the instructions on the menu. To exit: 1. Hit CTRL-D. 2. Type x. ************************************ Carnegie Mellon University Location: USA To access: 1. Type TELNET CMULIBRARY.ANDREW.CMU.EDU. 2. Enter VT100 as terminal type. 3. Press RETURN. 4. Enter 1 at the menu. To exit the CMU library: 1. Type Q. ************************************ Clemson University Location: Clemson, South Carolina USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 CLEMSON.CLEMSON.EDU. 2. Choose option B on the menu. 3. Push . To exit, use the TN3270 escape key. ************************************ Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries Location: Colorado USA One of the major online systems. To access CARL: 1. Type TELNET PAC.CARL.ORG. 2. When prompted for terminal type, enter 5 for VT100 emulation. To exit, hit the TELNET escape key. ************************************ Cornell University Location: Ithaca, New York USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 CORNELLC.CIT.CORNELL.EDU. 2. When userid/password screen appears, press RETURN. 3. When CP READ appears on the screen, type LIBRARY. To exit, type X. ************************************ Florida State University System Location: Gainesville, Florida USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 NERVM.NERDC.UFL.EDU. 2. Press RETURN. 3. Type DIAL VTAM. 4. On the NERDC VTAM IS ACTIVE screen, enter NERLUIS FCLSKYA. To exit: 1. TYPE %OFF. 2. When NERDC VTAM IS ACTIVE appears, enter UNDIAL. ************************************ Hebrew University Location: Israel To access: 1. Telnet ALEPH.HUJI.AC.IL. 2. At the login prompt, type ALEPH. 3. Select 11 at terminal type prompt. To exit,use TELNET escape key. ************************************ Iowa State University To access: 1. TELNET ISN.IASTATE.EDU 2. At the DIAL prompt, type LIB. 3. At the ENTER TERMINAL TYPE prompt, type VT100. 4. At the MVS welcome screen, type SCHOLAR. Logoff 1. On the SCHOLAR command line, type QUIT. ************************************ Kansas State University Location: Manhattan, Kansas USA To access the KSU catalog: 1. Type TELNET TELNET.KSU.EDU. 2. Select destination as KSUVM. 3. Enter VT100 at terminal type prompt. 4. Type LYNX. To exit, type QUIT. ************************************ McGill University Location: Montreal, Canada To access: 1. Type TN3270 MVS.MCGILL.CA. 2. On the menu, choose option 2 (Muse). 3. Hit RETURN on the CICS screen. To exit, type OFF. ************************************ Miami University Location: Ohio, USA To access: 1. Type TELNET WATSON.LIB.MUOHIO.EDU. 2. At the login prompt, type library. To exit, type H on the main menu ************************************ Michigan State University Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA To access: 1. Type TELNET MERIT.MSU.EDU. 2. At the Which Host? prompt, enter MAGIC. 3. At the terminal id, enter VT100. To exit, use the TELNET or TN3270 escape key. ************************************ Minnesota State University System Location: Mankato, Minnesota USA (cover North Dakota and South Dakota too) To access: 1. Type TELNET MSUSGW.UMN.EDU. 2. At the "enter destination" prompt, enter PALS. To exit, type END. ************************************ Montana State University Location: Montana, USA To access: 1. Type TELNET CATALOG.LIB.MONTANA.EDU. 2. At the : prompt, type HELLO MSU.LIBRARY. To exit, type EX. ************************************ New Mexico State University Location: Las Cruces, New Mexico USA To access: 1. Type TELNET LIBRARY.NMSU.EDU. 2. At the : prompt, type hello user.libr01. 3. When asked for terminal type, enter 5. 4. When asked for location code, enter 0100. To exit, enter /QUIT. ************************************ Ohio State University Location: Columbus, Ohio USA To access the Ohio State online catalog: 1. Type TELNET LCS.US.OHIO- STATE.EDU. 2. Choose 0 as your terminal type. 3. Type HELP to see options. To exit, hit the TELNET escape key. ************************************ Oregon State University Location: Corvallis, Oregon USA To access: 1. Type TELNET OASIS.KERR.ORST.EDU. 2. Type OASIS at Login Please prompt. 3. Enter 11 for VT100 emulation. To exit, use the TELNET escape key. ************************************ Pennsylvania State University Location: University Park, Pennsylvania USA To access LIAS: 1. Type TELNET LIAS.PSU.EDU. 2. Normally, VT100 should be negotatied at this point. If you have terminal emulation problems, try typing TERMINAL VT100 at the >>> prompt. To exit LIAS, type QUIT or EXIT. ************************************ Purdue Location: West Lafayette, Indiana USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 LIB.CC.PURDUE.EDU. To exit, use the TN3270 escape key. ************************************ Rutgers University Location: Piscataway, New Jersey USA To access: 1. Type TELNET LIBRARY.RUTGERS.EDU. 2. Press . To exit, type END. ************************************ Texas A&M Location: College Station, Texas USA To access: 1. Type TELNET VENUS.TAMU.EDU from any machine connected to the Internet. 2. At the Username: prompt, type VTAM. 3. At the Texas A&M Statewide Network screen, type NOTIS. 4. At the CICS screen, hit RETURN. To exit, hit CTRL-Z. ************************************ Triangle Research Libraries Location: North Carolina, USA To access: 1. Type TELNET LIBROT1.LIB.UNC.EDU. To exit, use the TELNET escape key. ************************************ University of Arizona Location: Tempe, Arizona USA To access: 1. Type TELNET IDX.TELCOM.ARIZONA.EDU. 2. Press RETURN repeatedly until something happens. 3. Type geac for the main circulation system. To exit, use the TELNET escape key. ************************************ University of California and California State Library at Sacramento Location: Oakland, California USA The library system is known as the MELVYL system. To access: 1. Type TELNET MELVYL.UCOP.EDU. 2. When asked for terminal type, enter VT100. 3. Press RETURN when prompted to. 4. Type START LOOK for easy to use library system. - or - Type START COM for command line library system. To exit: 1. Type END or STOP. 2. Type LOGOFF. ************************************ University of California at Berkeley Location: Berkeley, California USA To access: 1. Type TELNET GOPAC.BERKELEY.EDU. To exit, type LOGOFF. ************************************ University of Delaware Location: Newark, Delaware USA To access: 1. Type TELNET DELCAT.UDEL.EDU from any host connected to the Internet. 2. Press RETURN. 3. At TERMINAL TYPE prompt, type VT100. 4. Press RETURN. To exit, type EXIT. ************************************ University of Georgia and Georgia College Location: Georgia USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 UGA.CC.UGA.EDU. 2. Hit TAB twice. 3. Type DIAL VTAM on the command line. 4. On the IBM Systems menu, type L. 5. Hit RETURN on the next menu. To exit: 1. Type QUIT. 2. On the IBM Systems menu, type X. ************************************ University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign Location: Urbana/Champaign, Illinois USA To access: 1. Type TELNET GARCON.CSO.UIUC.EDU. 2. Enter LCS at the username prompt. To exit, type EXIT. ************************************ University of Kentucky Location: Kentucky USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 UKCC.UKY.EDU. 2. Hit TAB twice to get to the command line. 3. Enter DIAL VTAM. 4. Enter L when prompted. 5. Enter 4 for application. 6. Press RETURN when prompted. To exit, hit the TN3270 escape key. ************************************ University of Minnesota Location: Twin Cities, Minnesota USA To access: 1. Type TELNET LUMINA.LIB.UMN.EDU. 2. When prompted for terminal type, enter 0 for VT100 emulation. 3. When prompted to do so, type PA. 4. On the Public Access Information Service screen, enter 1. To exit, hit the TELNET escape key. ************************************ University of Missouri at Columbia Location: Columbia, Missouri USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU. 2. TAB down to command prompt. 3. Enter DIAL VTAM. 4. At the VTAM LOGON prompt, enter LIBCICS. To exit: 1. Type #LOGOFF. 2. When VTAM LOGON or UNDIAL appears on the screen, type UNDIAL. ************************************ University of Nebraska Location: Lincoln, Nebraska USA To access: 1. Type TELNET UNLLIB.UNL.EDU. 2. At the login: prompt, type library. 3. Select V for type of terminal. 4. Enter Y to confirm. To exit, enter D. ************************************ University of Puerto Rico Location: Puetro Rico USA To access: 1. Type TELNET 2. Hit TAB twice. 3. Type DIAL VTAM. 4. Enter NOTIS. 5. Press RETURN. 6. On the blank screen, type LUUP. To exit, hit the TELNET escape key. ************************************ University of Tennessee at Knoxville Location: Knoxville, Tennessee USA To access: 1. Type TELNET LIBRARY.UTK.EDU. To exit, type END. ************************************ University of Wisconsin Location: Madison/Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA To access: 1. Type TELNET NLS.ADP.WISC.EDU. 2. Hit when prompted for terminal type. 3. At the menu, TAB to the left of the NLS1 selection. 4. Push . 5. At the next prompt, just push for the Madison Catalog. For the Milwaukee catalog, type MIL and press . To exit: 1. Type EXIT. 2. At the menu, TAB to the left of the QUIT selection. 3. Push . ************************************ Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Unersity (Virginia Tech) Location: Blacksburg, Virginia USA To access: 1. Type TELNET VTCBX.VT.EDU. 2. At the CALL, DISPLAY, OR MODIFY prompt, type CALL VTLS. 3. Hit once or twice. To exit, hit the TELNET escape key. ************************************ Washington State University and Eastern Washington University Location: Washington USA To access: 1. Type TN3270 WSUVM1.CSC.WSU.EDU. 2. Hit TAB twice. 3. Type DIAL VTAM. 4. Choose option COUGALOG. To exit, hit the TN3270 escape key. ************************************ Washington University-St. Louis Location: St. Louis, Missouri USA To access: 1. Type TELNET WUGATE.WUSTL.EDU. 2. At the login: prompt, type LUIS. 3. Choose VT100 as the terminal type. 4. On the menu, choose option 1. To exit, hit the TELNET escape key. INTERNET ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARDS Electronic bulletin boards are simply ways of "posting" items for others to see. Many services are available throught them including full text files on various topics, databases, and other services. I have included here sample screens from three bulletin boards related to agriculture. Advanced Technology Information Network Telnet CATICSUF.CSUFRESNO.EDU. Login: super (Must be in lower case) First Screen: IDS Information Dissemination System (Version 0.7) Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 California Agricultural Technology Institute All Rights Reserved ** WELCOME TO THE ATI-NET ** You have reached the Advanced Technology Information Network. The ATI- Net is a full service information source designed to assist several markets within California. Individual systems provide information for the agri-cultural market, international exporting (ATLS system), and the educational community (CSUPER-Net). If you would like to register as a new user for any of the systems mentioned above, please do so below. After you respond to the registration questions, a login name and password will be shown on the screen. Please write this information down! The next time you log into the system, you may use your new login name and password. If you have any question concerning the ATI-Net, call (209) 278-4872 during regular business hours. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT ALL NEW USERS COMPLETE ALL REGISTRATION INFORMATION CORRECTLY. NEW ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE INCORRECT OR INCOMPLETE INFORMATION ARE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION. NOTE: Once you have registered as a new user, please select option [d] ===== on the ATI-Net Main Menu. This will describe access into the system and will also give you the nearest access port. Would you like to register as a new user [y,n]? n Menu Screen: (This appears after some news messages) ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION NETWORK (ATI-Net) ------------------------------------------------- [a] Agricultural Information (including ATIS) [b] CSUPER-Net [c] Automated Trade Library Service (ATLS) [d] Biotechnology Information (CSUPERB) [e] ATI-Net Access Information [f] ATI-Net System New Releases [g] ATI-Net System Use Policy Statement [0] Quit and log off [8] search, [9] help: Sample screen for [a] from main menu: Welcome to the ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION NETWORK (ATI-Net) sponsored by The California Agricultural Technology Institute and The California Department Of Food And Agriculture ATI-NET MAIN SYSTEM MENU ------------------------ [a] Agricultural News [b] Daily Agricultural Market Reports (AMS) [c] Agricultural Events Schedule [d] California Agriculture Teacher's Project [e] California State University Agricultural Degrees [f] ATI-Net System Information & Communications [g] Agricultural Job Listings [h] International Agricultural Trade Information Service (ATIS) [i] Agricultural Weather Information [j] Agricultural Labor Information [k] Agricultural Safety Information [1] Return to the previous menu [0] Quit and log off [8] search, [9] help: Sample screen for [a] above: AGRICULTURAL NEWS ----------------- [a] National [b] California [c] International [d] Commodity [e] Legislative (Federal and State) [f] Health and Nutrition [g] International Trade [h] All Daily Agricultural News [i] Previous Week's Agricultural News [j] Monthly Agricultural News [2] Return to the top level menu [1] Return to the previous menu [0] Quit and log off [8] search, [9] help: a Sample screen from AGRICULTURAL NEWS menu above: NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL NEWS -------------------------- March 25, 1992 GOVERNMENT ISSUES (California Farmer) -- More than 50 USDA county offices are spending above $1 in overhead for every $1 they deliver in government payments to farmers, according to an investigations by Sen. Richard Lugar ranking minority member of the Senate Agricultural Committee. Lugar announced at a recent news conference that calculations by his office and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management also show USDA now has one employee for every 1.9 U.S. farmers. Lugar's investigation found that USDA retains offices in many urban areas that no longer have much farming. About 94 percent of U.S. countries have USDA offices although only 16 percent are considered farm countries. Lugar found that in several countries. Lugar found that in several countries, government administrative costs run from five to 20 times the value of payments those offices make to local farmers. FARM DEBT INCREASE 2 PERCENT (Ag Alert) -- Total U.S. farm debt, excluding households, is estimated at $139.3 billion at the end of 1991, up 2 percent from a year earlier, but 28 percent below the 1984 peak. The Agriculture Department also said in a February report on agricultural to continueincome and finance that farm banks now are among the strongest institutions in the nation's banking system. FARM DEBT INCREASE 2 PERCENT (Ag Alert) -- Total U.S. farm debt, excluding households, is estimated at $139.3 billion at the end of 1991, up 2 percent from a year earlier, but 28 percent below the 1984 peak. The Agriculture Department also said in a February report on agricultural income and finance that farm banks now are among the strongest institutions in the nation's banking system. March 24, 1992 USDA OFFICIAL DEFENDS DECISION ON PRORATE (AP) -- A federal official has defended his decision to suspend volume restrictions on sales of this season's California fresh navel orange crop. But more than a month after the free market took control of the orange market, major opponents and supporters of controls called prorate do not seem to have changed their views. NUMBER OF FARM, RANCH WORKERS DROPPED (AP) -- The number of hired workers on farms and ranches in California, Texas, New Mexico and Florida fell from January to February, the Agriculture Department said. USDA said there were 254,000 hired workers on farms and ranches in the four states to continue End of sample screens. Comments-- As can be seen from the screens above, many types of information are available on this system. It is easy to use and is free. CLEMSON UNIVERSITY FORESTRY AND AGRICULTURAL NETWORK Note: Since there are so many services available on this bulletin board, I have only showed the main screens and the second level of menu under each entry from the main menu. Explore it. There are many full text screens of newsletters, weather information, press releases from governement agencies, official reports, and statistical information for the United States and South Carolina. How to connect: Telnet EUREKA.CLEMSON.EDU or Login as PUBLIC at Username: prompt. Opening screen: CUFAN LOGIN SCREEN Please enter the following information about yourself. If you don't know this information leave it blank. CITY ____________________ STATE __ ORGANIZATION ____________________________________________________________ INTERNET ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ Use left/right arrows or RETURN to move between fields. When complete, use PF1 then ENTER to continue. Main menu: WELCOME TO CUFAN CLEMSON UNIVERSITY FORESTRY AND AGRICULTURAL NETWORK <1> WEATHER <2> ECONOMICS <3> PLANTS <4> ANIMALS <5> ENGINEERING <6> FOOD <7> HOME, HEALTH, FAMILY AND YOUTH <9> HUMAN RESOURCES <0> NOTES, CALENDARS AND NEWS Press the EXIT key(s) to return to the $ prompt (F1-. or PF1-.) Choice: Screen for Entry 1 in main menu: WEATHER AND CLIMATE <1> FORECASTS AND ADVISORIES <2> CURRENT WEATHER CONDITIONS <3> WATCHES AND WARNINGS <4> WEATHER SUMMARIES <6> LOCAL CLIMATOLOGICAL DATA FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Screen for Entry 2 from main menu: ECONOMICS 1. News and Newsletters 2. Agricultural Market Service Reports 3. Futures and Options Market Closing Prices 4. Tax Information 5. South Carolina Basis Tables 6. Peach Budgets Screen for Entry 3 from main menu: PLANTS <1> AGRONOMIC <2> FORESTRY <3> HORTICULTURAL <4> REGULATORY AND PUBLIC SERVICES <5> PLANT DISEASE <8> SEED CERTIFICATION <9> AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS HANDBOOK Screen for ENTRY 5 from main menu: ENGINEERING <1> FARM LIVESTOCK FACILITIES <2> FARM SERVICE FACILITIES <3> HOME <4> COMMUNITY (No Information Available) <5> SAFETY <6> SOIL AND WATER <7> MACHINERY <8> GRAIN STORAGE <0> NOTES Screen for ENTRY 6 from main menu: FOODS <1> HOME <2> PROCESSED <3> HUMAN NUTRITION <4> FOOD SAFETY THRUST TEAM Screen from Entry 7 from main menu: HOME, FAMILY AND YOUTH <1> CONSUMER INFORMATION <2> LEGISLATION AFFECTING YOUTH AND FAMILIES <3> YOUTH AND 4-H <4> STATISTICS FOR YOUTH AND FAMILY <5> HOME FOOD <6> HOME AND ENVIRONMENT <7> HEALTH <0> BULLETIN BOARD, NEWSLETTERS, CALENDAR, AND HOME ECONOMICS RESOURCE DIRECTORY (HERD) Screen for Entry 9 from main menu: HUMAN RESOURCES <1> USC CENTER FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION <2> STAFF DEVELOPMENT Screen for Entry 0 from main menu: NOTES, CALENDARS AND NEWS <1> CALENDARS <2> NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS <3> LIBRARY INFORMATION <4> COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE LOCATIONS <5> FUTURES TASK FORCE REPORT <6> EXTENSION SENATE <0> SYSTEM NOTES PENpages PENpages is a database of agricultural and Extension related information ranging from daily, weekly, and monthly agricultural news and alerts to permanent reference material. It is maintained by the faculty and staff of the College of Agriculture and offered as a public service by the Cooperative Extension of Penn State. Because there are so many services available on this BBS only a few samples are included. Explore, it is a FREE service. PENpages and CENET are the two most extensive services mentioned here. Telnet PSUPEN.PSU.EDU Use your two letter state abbreviation as the username. Sample Sign on Screen: PSU*PEN The Pennsylvania State University Username: NY NOTE: The PEN System will be unavailable from 5:00pm on Friday, May 1, until 5:00pm on Saturday, May 2 for software installations. PENpages Main Menu (after some introductory screens): *** PENpages Main Menu *** PENpages User Information Databases ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 1..How to Use PENpages 5..MAPP - National Family Database 2..Recent Changes 6..International Food & Nutrition Database 3..Recent Changes - Market News 7..Senior Series 4..PENpages Announcements National & International News and Information ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ 8..Ag*SAT 11..PDA Ag & Weather Statistics 9..Rutgers 12..PA Calendars & Events 10..USDA 13..PA Market News 14..PA News & Newsletters 15..PA Drought Information * To EXIT press Control-E * * then 7 to go to a known page number * Choice: Selection 2. (RECENT CHANGES) from PENpages Main Menu: (Just a small sample) NOTE: Enter number corresponding to the title to view document. View multiple documents by placing commas between numbers. DATE & # CATEGORY TITLE ---- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------- 30-APR-1992 1.....AGING Being a Resource for Your Sons and Daughters 2.....AGING Brookdale Granparent Caregiver Info Proj Underway 3.....AGING Making New Friends 4.....AGING Manual for Grandparent Caregivers 5.....AGING Regnier Finds Europ Models Assistd Liv Work Better 6.....CALENDAR Central Region Calendar July 1992 7.....CALENDAR Central Region Calendar June 1992 8.....CALENDAR Central Region Calendar October 1992 9.....CALENDAR RCE May Calendar 10.....EMPLOYMENT Out of State Employment Opportunities Selection 3 from PENpages Main Menu: Recent Changes to PENpages Market Reports Publicly Accessible Information ------------------------------------------- NOTE: Enter number corresponding to the title to view document. View multiple documents by placing commas between numbers. DATE & # CATEGORY TITLE ---- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------- 1-MAY-1992 1.....MARKET Baltimore Onions & Potatoes Market 2.....MARKET Baltimore Vegetable Market 3.....MARKET Baltimore Wholesale Fruit Market 4.....MARKET Boxed Beef Cutout Report 5.....MARKET Central U.S. Carlot Beef Report 6.....MARKET Central U.S. Carlot Pork Report 7.....MARKET Meat Futures - Chicago Mercantile Exchange 8.....MARKET National Grain Market Summary 9.....MARKET New York Eggs - Market News 10.....MARKET New York Onions & Potatoes Market Selection 4 from PENpages Main Menu: *** PENpages Announcements *** System Announcements Content Announcements ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 1..What is "PENpages Announcements" 5..USDA News Releases on PENpages 2..New PENpages Usernames 6..Christmas Tree & Pest Management Newsletter Now in PENpages 3..Improvements to the Keyword Search Program 7..USDA's Family Economics NEWS Now in PENpages 4..PENpages Main Menu Changes Selection 5 from PENpages Main Menu: *** MAPP National Family Database *** MAPP INFO MAPP NEWS --------- --------- 1..What is MAPP? 2..How to Find More Information 3..How to Contribute WHAT IS MAPP? MAPP is the national Cooperative Extension family database. It supports Cooperative Extension professionals and family educators around the world. MAPP contains: research briefs reference materials bibliographies media materials census data publications program ideas and more. Selection 6 from PENpages Main Menu: ********** International Food And Nutrition (IFAN) Database ********** Database Information Food and Nutrition Information -------------------- ------------------------------ 1. What is the IFAN Database? 4. Colorado State University column 2. How to Contribute 5. Penn State Nutrition Center to the IFAN Database 6. ADA Position Paper: 3. What's New in the IFAN? Nutrition Intervention in the April 27, 1992 Treatment and Recovery from Chemical Dependency The Nutrition Letter: 7. 1990 Dietary Guidelines: Alcohol 8. Volume 10(1): January 1992 9. Volume 9(2): April 1991 10. Volume 9(3): July 1991 11. Volume 9(4): October 1991 Selection 7 from PENpages Main Menu: *** SENIOR SERIES *** Senior Series Information Senior Series Newsletter -------------------------- ------------------------ 1. What is the Senior Series? 4. January 1992 Issue 2. How to Find More Information 3. How to Contribute WHAT IS THE SENIOR SERIES? Do you need programming information on caregiving, nutrition, health, financial management, and housing for older adults? Research briefs and conclusions, reference articles and bibliographies, publications and program ideas on these and many other topics can be found in the National Senior Series Database. Selection 8. (Ag*SAT) from PENpages Main Menu: (sample of announcements) Posting-date: Thu, 2 Apr 1992 00:00 EST T H E F O L L O W I N G A R E U P C O M I N G T E L E C O N F E R E N C E S T O B E B R O A D C A S T V I A A G * S A T A S O F April 1, 1992 ************************************************************ "DETERGENTS - IN DEPTH '92 SAFETY OF HOUSEHOLD CLEANING PRODUCTS" DATE: Thursday, April 9, 1992 TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. EASTERN TIME TEST 11:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m. EASTERN TIME PROGRAM Produced by Ohio State University with participation from Soaps and Detergents Association. VIEWING FROM SATELLITE: This program will only be available on C Band. C-Band: Galaxy 6; Channel 21 For further questions contact Mitch Jacobs: Mitch Jacobs TV Program Manager 216 Kottman Hall 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: 614-292-2011 FAX: 614-292-2270 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Videoconference that features up-to-the minute facts about the safety of household cleaning products. ------------------------------------------------------------- Selection 9.(Information from Rutgers University) from PENpages Main Menu: *** Rutgers *** 1..Farm Management News & Views 2..Hort. Engineering Newsletter 3..Infomemo (Horse) 4..Visions Newsletter (Home Economics) Sample screen from Rutgers Menu above (Selection 3): (Note that this contains a lot more than just horse information) I N F O M E M O 43% OF BEEF SOLD IN U.S. IS GROUND Cattle-Fax, a market information service, has estimated that ground beef will account for 43% of the beef consumed by the average American in 1991. Average per capita consumption of ground beef (including hamburger and beef used in processed products) will be an estimated 29 lbs. Consumption of steaks and roasts will be an estimated 38.2 lbs., retail weight. Thus, average per capita consumption of beef, on a boneless, edible-weight basis. is expected to be 63.5 lbs. in 1991. Other estimates for 1991 on a boneless-weight basis include 43.1 lbs. of pork and 51.4 lbs. of chicken. In terms of per capita expenditures also, beef is the leading meat. Americans spent an average of $189.39 for beef in 1990, equal to the combined expenditures for pork and chicken. (Source: "The Beef Brief", Spring 1991) Selection 10 from PENpages Main Menu: *** USDA *** 1..CITExtension Newsletter - April Issue 2 2..Farm Broadcasters Letter 3..Family Economics NEWS - April 1992 4..Market Reports 5..News Releases 6..Weekly World Weather & Crop Report Selection 11 from PENpages Main Menu: *** PDA Ag and Weather Statistics *** PDA Ag Statistics Service News ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 1..Broilers (weekly) 11..Poultry Production 2..Milk Production (monthly) 12..Turkey Production 3..Potato Stocks (monthly) 13..Wool Production 4..Vegetables (monthly) 14..Mushroom Production 5..Egg Production (monthly) 15..Trout Production 6..Livestock Slaughter (monthly) 16..Non-Citrus Fruit & Nuts 7..Hogs and Pigs (quarterly) 17..Turfgrass Summary 8..Grain Stocks (quarterly) 18..Manufactured Dairy Products 9..Crop Producation (quarterly) 19..PA Machinery Custom Rates 10..Acreage Planted (biannually) PDA Weather Summaries ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------ 20..Crop Weather Data 21..Crop Weather Roundup (weekly during season) (weekly) Selection 14 (PA Drought Information) from PENpages Main Menu: -------------------------------------- Hay Suppliers By Region -------------------------------------- 1. Southeast 2. Northeast 3. Western 4. Central 5. Capital 6. Drought News Release CENET - Cornell Cooperative Extension NETwork This service is an electronic mail and bulletin board system. It primarily serves Cornell Cooperative Extension, county extension associations in New York state, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, the College of Human Ecology at Cornell University, other New York state and federal agencies. It is free to those groups mentioned above. Private citizens and businesses may subscribe for a fee. Contact CENET for a subscription form: Extension Electronic Technology Group Cornell Cooperative Extension B-15 Wing Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853-8101 Phone: 607-255-8127 FAX: 607-255-4950 Internet: EETG@nysaes.cornell.edu YOU MUST HAVE AN ACCOUNT BEFORE YOU CAN USE THIS SYSTEM!!!!!! Sample screen: CENET Main Menu 1. MAIL Read and send electronic mail 2. CHEM-news Information on chemical pesticides 3. DAIRY Information for dairy farms 4. FIELD-Crops Field Crops information 5. FOH Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture information 6. FOOD Food and nutrition information 7. FRUit Small fruit and tree fruit information 8. HOME-grounds Home & Grounds information 9. HUMAN-ecology Information from the College of Human Ecology 10. IPM Information on Integrated Pest Management 11. MISc Information on various topics 12. NATural-resources Information on Forestry, Wildlife and Water 13. VEG Vegetable information 14. Weather Weather information 15. REMarks A place to suggest changes or ask any questions on CENET 16. SETtings Change menu display and other settings Enter a number, CAP letters of a command, BAck, BYE, or HELP for more info. MAIN> Since there are so many services available on this bulletin board, I have just included a list of "PRODUCTS" available. The list is self explanatory. Listed below are all products available on CENET. The letter in the parentheses shows what type of product it is: (P) is a program, (B) is a bulletin board, (L) is a library, (M) is a menu. (* These products have limited access. CENET Main Menu & Sub-Menus MAIL Read and send electronic mail (P) CHEM-news Chem-News main menu BB-chem Most Recent Pesticide Changes (B) PIMS NY State Prod., Ingredient, & Manufact. Searching (P) PROfiles Pesticide Profiles (Chem. Active Ingred. Info. (L) GENeral General Information (Fact Sheets) (L) REGs Pesticide Regulations (L) EXEmpt NYS Section 18 Exemptions and SLN Labels (L) CERt Pesticide Information For Certified Applicators (L) NEWs Chemical Newsletter Report (L) STUdy Pesticide Self Study/Dictionary (L) RECommends-menu Pest Mgt. Recommendations BB-rec Changes in pest management recommendations (B) RECommends Pest Mgt. Recommendations (L) Issues Pesticide Issues (L) COOP Cooperative Extension information * AGProg Information for ANR program leaders (B) * CAlendar A calendar of upcoming extension meetings (B) * CE-4H Coop Extension 4H Program Information * Resource Guide * RG-Browse Descriptions of available 4H programs/projects (L) * RG-Download Downloadable files from the CE4H resource guide (B) * FYI-CE4H General 4H program notices (B) * COunties Information for Cooperative Extension Offices (B) * ELect-tech Electronic Technology News (B) * NEWS Current news packets and releases * AG-am Daily news digest from USDA (B) * CUNews Cornell News Service releases (B) * MSNews Media Services Ag and Consumer News Packets (B) * Radio Media Services "Closer Look" Radio Scripts (B) * Satellite Satellite video conference information (B) * USDA Daily news releases from USDA (B) * EDuc Inservice Education and Focus Week (L) STAFFdir Cornell Cooperative Extension Staff Directory * REFerence Staff Directory as a Reference Document (L) * UPdates Staff Directory with Downloadable Files (B) * VACancies Current Cornell Cooperative Extension vacancies (B) * PENpages Access to Penn State's PENpages information sys.(P) * CUINFO Cornell University INFOrmation system (P) * PROHELP Information on PROMAS from PD&E (B) * SPCchrs Statewide Program Committee Chairs (B) DAIRY Dairy information * MILKmkt Current information on milk marketing situation (B) PRO-dairy NYS dairy profitability & productivity project (B) FIELD-Crops Field Crops information Agronomy Agronomy information (L) FCRops Field crop news (B) LIBrary Information on field crops insects (L) FOH Floriculture and Ornamental Horticulture INsects Biology & control of insects in greenhouses (L) * LIB Commercial F&OH information (L) * NEWs Commercial F&OH news (B) FOOD Food and nutrition information NUTrition Information on nutrition (B) * PREServation Questions and answers for food preservation (L) SAFETY Information on food safety (B) FRUit Small Fruit & Tree Fruit information PEST_status Predictions for fruit pest/tree events (P) GRPfacts Fact sheets on grapes and grape growing (L) GRApepests Current Info on Grape Insect Pests (B) SMall-fruit Small fruit information (L) SNews Info on crop & pest status for small fruits (B) TFRruit Tree Fruit Pest Fact Sheets (L) TFDisease Tree Fruit Disease Key (L) TNews Tree Fruit News (B) HOME-grounds Home & Grounds information * NEWS Home & Grounds News (B) * HGLib Home & Grounds info, newsletters & resources (L) HGInsects Home & Grounds Insects Fact Sheets (L) HUMAN-ecology College of Human Ecology information Aging Aging Resources (B) * CCBHS Coop. Communication Between Home & School (B) CEH-News Timely Consumer Information from CEH (B) CEH-Resources Annotated bibliography of CEH resources (L) * FCL Family Community Leadership (B) * SCHool-age School age child care project (B) TXAeduc Textiles & Apparel Educational Resources (L) IPM Information on Integrated Pest Management PESTstatus Pest event predictions for various commodities FRUIt Predictions for fruit pest/tree events (P) ORNAmental Predictions for ornamental pest events (P) * IPM-News IPM Program News (B) MISc Information on various topics AG-ENG Agricultural Engineering information (L) BIOtech Information for Biotechnology-Based Companies (L) Caep Cornell Agricultural Energy Program (B) FARM-mgt Farm Management (B) Global Global Awareness Links Global Links for Information Sharing (B) Awareness Global Awareness Program resources (L) MACintosh Macintosh software and information GRaphics Graphics utilities and art (B) Das Desk Accessories to help you out (B) Fonts More fonts for brochures, manuscripts (B) GUidelines Instruct on up & downloading Mac files (P) Hypercard Stacks to let you do more with HyperCard (B) MIsc Various applications (B) PROgramming Items of interest to Macintosh programmers (B) TEmplates Spreadsheets, letterhead examples, etc. (B) Utilities Various small applications to help you out (B) VIRus-utils Virus control utilities (B) NAMes Displays CENET users names (P) NYStat Releases from the NYS Agricultural Stat. Service (B) PONY People of New York (L) PROD Lists the products that are available on CENET (P) SEAgrant Marine Science information (B) NATural-resources Information on forestry and wildlife CHRIStmas-trees Christmas tree farming information and events (B) DAMage-news Wildlife damage news (B) FORestry Forestry News (B) FORGuide A Guide to Forest Management (L) * LYME-disease Lyme disease/tick information (B) WAter Water Resource Education (B) WILDlife Wildlife News (B) VEG Vegetable information Eco-gardening An Ecological Approach to Gardening (L) ONION-thrips Onion Thrips Monitoring and Thresholds (L) VEGEtable Vegetable news; local crop and pest status(B) VEG-Pests Fact sheets on vegetable insects and diseases (L) VEGVariety Vegetable Variety Recommendation (L) WEAther Weather information Agweather Ag weather summaries, forecasts, data (B) Extended-forecasts Mid and long range weather forecasts (B) Forecast NOAA Weather Forecast (P) Radar Hourly weather radar summaries (M) Weatherdata Displays Weather Data for Stations in NY (P) REMarks A place to ask/suggest any question on CENET (B) SETtings Change menu display and other settings (P) MAIL BASED SERVICES Note: The following instructions for using Almanac and listserv were excerpted from EXPLORING INTERNET: An Extension Agents' Introduction to Networking. Mailing groups, forums, discussion groups, and listservers are special interest groups where questions or issues are sent to the group via e-mail. Members of the group discuss the topic while all members observe the dialog. Some lists are more active than others and after subscribing to a list you may receive few or dozens of e-mail messages weekly. Mailing groups are available through Almanac. Listservers are available through Internet and BITNET. It's recommended that if you subscribe to a group or list that you have a personal e-mail account. Remember when you reply to a question posted by a member, your message is placed in the mailbox of every member of the group. Another type of mailing group available is a "server." Almanac servers are designed for one-way communications only. They are typically used by an author to distribute newsletters or news releases. * Do not send mail to Almanac mailing group servers. HOW TO: Subscribe to an Almanac Mailing Group 1. Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu OR almanac@ecn.purdue.edu OR almanac@esusda.gov * Each site maintains a Mailing List Catalog for their location. 2. In the body of your message type the following: send mail-catalog * The Mailing List Catalog describes the mailing groups available at that site. * Items designated as "servers" are reserved for one-way communications. Subscribing to a "server" list is similar to signing up for to a newspaper or magazine subscription. As new information is published you will receive a copy in your e-mail box. * Items designated as "forums" are discussion groups or interest groups. 3. Send an e-mail message to the Almanac site where the mailing group you wish to join is located. 4. In the body of your message type the following: subscribe and the name of the group. For example to subscribe to Ag A.M. you would type the following: subscribe usda.agam Almanac Servers (from EXPLORING INTERNET: An Extension Agents' Introduction to Networking) *************** Name: Ag A.M.daily national agriculture news Service: Almanacmailing group server Address: almanac@esusda.gov Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the following: subscribe usda.agam *************** Name: CITExtensionES-USDA bi-monthly newsletter focusing on communications and technology Service: Almanacmailing group server Address: almanac@esusda.gov Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the following: subscribe usda.cite *************** Name: ES-USDA Press Releasesfrom the Office of Public Affairs Service: Almanacmailing group server Address: almanac@esusda.gov Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the following: subscribe usda.news *************** Name: Food Market News Service: Almanacmailing group server Address: almanac@oes.orst.edu Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the following: subscribe fdmktnews-mg *************** Name: National Agricultural Market News Databasefrom the USDA Agricultural Market Service Service: Almanac database Address: almanac@oes.orst.edu Instruction: What's available: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the following: send market-news catalog How to get a report: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the following: send market-news and the code number of the report, for example: send market-news mpcn001 *************** Name: Nationwide Extension Job Vacancies Service: Almanac database Address: almanac@oes.orst.edu Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the following: send extension vacancies ************** Name: Research Results Databasefrom the Agricultural Research Service and the Economic Research Service Service: Almanac database Address: almanac@esusda.gov Instruction: What's available: Send an e-mail message to almanac@esusda.gov. In the messsage type the following: subscribe usda.rrdb How to get a report: Send an e-mail message to almanac@esusda.gov. In the message type the following: send rrdb and the code number of the report. *************** Name: Satellite Teleconference Calendar Service: Almanac database Address: almanac@oes.orst.edu Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the following: send extension satellite-calendar *************** Name: Sustainable Agriculture Discussion Group Service: Almanacmailing group forum Address: almanac@oes.orst.edu Instruction: To Subscribe: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the following: subscribe sanet-mg To send a message: Send an e-mail message to sanet-mg@oes.orst.edu *************** Name: Sustainable Agriculture Showcase Bibliography Service: Almanac database Address: almanac@oes.orst.edu Instruction: What's available: Send an e-mail message to almanac@oes.orst.edu. In the message type the following: send extension showcase catalog *************** Name: Water Quality Information Management Database Service: Almanac database Address: almanac@ecn.purdue.edu Instruction: What's available: Send an e-mail message to almanac@ecn.purdue.edu. In the message type send wq catalog How to get a report: Send an e-mail message to almanac@ecn.purdue.edu. In the message type the following: send wq and the code number of the report, for example: send wq wq-13.in HOW TO: Subscribe to a Listserver Discussion Group 1. Send an e-mail message to LISTSERV@ followed by the listserver address. For example to subscribe to a list located at the University of Maryland you would type the following: LISTSERV@UMDD.UMD.EDU * Listservers are available via Internet or BITNET. Most BITNET systems require .BITNET as part of the address. Use all caps when using BITNET addresses. 2. In the body of your message type the command: SUB followed by the name of the list and your name. For example to subscribe to a list called "Dairy-L" you would type the following: SUB DAIRY-L Joe Smith 3. To post a message to the group, send an e-mail message to the name of the list followed by the listserver address. For example to ask a question to the "Dairy-L" members you would send an e-mail note to DAIRY-L@UMDD.UMD.EDU and put your question in the body of your message. LISTSERVER Discussion groups related to agriculture (assembled from many sources) ************** AG-EXP-L@NDSUVM1 Discussion of the use of Expert Systems in Agricultural production and management. Bitnet: LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 Internet: LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU ************** AG-FORST@IRLEARN BIOSCI AgroForestry E-conference List for discussion of AGROFORESTRY -- the cultivation of trees in conjunction with the raising of animals. Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ************** AGPGMR-L@WSUVM1 Ag Programmers Inter/Intra- Disciplinary Interest Group Audience : Agricultural programmers, administrators, students, etc. with multi- disciplinary computer questions or otherwise unique computer questions for the agricultural community at large. Suggestion: With virtually infinite possible cross-disciplinary and unique (AG) computer questions. Bitnet: LISTSERV@WSUVM1 Internet: LISTSERV%WSUVM1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CU NY.EDU ************** AGRIC-L@UGA Agriculture Discussion Topics may include, but are not limited to: Grassland husbandry, Crop Science, Simulation of ecological processes and crop production, (Tropical) Forestry, Plant Physiology, Land Development, Water Resource management, Irrigation Science, Soil Science, Plant propagation, Cattle breeding, Pig farming Bitnet: LISTSERV@UGA Internet: LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU ************** AQUA-L@VM.UOGUELPH.CA The Aquaculture E-conference For individuals interested in the science, technology and business of rearing aquatic species. In the spirit of open discussion, membership in the list is public and unrestricted. Topics include: Who's doing what and where? Problems and solutions rearing aquatic larvae. Diseases, parasites and pathology. Water quality. Recirculation technology and applications. Research aquatic systems design and operation. Commercial aquatic systems design and operation. Site selection. Bitnet: LISTSERV@UOGUELPH Internet: LISTSERV@VM.UOGUELPH.CA ************** AQUIFER@IBACSATA Pollution and groundwater recharge Such in the increasing of agricultural,industrial and civil causes that an aquifer is not a warranty of pureness of its water; the aquifer has an own vulnerability to pollution as a function of different elements linked like hydrogeological parameters, chemical aspects and water flow. Aquifers recharge is one of the ways for controlling pollution. Bitnet: LISTSERV@IBACSATA ************** BEE-L@ALBNYVM1 BEE-L is for the discussion of research and information concerning the biology of bees. This includes honey bees and other bees (and maybe even wasps). We communicate about sociobiology, behavior, ecology, adaptation/evolution, genetics, taxonomy, physiology, pollination, and flower nectar and pollen production of bees. Bitnet: LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 Internet: LISTSERV@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU ************** BIO-INFO@IRLEARN.BITNET LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET BIOSCI Biological-Information-Theory Bulletin ************** BIO-JRNL@IRLEARN BIOSCI Bio-Journals E-conference: Postings of Biological Journal tables of contents. Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ************** BIO-NAUT@IRLEARN BIOSCI Bionauts E-conference: Directory of Biologists' online The main purpose of the list is to facilitate communications between life scientists. This list will have three main functions. 1) It can be used to ask questions about networking addresses of scientists in the biological life sciences. 2) If you have small databases of E-mail addresses related to your field of interest they can be uploaded. 3) If you subscribe you will be asked to send ONE MESSAGE to BIO-NAUT which gives a brief outline of who you are and your main interests. Instructions on the format of this MESSAGE will be sent to all subscribers individually. Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ************** BIO-SOFT@IRLEARN Internet/Bitnet/Janet,Earn distribution of the Usenet newsgroup BIO-SOFTWARE. The BIO-SOFTWARE newsgroup is not moderated. Questions, answers, and discussions are welcomed about software related to the biological sciences (or even about problems with other software that scientists might use in the course of their work such as word processors or communications software). Send subscription Requests to one of the addresses below: BIO-SOFTWARE%NET.BIO.NET@VM1.NOD AK.EDU bio-soft@NET.BIO.NET BitNet ************** BIOCIS-L@SIVM.BITNET BIOCIS-L Biology Curriculum Innovation Study LISTSERV@SIVM.BITNET ************** BIOFORUM@IRLEARN.BITNET BIOSCI Forum Bulletin Board LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET ************** BIOJOBS@IRLEARN BIOSCI Employment E-conference Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ************** BIOMATRX@IRLEARN BIOSCI Bio- Matrix E-conference Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ************** BIOMCH-L@HEARN E-conference for members of the International, European, American, Canadian and other Societies of Biomechanics, and for others with an interest in the general field of biomechanics and human or animal movement science. For the scope of this e-conference, see, e.g., the Journal of Biomechanics (Pergamon Press), the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (ASME), and Human Movement Science (North-Holland). Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@HEARN Internet: LISTSERV%HEARN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CU NY.EDU ************** BIONEWS@IRLEARN BIOSCI BioNews E-conference Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE ************** BIOPI-L@KSUVM.BITNET Secondary Biology Teacher Enhancement PI LISTSERV@KSUVM.BITNET ************** BIOSPH-L@UBVM Anything relating to the biosphere, pollution, CO-2 effect, ecology, habitats, climate, etc., can be discussed. Bitnet: LISTSERV@UBVMS Internet: LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU ************** BIOTECH@UMDC The Biotechnology e-conference is open for: Software/hardware issues Announcements Submission of bulletins Exchange of ideas and data The server accepts commands from the Subject: line of a message. The request for information and previous bulletins can be sent to BIOSERVE@UMDC.UMD.EDU (Internet) BIOSERVE@UMDC (Bitnet) All requests to be added to or deleted from this e-conference, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to the Coordinator: Archives: Previous bulletins are archived on BIOSERVE server disk. ************** BIRD_RBA@ARIZVM1 National Birding Hotline Cooperative BIRDCNTR@ARIZVM1 National Birding Hotline Cooperative (Central BIRDEAST@ARIZVM1 National Birding Hotline Cooperative (East) BIRDWEST@ARIZVM1 National Birding Hotline Cooperative (West) BIRDCHAT@ARIZVM1 Discussion of the Birding Hotline Cooperative BIRDBAND@ARIZVM1 for bird banders to discuss their trade. National Birding Hotline Cooperative. The e-conference provides a clearing-house for transcribed birding hotlines from around the country. (pick an e-conference in your region) Bitnet: LISTSERV@ARIZVM1 Internet: LISTSERV@ARIZVM1.BITNET@CUNYVM.C UNY.EDU ************** BNFNET Discussion Group for Biological Nitrogen Fixation. All requests to be added to or deleted from this e-conference, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to the Coordinator. Send your full name, postal address, and a short description of your work/interest in BNF. Coordinator: Eng-leong Foo (Internet) Eng- Leong_Foo_%KOM.KOMunity.SE@VM1.N ODAK.EDU *************** BRINE-L@UGA Brine Shrimp E- conference Bitnet: LISTSERV@UGA Internet: LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU *************** CIAMAA-L@USACHVM1 First Ibero- American Conference of the Atmosphere Bitnet: LISTSERV@USACHVM1 *************** CLADE@MSU Phylogenetics Bitnet: LISTSERV@MSU Internet: LISTSERV%MSU.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.ED U *************** CLASS-L@SBCCVM Classification, clustering, and phylogeny Bitnet: LISTSERV@SBCCVM *************** CLIMLIST@OHSTVMA E-conference of Climatologists Bitnet: LISTSERV@OHSTVMA Internet: LISTSERV%OHSTVMA.BITNET@VM1.NODA K.EDU *************** CYAN-TOX@GREARN The Cyanobacterial Toxins E- conference Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@GREARN *************** DAIRY-L@UMDD Dairy E-conference. DAIRY-L@UMDD is a discussion medium for professional educators and extension workers advising the dairy industry. Questions concerning problems or policies faced by dairy producers are encouraged, as are requests for educational tools such as visual aids, computer-aided decision support tools, and outlines of educational programs. Bitnet: LISTSERV@UMDD Internet: LISTSERVL@UMDD.UMD.EDU *************** EBCBCAT@HDETUD1 Catalogue of 'Biotechnological' software EBCBBUL is short for EBCB BULletin board, a facet of the European Bank of Computer Programs in Biotechnology (EBCB). EBCB is a non-profit making organization mainly funded by the European Community (EC). The main goal of EBCB is to stimulate and facilitate the use of computers in biotechnological training and research in Europe. EBCBBUL will not only promote user/user communication, but will also provide users with up to date information (e.g. about courses/congresses). EBCBBUL is public, and anyone with access to EARN can participate. Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@HDETUD1 Internet: LISTSERV@HDETUD1.TUDELFT.NL *************** ECONET@MIAMIU A discussion of Ecological and Environmental Issues Bitnet: LISTSERV@MIAMIU *************** EMBINFO@IBACSATA EMBNet(European Molecular Biology Network) Bitnet: LISTSERV@IBACSATA *************** EMBL-DB@IRLEARN.BITNET BIOSCI EMBL-Databank Bulletin Board LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET *************** ENVST-L@BROWNVM The Environmental Studies E- conference The purpose of this e-conference is to exchange information about Environmental Studies (ES) programs, Bitnet: LISTSERV@BROWNVM. Internet: LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU *************** EQUINE-D on LISTSERV@PCCVM.BITNET Rec.Equestrian Digest The Rec.Equestrian Digest is a redistribution of articles from the USENET rec.equestrian newsgroup for persons without USENET access. Distribution is in digest format as described in RFC 1153 by Frank Wancho. The list is currently running in read-only mode; no subscriber postings are permitted. EQUINE-D originated as an outgrowth of, and companion list to, EQUINE-L. Bitnet: LISTSERV@PCCVM Owner: W. K. (Bill) Gorman <34AEJ7D@CMUVM> *************** EQUINE-L @PCCVM Discussion Forum for Horse Fanciers EQUINE-L is an e-conference for the discussion of all phases of horse ownership, management, use and related concerns for all horse breeds, both hot and cold blood. Bitnet: LISTSERV@PCCVM. *************** ETHOLOGY@FINHUTC Ethology An unmoderated e-conference for the discussion of animal behaviour and behavioural ecology. Possible topics could be e.g. new or controversial theories, new research methods, and equipment. Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new software for behavioural analysis etc., are also encouraged. Bitnet: LISTSERV@FINHUTC Internet: LISTSERV%FINHUTC.BITNET@CUNYVM.C UNY.EDU *************** HERB@TREARN.BITNET Medicinal and Aromatic Plants discussion list LISTSERV@TREARN.BITNET *************** HGML-L@YALEVM Human Gene Mapping Library Bitnet: LISTSERV@YALEVM Internet: LISTSERV@YALEVM.YCC.YALE.EDU *************** HORT-L@VTVM1 Va Tech Horticulture Dept. - Monthly Releases Bitnet: LISTSERV@VTVM1 *************** INFO-GCG@UTORONTO E-conference covering topics in computer aided molecular biology and of particular interest to users and managers of the "Genetics Computer Group" software from the University of Wisconsin. Bitnet: LISTSERV@UTORONTO: Internet: LISTSERV@VM.EPAS.UTORONTO.CA *************** ITRDBFOR@ASUACAD International Dendrochronology Forum Bitnet: LISTSERV@ASUACAD Internet: LISTSERV@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.EDU *************** MICRONET@UOGUELPH Fungus and Root Interaction Discussion Bitnet: LISTSERV@UOGUELPH Internet: LISTSERV@VM.UOGUELPH.CA *************** MOL-EVOL@IRLEARN BIOSCI Molecular-Evolution E- conference Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE *************** MORPHMET@CUNYVM Biological Morphometrics Bitnet: LISTSERV@CUNYVM Internet: LISTERV@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU *************** NEWCROPS@PURCCVM E-conference for New Crops Bitnet: LISTSERV@PURCCVM *************** ORCHIDS@SCU.BITNET MAILSERV@SCU.BITNET Orchid growers Willis Dair This unmoderated list was created to share and discuss information and experiences of orchid growers. *************** OTS-L@YALEVM Organization for Tropical Studies at Yale University. Bitnet: LISTSERV@YALEVM Internet: LISTSERV@YALEVM.YCC.YALE.EDU *************** PHOTOSYN@TAUNIVM Photosynthesis Researchers' E-conference Bitnet: LISTSERV@TAUNIVM Internet: LISTSERV@taunivm.tau.ac.il *************** POP-BIO@IRLEARN POPULATION- BIOLOGY Population Biology is a synthesis of population ecology and population genetics, pursuing a unified theory to explain the structure, functioning and evolution of populations of living beings. Such populations are very complex systems, exhibiting a variety of phenomena that we stil do not master. Just to quote a famous example, multiannual density cycles (e.g. in lemmings) have not received a satisfactory expalnation, despite of decades of debated studies and speculations. Population Biology is a very active field, encompassing such diverse approaches as tenacious, harsh field work to track long term demographic and genetic fluctuations, or sophisticated conversations with a computer about strange attractors possibly causing chaos in the density fluctuations. The BITNET and USENET names of the new group are: Internet POPULATION-BIOLOGY Bitnet POP-BIO Use-Net bionet.population-bio Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE If you wish to participate in the the group, please send your subscription request to the appropriate BIOSCI node below. More informations on BIOSCI can also be requested at the adresses below: biosci%NET.BIO.NET@VM1.NODAK.EDU Internet biosci@net.bio.net BitNet *************** PROTEINS@IRLEARN BIOSCI Protein- Analysis E-conference Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE *************** RBMI@FRULM11.BITNET Groupe de Recherche en Biologie Moleculaire e LISTSERV@FRULM11.BITNET *************** RECYCLE@UMAB Recycling in Practice Bitnet: LISTSERV@UMAB Internet: LISTSERV@UMAB.UMD.EDU *************** SCI-RES@IRLEARN BIOSCI Science- Resources E-conference Bitnet/Earn: LISTSERV@IRLEARN Internet: LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE *************** SM-RUM@ICNUCEVM Small Ruminant E-conference Bitnet: LISTSERV@ICNUCEVM *************** TITNET An e-conference to promote communication among scientists working on tits (Paridae) and other hole-nesting birds *************** TROP-BIO@IRLEARN.BITNET LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET BIOSCI Tropical Biology Bulletin Board *************** VETCAI-L@KSUVM Veterinary Medicine Computer Assisted Instruction Bitnet: LISTSERV@KSUVM *************** VETMED-L@UGA Veterinary Medicine Bitnet: LISTSERV@UGA Peered by VETMED-L@VTVM2 Internet: LISTSERV@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU OTHER IMPORTANT SERVICES Miscellaneous services of interest The WAIS service below is important because the number of datbases is contstantly growing. There are WAIS stes available but this one is the best in my opinion. Wide Area Information Server at THINK.COM (Information below from HYTLENET-- see works cited.) To connect, type Telnet QUAKE.THINK.COM or login: wais Please type user identifier (optional, i.e user@host): TERM = (unknown) vt100 The WAIS (Wide Area Information Service) system is a collection of programs which provide for convenient information distribution over wide area networks. Tools for both "publishing" and accessing information sources are provided. The Simple WAIS (SWAIS) interface is a basic access tool designed for those focused on data retreival and not computer operation. It provides most of the functionality of the more complicated interfaces but features a simple and potentially more natural interface. The functionality supported includes source selection, keyword entry, and automatic document retrieval. I hope that this tool may be of use. Enjoy. The WAIS system is the result of a joint project between Thinking Machines, Apple Computer, and Dow Jones. For more information on WAIS, send mail to "wais-discussion@think.com". The current release of the WAIS software is available via anonymous ftp from think.com in subdirectory wais. Simple Wais 1.8 [built with WAIS release 8 b5] John Curran (jcurran@nnsc.nsf.net) Sample screens: SWAIS Source Selection Sources: 230 # ServerSource Cost 001: [ archie.au] aarnet-resource-guideFree 002: [ archive.orst.edu] aeronauticsFree 003: [nostromo.oes.orst.ed] agricultural-market-newsFree 004: [ archive.orst.edu] alt.drugsFree 005: [ wais.oit.unc.edu] alt.gopherFree 006: [sun-wais.oit.unc.edu] alt.sys.sunFree 007: [ wais.oit.unc.edu] alt.wais Free 008: [ archive.orst.edu] archie-orst.eduFree 009: [ archie.au] archie.au-amiga-readmesFree 010: [ archie.au] archie.au-ls-lRtFree 011: [ archie.au] archie.au-mac-readmesFree 012: [ archie.au] archie.au-pc-readmesFree 013: [ pc2.pc.maricopa.edu] ascd-educationFree 014: [ archie.au] au-directory-of-serversFree 015: [ doppler.ncsc.org] AVS_TXT_FILESFree 016: [ cirm2.univ-mrs.fr] bib-cirm Free 017: [ cmns-sun.think.com] bible Free 018: [zenon.inria.fr] bibs-zenon-inria-frFree Details on source 003: from above. Name: agricultural-market-news.src Directory: /sources/ Maintainer: wais@nostromo.oes.orst.edu Selected: No Cost: Free Server: nostromo.oes.orst.edu Service: 210 Database: agricultural-market-news Description: Server created with WAIS release 8 b3.1 on Oct 5 22:48:47 1991 by wais@nostromo.oes.orst.edu This server contains the agricultural commodity market reports compiled by the Agricultural Market News Service of the United States Department of Agriculture. There are approximately 1200 reports from all over the United States. Most of these reports are updated daily. Try searching for 'portland grain.' For more information contact: wais@oes.orst.edu Sample text retrieved using grain as the keyword: INSPECTIONS Subject: WA GR101 GRAIN INSPECTIONS Date: Mon, 04 May 92 11:30:43 AM WA GR101 WASHINGTON, D.C. USDA, FEDERAL STATE, MAY 4, 1992 GRAINS INSPECTED AND/OR WEIGHED FOR EXPORT - 1,000 BUSHELS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT PREVIOUS ------------ WEEK ENDING ----------- MARKET YEAR MARKET YEAR GRAIN 04/30/92 04/23/92 05/02/91 TO DATE TO DATE WHEAT 23,785 27,208 20,337 1,188,052 979,596 RYE 0 0 0 0 0 OATS 66 11 0 615 12 BARLEY 1,748 3,333 19 89,629 70,897 FLAXSEED 0 0 0 0 0 CORN 25,123 28,964 32,849 1,040,583 1,207,745 SORGHUM 7,148 9,142 4,559 195,941 161,724 SOYBEANS 6,733 11,161 6,606 551,326 411,856 SUNFLOWER 0 0 0 2,569 0 TOTAL 64,603 79,819 64,370 3,068,715 2,831,830 Geographic Name Server Fascinating and potentially very useful service. Try it. It is free!! (information below from HYTELNET- See works cited) To access type telnet 3000 Geographic Name Server, Copyright 1989, 1990 Merit Inc. All rights reserved. Data came primarily from the US Geodetic Survey and the US Postal Service. Coverage includes all US cities, counties, and states, as well as some US mountains, rivers, lakes, national parks, etc. A few international cities have also been included. Unfortunately, some minor inaccuracies remain. Merit Inc. is not responsible for maintaining this data. Queries should generally look like the last line of a postal address, as in "Ann Arbor, MI 48103". All these queries will also work: 1) ed(1)-style regular expression, like "[Bb]os.*n$" 2) A city name alone, like "Ann Arbor" 3) A ZIP or ZIP+4 code alone, like this: "46556", "48103-2112" NOTE: only the first 5 digits in a ZIP+4 code are used. 4) As in 1) or 2) but with a state name or abbreviation, like this: "Ann Arbor, MI", "Los Angeles, California" 5) As above but with optional nation name or abbreviation, like "Toronto, , Canada". NOTE: there are currently very few foreign cities. Punctuation, white space, and upper/lower case are ignored. Any reasonable state/nation abbreviations are recognized. If a query fails, try expanding abbreviations (e.g. change "Mt."to "Mount", etc. Interpret server replies as follows: 0 [city name] 1 [county FIPS code] [county name] 2 [state/province abbreviation] [state/province name] 3 [nation abbreviation] [nation name] A [telephone area code] E [elevation in feet above mean sea level] F [feature code] [feature name] L [latitude DD MM SS X] [longitude DDD MM SS X] P [1980 census population] R [remark] T [time zone] Z [postal ("ZIP") code] To exit the server, enter "stop", "end", "quit", "bye","exit", "logout", "logoff", or control-D. Direct questions or comments to Tom Libert (libert@eecs.umich.edu), or phone (313) 936-3000. FEDIX: On-line Information System for Colleges, Universities and other Research Organizations (information below from HYTELNET- See works cited) To access, type telnet fedix.fie.com or login: fedix FEDIX is an on-line information service that links the higher education community and the federal government to facilitate research, education, and services. The system provides accurate and timely federal agency information to colleges, universities, and other research organizations. FEDIX provides daily information updates on: - Federal EDUCATION and RESEARCH PROGRAMS (including descriptions, eligibility, funding, deadlines). - SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, and GRANTS - Available used government RESEARCH EQUIPMENT - New funding for specific research and education activities from the COMMERCE BUSINESS DAILY, FEDERAL REGISTER, and other sources. - MINORITY ASSISTANCE research and education programs - NEWS & CURRENT EVENTS within participating agencies - GENERAL INFORMATION such as agency history, budget, organizational structure, mission statement, etc. PARTICIPATING AGENCIES Currently FEDIX provides information on 10 federal agencies. The Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Naval Research (ONR), NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are providing comprehensive education- and research-related agency information, while the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Commerce (DOC), Department of Education (DOEd) and National Security Agency (NSA) are providing minority assistance information, exclusively. Additional government agencies are expected to join FEDIX in the future. FEDIX HELPLINE On-Line Information Service (301) 975-0103 FEDIX MAIN MENU 1 - COMPREHENSIVE AGENCY INFORMATION7 - Mail 2 - MINORITY PROGRAM INFORMATION8 - Announcements 3 - Search Programs (Cross-Agency)9 - System Updates 4 - Procurements, Notices and News10 - What is FEDIX? 5 - Utility Menu 6 - Downloadable Files 0 - Logoff Weather Underground (University of Michigan) Provides weather forecasts for the entire country. Who needs the WEATHER CHANNEL? (information below from HYTELNET- See works cited) To access: 1. Type telnet hermes.merit.edu or 2. At the "Which Host?" prompt type um-weather WEATHER UNDERGROUND MAIN MENU ------------------------------------- 1) Forecast for a U.S. city 2) National Weather Summary 3) Current weather observations 4) Ski conditions 5) Long-range forecasts 6) Latest earthquake report 7) Severe weather 8) Hurricane advisories 9) Canadian forecasts X) Exit program C) Change scrolling to screen WORKS CITED Documents used in the preparation of this guide: Barron, Billy, UNT's Accessing On-Line Bibliographic Databases, University of North Texas, 1992. This document can be acquired via anonymous FTP on the node FTP.UNT.EDU. This guide is one of the best and most comprehensive guides to library catalogs on the INTERNET. Dartmouth Merged List. Dartmouth maintains a merged list of the LISTSERV lists on Bitnet and the Interest Group lists on the Internet. The files can be obtained by anonymous FTP from DARTCMS1.DARTMOUTH.EDU <> in directory SIGLISTS. EXPLORING INTERNET: An Extension Agents' Introduction to Networking; February 1992, USDA Extension Service, Washington, D.C. 1992. This document is available in text format from Thomas G. Tate, Communications and Information Technology,USDA Extension Service Room 3322-S,Washington, D.C., 20250-0900, Phone (202) 720-8155, INTERNET: ttate@esusda.gov Scott, Peter, HYTELNET 6.0, University of Saskatchewan Libraries, Saskatoon, Sask, Canada,1992. This software package is available via anonymous FTP on the node FTP.UNT.EDU. HYTELNET is designed to assist you in reaching all of the INTERNET-accessible libraries, Freenets, CWISs, Library BBSs, & other information sites by Telnet. SRI NIC Maintained Interest-Groups List of Lists. Available via anonymous FTP from ftp.nisc.sri.com. Other useful guides: There are many others but these are the best. BBN Systems and Technologies Corporation, Internet Resources Guide, April 1991, Available for anonymous FTP on NNSC.NSF.NET. Kehoe, Brendan P. Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide to the Internet. This is the best guide to the INTERNET avaialble anywhere. Available via anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.widener.edu, directory pub, filename zen. Martin, Jerry, There's Gold in them thar Networks!, or, Searching for Treasure in all the Wrong Places. (Network Working Group RFC 1290. Available via anonymous ftp from nis.nsf.net, directory publications/rfc, filename rfc1290.txt. Noonan, Dana, A GUIDE TO INTERNET/BITNET, METRONET, January, 1992. GUIDE1.TXT contains information on using a VAX, sending email, subscribing to mailing lists, obtaining electronic journals, logging on to internet bulletin boards, and using FTP to obtain files. GUIDE2.TXT contains her latest list of internet libraries. (Jan. 1992 files) Available via anonymous ftp form node HYDRA.UWO.CA in LIBSOFT directory. NYSERNet, NYSERNet New User's Guide to Useful and Unique Resources on the Intenet. NYSERNet: Syracuse, New York. Available via ftp from nysernet.org, directory public.] [For more information contact editor@nysernet.org.] St.George, Art and Ron Larsen, Internet - Accessible Library Catalogs & Databases, University of Maryland, University of New Mexico, April 1991. Available via anonymous FTP on ARIEL.UNM.EDU. St.Sauver, Joe, The VAX Book, University of Oregon, 1989. Available for anonymous FTP on DECOY.UOREGON.EDU.