ftp.nisc.sri.com: netinfo/interest-groups [14 June 1993]
Welcome to the "List of lists." This is a listing of special interest
group mailing lists available on the Internet. This file is available via
anonymous ftp on ftp.nisc.sri.com in netinfo/interest-groups. A compressed
version is available in netinfo/interest-groups.Z. It may also be obtained
through e-mail by sending a message to mail-server@nisc.sri.com with "send
netinfo/interest-groups" in the body of the message.
A hardcopy, indexed version of this list is available from Prentice Hall
under the title "Internet: Mailing Lists". The ISBN number for this book
is 0-13-327941-3. It is available in many bookstores, and may be ordered
directly from Prentice Hall by calling 515-284-6751.
To submit updates for the description of an existing mailing-lists or to
add a new listing, send a message to interest-groups-request@nisc.sri.com.
Listings should include the following:
List Address:
Archive location and availability:
How to join:
New versions of this list are typically issued on a quarterly basis.
PLEASE NOTE: The general convention is that for administrivia about a list
(like getting added or deleted, asking about archive files, etc.) you
write to list-REQUEST@host (e.g., 386USERS-REQUEST@UDEL.EDU). This gets
you to the Coordinator, rather than to the membership of the entire mailing
list. Please look carefully at the entry for each list you are interested
in, to see if a -REQUEST address has been provided.
SRI tries keep entries current. However, since information is provided by
the list maintainers, some entries may be out of date.
A moderated list for Intel 80386 topics, including hardware and
software questions, reviews, rumors, etc. Open to owners, users,
prospective users, and the merely curious.
Archives are available via an electronic mail server. Details about
its use can be obtained by sending a request to
386USERS-REQUEST@UDEL.EDU. All requests to be added to or deleted
from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to
List Maintainer: James Galvin
List Moderator: Bill Davidsen
This mailing list is to discuss 3Com products, such as 3+ Network,
3+Open LAN Manager, 3+Open TCP, 3+/3+Open Mail, NDIS, MultiConnect
Repeater, LanScanner, 3Com Ethernet Cards etc.
To subscribe, send the following command to one of the addresses
SUBSCRIBE 3COM-L your_full_name.
Archives of 3COM-L discussions can be listed by sending the command
Owner: Chandra Liem
An unmoderated list for discussing 3-D (Stereo) photography. Topics
include tips, techniques, reviews, general information, war stories,
and event announcements. Open to everyone interested in 3-D,
including photographers, collectors, and those who want to know more
about 3-D.
No formal archive facility is in place for 3D yet but all submissions
will be archived privately and something may be set up later.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to 3D-REQUEST@BFMNY0.UU.NET.
Coordinator: Tom Neff <3D-REQUEST@BFMNY0.UU.NET>
4DOS on ListServ@IndyCMS
4DOS (4DOS command interpreter) is dedicated to discussion of the 4DOS
command interpreter, or "DOS Shell," produced by JP Software Inc. 4DOS
(the list) is completely independent of 4DOS (the command interpreter)
and JP Software Inc (the manufacturer).
To subscribe to 4DOS send the following command SUB 4DOS yourfirstname
yourlastname in the BODY or mail (or an interactive command on BITNET)
4DOS is owned and coordinated by an interested user (John B Harlan).
List owner/coordinator: John B Harlan
78-L is a discussion group devoted to music and recordings of the
pre-LP era. The list is open to collectors and lovers of all kinds of
music of this era, such as early jazz and blues, big bands, show
music, vaudeville, classical, etc., as well as spoken word and other
historical recordings. We also welcome discussion of recording
history, discography, the collectors' market, and vintage phonographs.
The group is not slanted toward any particular type of music or
collector interest. Whether you're into cylinders or discs, vintage
jazz or big bands, cranking up a victrola or playing your records
through modern stereo equipment, we welcome your participation and
hope that we can learn from each other and broaden our musical tastes.
The common element is that what we listen to was recorded at (or near)
78 rpm.
The list is open and unmoderated. To subscribe, send mail to
listserv@cornell.edu with the following text: 'SUB 78-L '.
If you have any questions about 78-L, contact the owner.
Owner: Doug Elliot
90210@ferkel.ucsb.edu [Last Update 8/92]
Purpose: Discussion of the Fox TV show, Beverly Hills, 90210.
Contact: 90210-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Jim Lick)
Discussion of topics specific to the IBM 9370 family and the VM/IS
packaging system, and the special opportunities/problems of those
To subscribe send the following command to LISTSERV@HEARN (non-BitNet
users send mail to LISTSERV%HEARN.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU with the
command in the message body): SUBSCRIBE 9370-L Your_Full_Name where
Your_Full_Name is your real name, not your userid. To unsubscribe,
send: UNSUBSCRIBE 9370-L
Coordinator: Rob van Hoboken
9NOV89-L@DBOTUI11.BITNET [Last Update 28-January-92]
Mailing list for whoever may attach a meaning to the date of 9.11.1989
(or 89-11-09, or 11/9/89). Unfortunately the people living in the
German Democratic Republic will not be able to participate in this
discussion, because they are not (yet?) on this network. The list
name reflects the most important event in the recent German history,
but it can't and shouldn't be seen isolated from what happened, and is
now happening, in Poland, the USSR, and Hungary before. And yes, dear
Joe Techno, all this will influence even such important things as our
To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@DBOTUI11 (BitNet) or
LISTSERV%DBOTUI11.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU (Internet) with the following
command in the body (text) of the message: SUB 9NOV89-L
your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your real name, not your
login Id. (Example: SUB 9NOV89-L Jane Doe)
Coordinator: Gerard Gschwind (GSCHWIND@DBOTUI11.bitnet)
A list has been created for the discussion of the works of Anne Rice.
The address is A.Rice@HAMPVMS.BITNET.
To subscribe, send a request to ngustas@HAMPVMS.BITNET.
Digest for discussion of the Automated AUTODIN Interface system. The
AAI system is a series of programs that interface a data processing
installation (DPI) with an AUTODIN switching center. This digest will
provide information to the user community and other personnel
interested in the developments/enhancements and implementation
The AAI-Digests (and past AAI-Digest files contained in the Archive
directory) are organized by Volume # and Issue #. Information was
informally disseminated prior to the initiation of the AAI digest, and
those newsletters stored in the aai account Archive directory can be
requested by reference to month and year.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to AAI@ST-LOUIS-EMH2.ARMY.MIL.
Coordinator: Jo Ann M. Bohnenstiehl
Carol McDonald
This list has been created to provide a forum for discussion between
veterinary diagnostic laboratories and members of the AAVLD. Topics
such as test standardization, fees, diagnostic information assistance,
animal health surveillance, reports on conferences and symposia are
especially welcomed. Discussions related to specific cases should be
approached within the limits of diagnostic medicine and restrict
discussions of therapy or treatments. The latter is discussed on
another list, VETMED-L@UGA.BITNET
The list will be limited to members of the AAVLD.
Archives of AAVLD-L and related files are stored in the AAVLD-L
FILELIST. To receive a list of files, send the command INDEX AAVLD-L
To subscribe to the list, send the following command to
LISTSERV@UCDCVDLS via interactive message or in the BODY of e-mail:
James T. Case, Administrator University of California
Information Systems School of Veterinary Medicine
California Veterinary Diagnostic P.O. Box 1770
Laboratory System Davis, CA 95617
jcase@ucdcvdls.bitnet (916)752-4408
ACADV is a private forum for those engaged in the delivery of academic
advising services in higher education; it is primarily for
professional advisors (those employed in the field of academic
advising) and for faculty members who have academic advising
responsibilities, rather than for computer support personnel.
Individuals in the field of academic advising may subscribe to the
forum by sending the following message to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1
interactively: SUB ACADV your_full_name where "your_full_name" is
your real name, not your login Id. (Example: SUB ACADV John R. Doe)
Non-BitNet advisors can subscribe by sending the above command as the
text/body of a message to LISTSERV%NDSUVM1.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU.
Monthly notebooks are maintained and may be retrieved by any member of
the forum by sending the command: INDEX ACADV
Coordinator: Dr. Harold L. Caldwell
ACCESS-L is an open, unmoderated discussion list relating to
Microsoft's Windows database product, ACCESS. Virtually any topic
related to ACCESS, from the novice level to professional tips/advice,
is germane. Please note that the list is NOT sponsored or otherwise
recognized by MICROSOFT, although MS professionals are certainly
welcome to subscribe and participate.
Archives of ACCESS-L mail items are kept in monthly files. You may
obtain a list of files in the archives by sending the command
in the BODY of e-mail to LISTSERV@INDYCMS on BITNET or to
To subscribe, send the following command in the BODY of mail to
SUB ACCESS-L yourfirstname yourlastname
For example:
Owner: Nathan Brindle
Warning: There is another LISTSERV list of the same name on another
topic. Be sure to send your commands to the INDYCMS LISTSERV. mgh
This list is for discussing all aspects of academic software
Some topics for discussion are:
- Courseware sources)
development - Design techniques
- Research tool - Faculty acceptance
development of courseware
- Institutional - Role played by
policies regarding development in the
development & use faculty reward
- Development system
practices - Support policies
- Available resources - Reviews
(including grant
Types of academic software include:
- Simulations environments
- Authoring techniques - Interactive learning
- Hypermedia - Drills
- Immersion learning
To subscribe send an interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@WUVMD
(LISTSRV%WUVMD.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU, for Internet users) containing
SUB ACSOFT-L FirstName LastName.
Please do NOT send these commands to the list address ACSOFT-L@WUVMD.
Doing so will cause your request to be broadcast to all subscribers
and will not cause your name to be added to the list.
Comments and questions should be directed to:
ListOwner: Timothy Bergeron, C09615TB@WUVMD.BITNET
ListMaster: Steve Middlebrook, C94882SM@WUVMD.BITNET
College Activism/Information list.
To subscribe to this list, send the command,
ACTNOW-L John Q. Public / The University at Anytown)
to the LISTSERV machine at BrownVM. Be certain to send the command
from the same account which you will normally be submitting articles
If you have questions about the list, please address them via
electronic mail to one or more of the following network addresses:
ST710852@brownvm.brown.edu (ST701852@BROWNVM on BITNET)
atropos@drycas.club.cc.cmu.edu (atropos@DRYCAS on BITNET)
A mailing list for those who in accessing and contributing software to
the Ada Repository on SIMTEL20; it serves two purposes: to provide an
information exchange medium between the repository users and to mail
repository submissions to the Coordinator for inclusion in the
Mail archives are kept on host WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL as TOPS20 mail
files named yymm.n-TXT, where n starts with one and increments by one
into another file as each file reached 150 disk pages. To conserve
disk space, all the mail files in the archive, except for the current
year, are individually compressed. The compressed files have the
suffix -Z as part of the filetype field; they should be renamed to
have the suffix .Z (uppercase Z) when transferred to a Unix system so
the uncompress program will find them. The current month's mail is
still kept in ADA-SW-ARCHIV.TXT. The archives are stored in
directory: PD2: Archive files are available via
ANONYMOUS FTP from WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL for those with TCP/IP access
to the Internet.
The Ada Repository is divided into several subdirectories. These
directories are organized by topic, and their names and a brief
overview of their topics are contained in file
PD:DIRLIST.DOC. All requests to be added to or deleted
from this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Rick Conn
ADDICT-L on LISTSERV@KENTVM [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
ADDICT-L is an electronic conference for mature discussion of the many
types of addictions experienced by a large portion of society. The
focus of this list is to provide an information exchange network for
individuals interested in researching, educating or recovering from a
variety of addictions. It is not the intent of this list to focus on
one area of addiction, but rather to discuss the phenomena of
addiction as it relates to areas of sexual, co-dependency, eating
addiction, etc... Truly a list that many aspects could be discussed.
-- All individuals with an interest in the topic area are welcome.
-- Subscriptions of those interested will be added by the listowner
-- Subscribers should look forward to educating themselves about
addictions, and discussing relevant topics related to addiction
and recovery.
-- Intended as an information exchange network and discussion group
Possible Appropriate Subjects:
-- Discussion of etiology of addictions
-- Effects of addictions
-- Recovery from addiction and 12 Step Programs
-- Recent article publications relevant to addiction literature
-- Networking with others having related interests
Drug/Alcohol addiction has a way of becoming an easy topic of
discussion. It is the intent of this list to broaden the awareness of
addictions into a variety of other areas. There are Electronic lists
devoted to drug/alcohol use for those interested only in that area
Subscription Procedure:
To subscribe from a bitnet account send an interactive or e-mail
message addressed to LISTSERV@KENTVM. Internet users send mail to
LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU (In mail, leave the subject line blank and
make the text of your message the following:
SUB ADDICT-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Questions can be addressed to listowner: David Delmonico
Mailing list for discussing all aspects of the Dungeons & Dragons and
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons games -- new spells, new monsters, etc...
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@UTARLVM1 via mail
or interactive message: SUB ADND-L your_full_name where
"your_full_name" is your real name, not your login Id. For example:
SUB ADND-L Joan Doe Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending the
above command in the body of a message to
Also, the list is also peered at ADND-L@PUCC.
Coordinators: Faustino Cantu
Mailing list dedicated to the music of the Severed Heads and of bands
on the Ralph label.
The Severed Heads are an Australian band that has been releasing music
since 1980. Their recent albums have also been released in Europe and
the USA. Ralph Records is a San Francisco label, and includes/has
included the Residents, Tuxedomoon, Yello, Renaldo & The Loaf, Penn
Jillette, Snakefinger, Fred Frith, Clubfoot Orchestra, Rhythm & Noise,
MX 80 Sound, Eugene Chadbourne, & more. We also welcome discussion of
Ralph's friends, such as the Longshoremen and the Blitzoids.
All requests to be added, dropped, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Yary Richard Phillip Hluchan
ADV-ELO is a list to discuss the latest advances in electronics.
Archives of ADV-ELO can be listed by sending the command INDEX to
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@UTFSM via mail or
interactive message. SUB ADV-ELO your full name Where "your full
name" is your name. For example: SUB ADV-ELO Francisco Fernandez
Owner: Francisco Javier Fernandez ( FFERNAND@UTFSM.BITNET )
ADV-ELI is a list to discuss the latest advances in electric
Archives of ADV-ELI can be listed by sending the command INDEX to
To subscribe, sent the following command to LISTSERV@UTFSM via mail or
interactive message. SUB ADV-ELI your full name Where "your full
name" is your name. For example: SUB ADV-ELI Francisco Fernandez
Owner: Francisco Javier Fernandez ( FFERNAND@UTFSM.BITNET)
ADV-INFO is a list to discuss the latest advances in computing.
Archives of ADV-INFO can be listed by sending the command INDEX to
To subscribe, sent the following command to LISTSERV@UTFSM.BITNET via
mail or interactive message.
SUB ADV-INFO your full name
Where "your full name" is your name. For example:
SUB ADV-INFO Francisco Fernandez
Owner: Francisco Javier Fernandez ( FFERNAND@UTFSM.BITNET)
This list deals with the Geac Advance library system, which is used
for online library catalogs, library circulation, book acquisitions,
and journal control. All issues relating to the Advance hardware and
software are relevant. To subscribe send mail to
LISTSERV@IDBSU.BITNET with the body containing SUB ADVANC-L
yourfirstname yourlastname
Dan Lester 1910 University Dr. Bitnet: ALILESTE@IDBSU
Library Boise, Idaho 83725 Internet:
Boise State University (208) 385-1234 ALILESTE@IDBSU.IDBSU.EDU
Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion among students who
work part-time at the various university computer centers. It is
particularly intended for people who work as student advisors or
consultants, although others are welcome. Another use of the list is
to get help from others on problems that might be encountered, or to
let everyone know about new things such as new file servers, so that
everyone can put the network to the best possible use.
Alternate paths/addresses: The list is served by 5 servers
and MD4F@CMUCCVMA) which are peer linked so that anything sent to one
will be sent to the other two automatically. ADVISE-L@NCSUVM is
probably the closest server to the CUNYVM Internet gateway.
To subscribe to the list:
ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not
your userid).
From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command.
If you are at a site not on bitnet or where you cannot send
interactive messages you can send a message to
LISTSERV%CANADA01.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU where the first non-header
line consists of: SUBSCRIBE ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name
Please refer any questions to the Coordinator.
Coordinator: Scott Campbell
Purpose: The "aeronautics" mailing list is a moderated version of the
sci.aeronautics newsgroup, and as such will deal with various
technical aspects of aviation, such as human factors, airliner
operations, avionics, and aerodynamics. It will be a one-way feed
(sci.aeronautics -> mailing list), unless sufficient demand requires
that it go in the opposite direction.
Contact: aeronautics-request@rascal.ics.utexas.edu
AFAS-L on LISTSERV@KENTVM [Last Updated 6/92]
Discussion of African American Studies and and Librarianship
AFAS-L is a computer conference among librarians and other interested
people on topics relating to African American Experience and
Librarianship. Topics can include peripheral issues such as race
relations and multicultural diversity. Sample topics that could be
discussed on this list include:
Information literacy and African Americans Pan African resources and
core collections The impact of an afrocentric curriculum on society
Subject headings for ethnic groups (controlled vocabulary) And many
To join AFAS-L, send e-mail to LISTSERV@KENTVM on BITNET or
LISTSERV@KENTVM.KENT.EDU on the Internet with the following command in
the BODY of the mail: SUB AFAS-L your full name
To send a message to AFAS-L, send your e-mail message to AFAS-L@KENTVM
This list is open but moderated. Anything intentionally posted to the
list will appear on the list. The moderators will provide feedback on
the appropriateness of a given posting, although anything that a
subscriber thinks is appropriate is. Comments and suggestions on the
functioning and moderating policy, however, should be posted directly
to the moderators and will be considered carefully.
The moderators of AFAS-L are librarians in academic institutions:
Rochelle Redmond Ballard fdballar@ucf1vm.Bitnet
Gladys Smiley Bell gbell@kentvm.Bitnet
Gerald Holmes gholmes@kentvm.Bitnet
Stanton Biddle sfbbb@cunyvm.Bitnet
Michael Walker mwalker@vcuvax.Bitnet
Carol Ritzen Kem carolkem@nervm.Bitnet
Mark G. R. McManus mmcmanus@s850.mwc.edu
AFRICA-L on LISTSERV@BRUFMG.BITNET [Last Updated 27-March-1992]
A Pan-African forum for the discussion of the interests of African
peoples (in Africa, and expatriate), and for those with an interest in
the African continent and her peoples. Of special interest will be
ways to help facilitate the flow of communications (electronic and
other) to and from Africa. News, light-hearted discussions, and
cultural and educational items are welcome.
To subscribe to AFRICA-L send the following message to
LISTSERV@BRUFMG: (Note that this is a BITNET address)
SUBSCRIBE AFRICA-L your name and your African interests
For example, subscribe africa-l J. Smith Togo
set africa-l repro
To obtain a list of current subscribers, send the message "review
List Owner: Carlos Fernando Nogueira (CTEDTC09@BRUFPB)
AFRICANA on LISTSERV@WMVM1 or LISTSERV@wmvm1.cc.wm.edu [Last Update 11/92]
The purpose of AFRICANA LISTSERV is to provide an electronic forum for
sharing and exchanging information on the various activities going on
in the field of information technology in Africa. Interested parties
are invited to post notices, questions, ideas and pertinent
information on WHO is Doing WHAT, WHERE, HOW WHEN and even WHY
anywhere on the continent of Africa.
We are interested in learning about successful, interactive linkages
with institutions on the African continent. Tell us about your
successes and failures, hardware, software, problems, solutions,
on-going collaborative projects, policy and logistical issues,
impending plans and so forth. Tell us about all applicable
communication technologies that make it possible today for residents
in Africa to interact with others around the world quickly.
One particularly vexing problem we are faced with is how to develop a
viable infrastructure for accessing the new information technologies
in African business and learning institutions. Some of you out there
have or have had exciting experiences in linking parts of Africa with
the global network. Let us hear from you!
Archives are stored in the AFRICANA FILELIST. To receive a list of
available files, send the command INDEX AFRICANA to LISTSERV@WMVM1 or
To subscribe to AFRICANA, send the following command to LISTSERV@WMVM1
or LISTSERV@wmvm1.cc.wm.edu via mail text or interactive message:
Joan Doe
Owner: Paa-Bekoe Welbeck or
Discusses the use of Expert Systems in Agricultural production and
management. Primary emphasis is for practitioners, Extension
personnel and Experiment Station researchers in the land grant system.
BITNET, EARN, or NetNorth subscribers can join by sending the Listserv
SUB command with your name. For example, SEND LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 SUB
be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 SIGNOFF AG-EXP-L or
Those without interactive access may send the Listserv Command portion
of the above lines as the first TEXT line of a message. For example:
SUB AG-EXP-L Jon Doe would be the only line in the body (text) of mail
Monthly public logs of mail to AG-EXP-L are kept on LISTSERV for a few
months. For a list of files send the 'Index AG-EXP-L' command to
Coordinator: Sandy Sprafka
AIBI-L is the LISTSERV discussion forum of l'Association
internationale bible et informatique).
AIBI-L is an on-going forum and meeting place for AIBI members and
others who wish to join the discussion of issues related to the
computerised-analysis of Biblical and related texts.
Possible subjects for discussion include (but are not limited to)
computer-based interpretation of specific texts, methodological
questions, preparation of the text for computerised analysis,
software-design and programming, computer-based hermeneutics. Of
particular interest will be a discussion of a new edition of the
Biblia Hebraica, incorporating insights from computer-based analysis.
No formal membership in AIBI is necessary for participation in AIBI-L.
The language of exchange will be English.
To subscribe to AIBI-L:
BITNET users
send an interactive message: TELL LISTSERV AT UOTTAWA SUB AIBI-L
your full name or send a mail message to LISTSERV@UOTTAWA in
which the only line of the mail text (BODY) is: SUB AIBI-L your
full name
for INTERNET users
send a mail message to LISTSERV@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA in which the
only line of the mail text (BODY) is: SUB AIBI-L your full name
Moderator of AIBI-L: L. G. Bloomquist GBLOOMQ@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA (Internet)
@UOTTAWA (Bitnet)
Editor of AIBI Newsletter: R. F. Poswick CIBMARE@BUCLLN11 (Bitnet/Earn)
Postmaster at Ottawa: Tram Nguyen TRAMNG@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA (Internet)
@UOTTAWA (Bitnet)
Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion on the subjects
related to AI applications to Human-Computer interface design. This
could include user modeling, self-adaptive interfaces, intelligent
user agents, multi-modal I/O (Natural Language, graphics, speech),
intelligent user-interface management systems, intelligent on-line
advising, task modelling, and any other related issues. Announcements
of books, papers, conferences, new products, public domain software
tools, etc. are also encouraged.
A limited archive of the most recent messages is available by request
from wiley!ai-chi-request@LLL-LCC.LLNL.GOV.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Dr. Sherman Tyler
Discussions related to the application of artificial intelligence to
education. This includes material on intelligent computer assisted
instruction (ICAI) or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), interactive
encyclopedias, intelligent information retrieval for educational
purposes, and psychological and cognitive science models of learning,
problem solving, and teaching that can be applied to education.
Issues related to teaching AI are welcome. Topics may also include
evaluation of tutoring systems, commercialization of AI based
instructional systems, description of actual use of an ITS in a
classroom setting, user-modeling, intelligent user-interfaces, and the
use of graphics or videodisk in ICAI. Announcements of books, papers,
conferences, new products, public domain software tools, etc. are
If there are several people at one site that are interested, users
should try to form a local distribution system to lessen the load on
Archives of messages are kept on host SUN.COM.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to AI-Ed-Request@SUN.COM.
Moderators: J.R. Prohaska
Stuart Macmillan
ai-kappa-pc@mailbase.ac.uk [Last Update 5/93]
This is an e-mail list for discussion of topics related to the
Intellicorp object-oriented programming/expert system tool Kappa PC.
It is intended to be a forum for discussion of programming problems,
hints, tips and also wider issues related to OOP/Expert System
development. If you would like to join, send a message to
mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk containing the line:
join ai-kappa-pc
If you would like more information on the list you can mail me:
ai-medicine is an unmoderated mailing list serving internet and bitnet
domains since Sept. 1990. Current readership consists mainly of
computer scientists and engineers with interest in biomedical and
clinical research, and of physicians with interest in medical
AI in Medicine is a broad subject area which encompasses almost all
research areas in artificial intelligence. For the purposes of this
mailing list, AI in Medicine may be defined as "computed-based medical
decision support" (or "computer-assisted medical decision making").
This definition may be expanded to include AI-based approaches to
computer-assisted medical instruction. According to this definition,
topics such as billing systems and hospital/medical office information
retrieval systems clearly remain outside the scope of this forum.
There are some borderline topics which cannot readily be classified
under AI in Medicine, yet have clear connections to both artificial
intelligence and medical practice. Processing and interpretation of
medical images and signals are among those subject areas, and the
current readership of this list contains a substantial number of
researchers working in these fields. These borderline subject areas
will remain within the scope of the list, as long as the focus lies on
the artificial intelligence aspects, and not the detailed engineering
Who may join: any individual or organization with internet or bitnet
mailing addresses may join.
Requests for subscription may be sent to:
List address for unmoderated distribution of messages:
List coordinator: Serdar Uckun, MD, PhD, uckun@hpp.stanford.edu
The AIDSNews Forum is used for the discussion of any issue relating to
AIDS/ARC. AIDS Treatment News reports on experimental and alternative
treatments, especially those available now. It collects information
from medical journals, and from interviews with scientists, physicians
and other health practitioners, and persons with AIDS or ARC; it does
not recommend particular therapies, but seeks to increase the options
available. The ethical and public-policy issues around AIDS treatment
research will also be examined. AIDS Treatment News, Northern Lights
Alternatives, and many other publications are also distributed to this
A library of files is also available. Send or mail the following
command to LISTSERV@RUTVM1.BITNET for a current listing of available
Bitnet users may subscribe to the list by doing: TELL LISTSERV at
RUTVM1 SUBSCRIBE AIDSNEWS Your_Full_Name where Your_Full_Name is your
real name (not your userid). From a VMS BITNET site use the
SEND/REMOTE command.
Users outside Bitnet should use the appropriate gateway to send mail
to LISTSERV@RUTVM1.BITNET. The text of the message should be the
single line: SUBSCRIBE AIDSNEWS Your_Full_Name
To protect privacy the subscriber list is kept confidential. If you
have any problems subscribing to the list send mail to the
Coordinator: Michael Smith
AIL-L@austin.onu.edu [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
AIL-L is a list for the discussion of topics related to Artificial
Intelligence and Law
To subscribe to AIL-L you should send a message to the internet
address listserv@austin.onu.edu The body of the message should consist
subscribe AIL-L
for example: subscribe ail-l Jane Doe
List Manager: David R. Warner, Jr.
AIRCRAFT@GREARN.BITNET [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
This list is a discussion forum about aircraft and helicopters, modern
and old. Also info about air-shows and similar events can be
exchanged through this list, offering to its subscribers a way of
learning the latest news on this subject.
You can subscribe by sending the following command to LISTSERV@GREARN
by mail/file/interactive message:
SUB AIRCRAFT Your_full_name
for example on an IBM VM system you could enter TELL LISTSERV AT
Then, any mail can be distributed to the rest of subscribers by
sending it to the address AIRCRAFT@GREARN.BITNET
Owner: Giorgos Kavallieratos
Airline has been established to enable those interested in Airlines
and Civil Aircraft to discuss relevant topics. While prototype
subjects are expected to be the main area of discourse, modelers are
welcome as well. Discussion should generally be related to the
prototypes whenever possible. Those seeking to join a list for
military aircraft, non-commercial flying [pilots], or modelling,
should contact the list owner for assistance in finding such lists.
To subscribe, you may send an interactive message (from BITNET sites
which provide such a facility), or mail (with the command as the BODY
of the mail - *NOT* in the subject field - ) to:
The command should be in the form:
SUB AIRLINE full name
... where "full name" is your full (and correct) name.
To contribute to the list, send your mail messages to:
Owner: Geert K. Marien
This list is intended for the discussion of the AIX operating system,
IBM's Unix solution for small and large computer systems. Initially,
this list will be used for dissemination of information and technical
details of AIX on all levels. It may be necessary to break this list
down into machine types that AIX will run on.
To subscribe send the following command to LISTSERV@BUACCA (non-BitNet
users send mail to LISTSERV%BUACCA.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU with the
command in the message body): SUBSCRIBE AIX-L Your_Full_Name where
Your_Full_Name is your real name, not your userid. To unsubscribe,
Moderator: Michael R. Gettes
AIXNEWS on LISTSERV@PUCC.BITNET [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
or listserv@pucc.princeton.edu
Mailing list aixnews@pucc.bitnet (or aixnews@pucc.princeton.edu) has
been created as a digested mail redistribution of the Usenet newsgroup
comp.unix.aix, for sites that don't receive usenet news. About 90% of
discussion focuses on the RS6000 platform. The remainder is mostly
about PS2 AIX, with a rare posting about AIX/370. Expect about two
digests per day, with twelve to fifteen articles each.
To subscribe:
Send e-mail to listserv@pucc.bitnet (or listserv@pucc.princeton.edu)
In the body, put:
sub aixnews firstname lastname
(using your own first name and last name).
You cannot post directly to AIXNEWS. All postings should be sent to
comp.unix.aix@cc.ysu.edu, where they'll be incorporated into the
digest and forwarded to the usenet newsgroup.
Thanks to Michael Gettes (gettes@pucc) for setting up the bitnet end
of the digest. He is also the coordinator for AIX-L@PUCC bitnet AIX
Doug Sewell, Tech Support, Computer Center, Youngstown State University
doug@ysu.edu doug@ysub.bitnet ...uunet!ysu.edu!doug
AJBS-L is the electronic communications network for the Association of
Japanese Business Studies. Subscription is free and open to anyone who
can access a BITNET or INTERNET electronic address.
A. Policy Statement: AJBS-L Activities AJBS-L is a "business and
economics" communications network for the Association of Japanese
Business Studies. Any activity by AJBS-L subscribers which would
normally be conducted between business and economics faculty,
students, and business practictioners is allowed and encouraged, and
definitely not restricted in any manner. The faculty and students of
colleges of business at the university level are expected and required
to closely interact and assist the business community. Therefore, as
AJBS-L editor and as a full-time business faculty member, I welcome
and encourage full AJBS-L participation from the business community.
B. Present Activities of AJBS-L
1. E-mail Once a user subscribes to AJBS-L, (s)he may send mail to the
list for distribution to all its members. All members of the mailing
list will receive a copy of each piece of mail sent to the list. All
of the mail that is received and redistributed by the list is
cataloged and stored in a database that can be searched or retrieved
by individuals with access to AJBS-L.
In order to prevent "rapid-fire" random e-mail transmissions, all
messages are relayed to the AJBS-L editor for a weekly (normally every
Monday) batch mail release. In addition, each subscriber may disable
the automatic AJBS-L e-mail transmission to their site and download
logfiles of each month's traffic.
2. AJBS-L Filelist Datafiles are available for downloading. The
objective is to develop a clearinghouse of information on the business
and economic systems of Eastern European countries.
To receive the current listing of files, send the following to the
LISTSERV (not to AJBS-L), with the following: GET AJBS-L FILELIST
a) File Downloads GET filename filetype AJBS-L
For example, GET AJBS-L INDEX
b) File subscriptions Specialized information or information which is
too large for normal e-mail is placed in AJBS-L datafiles for
downloading by subscribers. Details of the current datafiles are found
You may "subscribe" to a datafile in one of two ways: 1) automatic
downloading of the entire file to your address with each update; 2)
automatic notification that the file has been updated. You may
terminate this file subscription upon demand.
Send the following to the LISTSERV (not to AJBS-L) at PUCC: 1) To
download one file, one time, without subscribing: GET filename
filetype AJBS-L
Example, GET AJBS-L INDEX 2) To receive automatic file downloads
(AFD=automatic file distribution) upon file updates: AFD ADD filename
3) To cancel automatic file downloads:
AFD DEL filename filetype
4) To receive automatic file update information (FUI):
FUI ADD filename filetype
5) To cancel automatic file update information:
FUI DEL filename filetype
6) To receive a list of files to which you are subscribed:
4. Direct any questions to the list editor:
James W. Reese, AJBS-L Editor
Associate Professor of Economics
University of South Carolina, Spartanburg
Spartanburg, SC 29303 USA
Voice: 803-472-4527, 919-722-8435
Fax: 919-748-1113
ALBION-L is an electronic discussion list for British and Irish
history. All time-periods and fields are welcome.
To subscribe send e-mail to LISTSERV@UCSBVM.BITNET with the BODY of
the mail (NOT the subject) containing the command:
SUBSCRIBE ALBION-L yourfirstname yourlastname
Owner: Questions about ALBION may be addressed to Joe Coohill at:
2120jtc@ucsbuxa.bitnet or gd03jtc@ucsbvm.bitnet
ALCOHOL is a list offering the BITNET Community a chance to voice
their opinions about the abuse of Alcohol, Illegal and other commonly
abused drugs. The list is open to anyone, but contributions from the
psychological and medical professions are encouraged. Students are
especially encouraged, as they may provide some fresh insight.
Archives of Alcohol may be obtained by sending the command
To subscribe, send the following command via mail or interactive
SUB ALCOHOL your-full-name
where "your-full-name" is your name For Example: SUB ALCOHOL JOHN DOE
OWNER: Phillip Charles Oliff
ALICEFAN on LISTSERV@WKUVX1.BITNET [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
This list (ALICEFAN) is an unmoderated list for discussions among fans
of Alice Cooper. Virtually any topic relating to Alice Cooper is
appropriate, including news, comments on his music, tour dates, etc.
To join ALICEFAN, send the following line in a mail message to
For example,
Submissions to the list should be sent to:
List owner: Hunter Goatley, goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET
all-of-elsa@jus.uio.no [Last Update 5/93]
The purpose of the all-of-elsa list is to increase and improve the
communication flow within ELSA (The European Law Students
Association). Every member of ELSA, please do subscibe to the list.
ELSA-friends are also very welcome.
To subscribe to the list send your e-mail address and request to the
Moderator: Arild Kvanvik Joergensen akj@jus.uio.no
Director of Computerized Information,
Mailing list for ALL-IN-1 managers and users. For discussion of
problems and suggestions relating to the installation, management and
use of ALL-IN-1.
To join the list: VMS (jnet): $ SEND LISTSERV@SBCCVM SUB ALLIN1-L
full name
Non-Bitnet users can send mail to LISTSERV@SBCCVM.BITNET or
LISTSERV@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU with an empty Subject: and message body: SUB
ALLIN1-L your full name
Coordinator: Sanjay Kapur
Mailing list is dedicated to the discussion of all forms of music, in
all its aspects. It's founding is based on the understanding that
most people who listen to and enjoy music do so from a variety of
standpoints, and that a general, unlimited forum is desirable for both
the integration and expansion of musical ideas, techniques, and
understanding. Therefore, all topics having to do with music are
welcome, including but not limited to: composition, performance,
recording; research, critique, inquiry, advocacy, instrument design,
ethnomusicology, psychacoustics, orchestration, jazz, classical, funk,
plainchant, and anything else you can think of. If a topic is running
that you have something to say about, or to question, jump in. If you
have something entirely different in mind, start up another thread.
Music is universal. With the advent of electronic communication, so
are we.
To be added to or deleted from the list, send mail to the Coordinator.
Coordinator: Mike Karolchik
ALS Interest Group List [Last Update 5/93]
ALS is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's Disease. This
list has been set up to serve the world-wide ALS community. That is,
ALS patients, ALS support/discussion groups, ALS clinics, ALS
researchers, etc. Others are welcome (and invited) to join. Sorry,
but it is not a LISTSERV setup. For more information, please send
e-mail to:
bro@huey.met.fsu.edu (Bob Broedel)
AMALGAM@vm.gmd.de [Last Update 6/93]
Mailing list for information about dental "silver" tooth fillings and
chronic mercury poisoning. It may be of interest to people who have
dental amalgam fillings in their teeth.
BITNET users may subscribe by sending the following command to
via mail or message: SUB AMALGAM your_name where
"your_name" is your real name, not your login-Id. Non-BITNET users
can join the list by sending the above command as the only line in the
text/body of a message to or
Coordinator: Siegfried Schmitt ,
AMERCATH on LISTSERV@UKCC [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
Jefferson Community College - University of Kentucky announces an
electronic discussion group for those interested in the history of
American Catholicism, AMERCATH@UKCC. Access to AMERCATH is available
internationally thus forming a global network of people who research
and teach the history of American Catholicism. The use of the
listserv AMERCATH is a major breakthrough in facilitating instant
communication among faculty, students and researchers.
Appropriate messages for AMERCATH include: feedback on research;
program proposals; calls for papers; meetings, media, and job
announcements; information-gathering questions; syllabi and
bibliographies; as well as any other issues pertinent to enhancing the
study and teaching of the history of American Catholicsm.
While messages sent to AMERCATH are received by all subscribers, users
may then contact specific individuals via BITNET or INTERNET to pursue
particular projects, issues, and interests. To join this discussion
group, you need access to the electronic mail facilities of BITNET or
INTERNET. To subscribe to AMERCATH from BITNET send a message or mail
to LISTSERV@UKCC. From the Internet send the mail to
LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU. In the body of the mail (or message) include
the command:
SUB AMERCATH Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Owner: If you have any questions or comments, please contact: Anne
Kearney, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History, Jefferson Community
College - University of Kentucky, 109 East Broadway, Louisville, KY
40202, 502-584-0181 ext 353, BITNET: JCCANNEK@UKCC, INTERNET:
This list is intended for people who use Amethyst, a software package
of CP/M-80 programs: MINCE (an ersatz EMACS) and SCRIBBLE (an ersatz
Mail archives are kept on host WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL as TOPS20 mail
files named yymm.n-TXT, where n starts with one and increments by one
into another file as each file reached 150 disk pages. To conserve
disk space, all the mail files in the archive, except for the current
year, are individually compressed. The compressed files have the
suffix -Z as part of the filetype field; they should be renamed to
have the suffix .Z (uppercase Z) when transfered to a Unix system so
the uncompress program will find them. The current month's mail is
still kept in AMETHYST-ARCHIV.TXT. The archives are stored in
directory: PD2: Archive files are available
access to the Internet.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Frank Wancho
AMFM on listserv@orbital.demon.co.uk [Last Update 11/93]
AMFM is the mailing list for the AM/FM Online Edition, a monthly
compilation of news stories concerning the UK radio industry.
To subscribe to the list, write to listserv@orbital.demon.co.uk with
'subscribe amfm ' as the first line in the message body,
replacing with your real name, not your e-mail address.
AMIGA on listserver@varano.ing.como.polimi.it [Last Update 6/93]
The list is about the AMIGA computer. It is located in Italy, and its
main topics are demos and PD sources.
in the body: subscribe amiga
Owner: cucinato@varano.ing.como.polimi.it
Co-owner: gigim@varano.ing.como.polimi.it
AMIGA-M2@VIRGINIA.EDU [Last Update 4/94]
Mailing list for those interested in using the programming language
Modula-2 (or Oberon) on the Amiga computer.
To subscribe: send a message to amiga-m2-request@VIRGINIA.EDU.
Coordinator: Tom Breeden
A direct (unmoderated) bi-directional gateway with the USENET
comp.sys.amiga newsgroups tree for those people without access to
USENET. All mail to AMIGA-RELAY is posted to comp.sys.amiga.
The list will not be archived, due to its high volume.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to AMIGA-RELAY-REQUEST@UDEL.EDU.
Coordinator: Mark Nelson
The American Literature Discussion List has been created for the
discussion of topics and issues in the vast and diverse field of
American Literature among a world-wide community interested in the
subject. You can expect consultations, conferences, and an ongoing
exchange of information among scholars and students of American
Literature on this list. In addition, announcements of relevant
conferences and calls for papers are welcome and encouraged.
To subscribe send a message to listserv@umcvmb or
listserv@umcvmb.missouri.edu. In BODY of the message state: SUB
AMLIT-L your full name eg. SUB AMLIT-L E. Allen Poe If you have any
questions please contact the owner.
Owner: Michael O'Conner or
Mailing list to distribute Amnesty International's urgent action
appeals, usually one per month. They are 1 or 2-page summaries of a
specific case of human rights abuse, such as a small group of people
who have been arrested without reason, or are being held secretly, or
tortured, etc. They give the prisoners' names, why they were arrested,
who to write to, and what they suggest you say. Amnesty International
is concerned with human rights, not just amnesty. Sometimes they ask
members to write letters requesting not freedom, but better or more
just treatment. You don't have to be a member of, or endorse, Amnesty
International to receive this list. Additional discussion or
information from other organizations may be distributed.
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@JHUVM: SUBSCRIBE
AMNESTY your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your real name, not
your userid. To unsubscribe, send the command: UNSUBSCRIBE AMNESTY
Non-BitNet users can [un]subscribe by sending one of the above
commands in the text/body of a message to
Coordinators: Jeff Carpenter
Jim Jones
The Atomic- and Molecular-Physics List. A forum for scientists
working on atoms and molecules. It is unmoderated. Experimental as
well as theoretical topics are welcome. Discussion could also include
software, instrumentation, new books, reviews and so on.
To subscribe to AMP-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@DEARN on
BITNET/EARN in the BODY of e-mail or interactive message: SUBSCRIBE
AMP-L your full name
For example: SUBSCRIBE AMP-L Sweeney Todd
Owner: Henrik Zawischa
This list is intended to provide a forum for the discussion of topics
relating to the American Management System Student Information System
(AMSSIS). The topics discussed may be of a functional or technical
You may subscribe to the AMSSIS-L list by sending RFC822 Mail to
LISTSERV@UAFSYSB on Bitnet or LISTSERV@uafsysb.uark.edu on Internet
In the BODY (text) of your mail include the command:
SUB AMSSIS-L firstname lastname eg. sub amssis-l Jane Doe
The LISTSERV server will take your address from the "From:" address of
your mail. If you are on BITNET/EARN/NetNorth and can send
interactive messages (eg. TELL on CMS or SEND on VMS with JNET) then
you can send the SUB command as shown to LISTSERV at UAFSYSB
If you prefer, you may send mail to the Coordinator to be asked to be
added to the list. However you subscribe, you should receive return
mail with a confirmation and additional information.
You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF AMSSIS-L"
command to LISTSERV@UAFSYSB. Please note that this command must NOT
be sent to the list address (AMSSIS-L@UAFSYSB) but to the LISTSERV
Coordinator: Allen Fields ALLENF@UAFSYSA.BITNET ALLENF@uafsya.uark.edu
ANCIEN-L is a forum for debate, discussion, and the exchange of
information by students and scholars of the history of the Ancient
Mediterranean. ANCIEN-L is ready to distribute newsletters from study
groups, and to post announcements of meetings and calls for papers,
short scholarly pieces, queries, and other items of interest.
The list currently does not maintain a FTP directory nor is archiving
available. Hopefully, this will change in the near future.
ANCIEN-L is associated with the general discussion list HISTORY, and
co-operates fully with other lists similarly associated.
To subscribe send a message to LISTSERV@ULKYVM on BITNET or
ANCIEN-L yourfirstname yourlastname
adding your full name; LISTSERV will accept both BITNET and Internet
addresses. Postings should be made to ANCIEN-L@ULKYVM.
If you have any questions please contact the owner.
A mailing list to be used simply for demonstrations of the Andrew
system software. You should not subscribe to it unless you expect to
be reading it with the Andrew Message System, as messages will come to
the list in full multi-media format. Indeed, we encourage people to
post lots of neat animations, music, raster images, and the like to
this list.
For more information about Andrew, see the list-of-lists entry for the
"info-andrew" mailing list.
We expect to maintain an archive of this list in the future and make
it available for anonymous FTP.
To be added to the list, send mail to
ANDREW-DEMOS-REQUEST@ANDREW.CMU.EDU. To submit new items to the list,
just send them to ANDREW-DEMOS@ANDREW.CMU.EDU.
Coordinator: Nathaniel Borenstein
ANEST-L on LISTSERV@UBVM [Last Update 28-January-1992]
This list was formed to serve as a vehicle for (1) discussion of
topics related to anesthesiology and (2) collection of any information
related to anesthesiology.
Archives of ANEST-L and related files are stored in the ANEST-L
FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the command INDEX ANEST-L
the body of a mail message (not the Subject: line).
To subscribe to ANEST-L, send the command SUB ANEST-L yourfirstname
mail message (again, as the first line in the body of the mail, not
the Subject: line).
For example: SUB ANEST-L John Doe
Owner: Andrew M. Sopchak
BITNET: sopchaka@snysyrv1
Internet: sopchaka@vax.cs.hscsyr.edu
Department of Anesthesiology
SUNY Health Science Center
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, NY 13210
An unmoderated list for the discussion of Animal Rights. Peter
Singer's book "Animal Liberation" proposes a "New Ethics for our
Treatment of Animals" and many activist groups, such as PETA (People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), regard this as the "Bible of
the Animal Rights movement". Consumers and researches alike are
facing new questions concerning the human animals' treatment of the
rest of the animal kingdom. The purpose of this list is to provide
students, researchers, and activists, a forum for discussing issues
Animal Rights Research using Animals Vegetarianism
Animal Liberation Hunting/Trapping/Fishing Vegan lifestyles
Consumer Product Testing Animals in Entertainment Christian Perspectives
Cruelty-free products Factory Farming Other Perspecitives
Vivasection/Dissection Fur
Medical Testing Ecology
Animals in Laboratories Environmental Protection
Currently, no resources are available for archiving this list.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list should be sent
to Animal-Rights-Request@[XANTH.]CS.ODU.EDU (Internet) or
Animal-Rights-Request@xanth.uucp (UUCP).
Coordinator: Chip Roberson
The purpose of this list is for the distribution of VT/ANSI ANIMATION
files, and also the discussion of how these files can easily be
created. Also to be included are Regis Graphics and Regis Animations
This list is being run manually and not through a LISTSERV.
Contributions to the list will be moderated and sent out in batches
once a week, if any have been recieved.
To subscribe to this list send a e-mail to :
ANIM-L@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk (internet)
with the body of the message saying something like "add me to the
Owner: Tim Kimber or
Discussion of simulated annealing techniques and analysis, as well as
other related issues (stochastic optimization, Boltzmann machines,
metricity of NP-complete move spaces, etc). Membership is restricted
to those doing active research in simulated annealing or related
areas. Current membership is international, and about half of the
members are published authors. The list itself is unmoderated.
Requests to be added to or deleted from the list, problems, questions,
etc., should be sent to ANNEAL-REQUEST@CS.UCLA.EDU.
Coordinator: Daniel R. Greening
ANN-LOTS on LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 [Last Update 4/93]
First, a few things ANN-LOTS is not: Not for announcing new mailing
lists. Not a 'Help me!' list. Not a students' "I want to know..."
list. We welcome researchers with an interest in finding and sharing
'pointers' to sources of on-line information; what Robert Maas refers
to as 'top level indexes' of where to find specialized indexes of
FAQs, lists of online services, lists of experts in various technical
and information-science fields, connectivity tools, etc. Participants
willing to share information are more welcome than people with
questions. Netters who know of good guides not listed here are
encouraged to mention them.
Archives of Ann-LOTS back issues can be listed by sending the command
in the BODY of e-mail.
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 via mail
or interactive message:
SUB ANN-LOTS your full name
where "your full name" is your name. For example:
SUB ANN-LOTS Unamit Ahazredit or SUB ANN-LOTS Susan Smith - factfinder
for Philosophy Dept.
Owner: John Kane
ANSAXNET is a SIG (Special Interest Group) for scholars of the culture
and history of England before 1100 C.E. Scholars interested in the
later English Middle Ages and those interested in the early Medieval
period throughout Europe are also encouraged to join the list.
Members receive a directory of all our members in order to facilitate
telecommunications, and a monthly electronic report to which they are
encouraged to contribute announcements and information. This report
often provides members with new information about the use of computers
in some aspect of their disciplines, as well as news of more
conventional developments in the field. We also have projects
underway to encode databases which members may use in their own work.
To this end, we are now working on the details of distributing to the
membership a database of all manuscripts written or owned in England
before 1100. We would be glad to add your name to our directory and
thus to make you a member of ANSAXNET. Membership is free to everyone
with access to a BITNET node.
Anyone who wants to be a member of ANSAXNET should send e-mail to the
Coordinator, including a conventional mailing address and some
information about your particular interests in early medieval cultural
Coordinator: Patrick W. Conner
This list deals with discussions of various techniques and fields of
research in Anthropology. Some suggested topics of discussion are:
- Computation in - Using
anthropology anthropological
- Graphics in assistance to
archaeology describe the legal
- What programs practices of
anthropologists American culture
are using at - The development of
various places Anglo-Saxon
- Where centers of cemeteries
computer interests - The Northumberland
are in anthropolgy landscape
- Anglo-Saxon - Use of Remote
cemeteries Sensing
- Palaeodemography (resistivity and
- What individuals magnetometer) to
are doing, e.g. locate and analyse
research, village sites
publication, - The population of
computer info. Anglo-Saxon
- Some spirited England
words on political
To add yourself to the list, send the command SUBSCRIBE ANTHRO-L
Your_Full_Name via mail to LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET or
is your real name (not your userid). To remove yourself from the
list, send the command UNSUBSCRIBE ANTHRO-L
List Owner: Ezra Zubrow
Coordinator: Patrick G. Salsbury
Discussion for administrators and users of the ANU-NEWS software for
VAX/VMS systems. ANU-NEWS is a software system that allows VMS
systems to act as Usenet nodes. Topics include bugs, fixes,
integrating lists from other networks, and discussion of new features.
Although the list is primarily for communication among ANU-NEWS
administrators, users are also welcome.
To subscribe to this list BITNET/EARN/NetNorth Users may be able to
send an interactive message to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 (via SEND or TELL).
For example: SEND LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 SUB ANU-NEWS Jane Doe (your
first/last name) Or, you may send MAIL to LISTSERV@VM1.NoDak.EDU or
LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 with the first line of the TEXT or BODY of mail
being: SUB ANU-NEWS firstname lastname (e.g. SUB ANU-NEWS John Doe ).
Coordinator: Tim Russell russell@UNOMA1
Mailing list for any discussions about or related to the music group
The Art of Noise. The list is set up as a mail relay. The number of
subscribers to the list is limited, so only those who feel they will
have something to say should join.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to aon-request@POLYSLO.CALPOLY.EDU.
Coordinator: Cliff Tuel
apE-info@ferkel.ucsb.edu [Last Update 8/92]
Purpose: Discussion of the scientific visualization software package
Contact: apE-info-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Jim Lick)
Mailing list for discussion of the APL language, its implementation,
application and use. Contributions on teaching APL are particularly
To subscribe to this LISTSERV list send an E-mail message to your
containing the single line: SUBscribe APL-L your_full_name Non-BitNet
users can send a message to LISTSERV%UNB.CA@VM1.NODAK.EDU with the SUB
command as the only line in the message body.
Coordinator: David G. Macneil
Mailing list for the study of critical and strategic information
management. The objective is to identify information of long-term
value to an organization and to develop realistic methodologies and
policies of management (data bases, ethics policy, education,
supervisory systems...).
In APOGEES, we share the creation of business information supervising
systems. We discuss methodologies suitable to the management and
development of technological information through supervisory
People from all fields of sciences, management, information
technology, computer science, and so on, are welcome including
managers who are concerned with several critical items when making
their business decisions.
BitNet users can subscribe by sending an application note to
BAUMARD@FRAIX11 or by sending mail to LISTSERV@FRMOP11 with the
body/text of the message: SUB APOGEES your_full_name where
"your_full_name" is your real name, not your login Id. Internet users
can subscribe by sending a message to
LISTSERV%FRMOP11.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU with the cody/text of the
message containing the above command.
Coordinator: Philippe Baumard
{uunet,rutgers}!umix!apollo (UUCP)
Users of Apollo computers who are interested in sharing their
experiences about Apollos. At least initially, the list will not be
moderated or digested; if the volume is sufficient, this may change.
Mail to the list will be archived in some public place that will be
announced at a later date.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to apollo-request@UMIX.CC.UMICH.EDU
(or UUCP {uunet,rutgers}!umix!apollo-request).
Coordinator: Paul Killey
The purpose of this list is to provide an avenue for Apollo computer
users to share comments, ideas, and problems (and possibly utilities),
associated with the use of Apollo computers.
BitNet users can subscribe to the list by sending e-mail or a message
to LISTSERV@UMRVMB with the body/text of the message containing the
command: SUB APOLLO-L your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your
real name, not your loginid. Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending
the above command in the body of a message to
Coordinator: Karl Lutzen
APPC-L on LISTSERV@AUVM.BitNet [Last Update April 92]
or listserv@american.edu
APPC-L was formed to discussion IBM's Advanced Program-to-Program
Communication (APPC) as well as associated topics such as LU 6.2 and
CPI-C. Archives of APPC-L and related files, which will include
examples of APPC programming, configuration files, and so forth, will
be stored in the APPC-L FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the
command INDEX APPC-L to LISTSERV@AUVM. These files will also be
available from auvm.american.edu via ftp. APPC-L will be gateway'ed
to the (soon to be created) bit.listserv.appc-l newsgroup, and posts
can also be read there.
To subscribe to APPC-L, send the following command via either
interactive BitNet message to LISTSERV@AUVM, or in the BODY of e-mail
For example: SUBSCRIBE APPC-L Jane Doe
Owner: Jim McIntosh
AR-Alerts@ny.neavs.com [Last Update 12/92]
The Animal Rights Alerts mailing list has been set up to facilitate
communication among Animal Rights groups, activists, and other
interested individuals. Its primary purpose is to enable rapid
dissemination of important information about Animal Rights issues.
This venue, it is hoped, will serve as an important adjunct to
periodicals such as Animals Agenda and Animals Voice.
The list will be unmoderated and will not be available in a digest
format at present. Any information pertaining to Animal Rights or to
issues that relate to Animal Rights, such as habitat destruction, are
Please realize that this list is a public forum and as such it may not
be the appropriate place to discuss your group's strategic plans.
To join the Animal Rights Alerts mailing list, send the command
subscribe ar-alerts
in the body of a message to "majordomo@ny.neavs.com". Please note
that this format is different from a normal listserv subscribe request
since it does not include your name. If you want to subscribe
something other than the account the mail is coming from, such as a
local redistribution list, then append that address to the "subscribe"
command; for example, to subscribe "program-staff":
subscribe ar-alerts program-staff@your.domain.net
Submissions to the list should be sent to "ar-alerts@ny.neavs.com".
Currently, messages to the list will not be archived.
Manager: James Corrigan
New England Anti-Vivisection Society
333 Washington Street, Suite 850
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 523-6020
The Arachnet Electronic Journal of Virtual Culture shall be created
and published by Arachnet. Virtual culture is computer-mediated human
experience/behavior /action/interaction, such as electronic mail,
conferences, and journals; information distribution/retrieval; the
construction and visualization of images/representations/ models of
reality and/or worlds; and global connectivity. The purpose of the
refereed journal is to foster, encourage, advance, and communicate
scholarly thought, (including analysis, evaluation, and research) in
multiple disciplines about virtual culture.
Leadership for the journal will initially be provided by the
co-moderators of Arachnet, with the provision that other colleagues
will join in the effort:
Ermel Stepp, Marshall University, Editor-in-Chief
Diane Kovacs, Kent State University, Co-Editor
A. Ralph Papakhian, Indiana University, Consulting Editor
In addition to the three named editors, the journal will have an
assortment of editors (editorial board, consulting editors, special
issue editors, and associate editors/jurors/referees/readers)
columnists, and correspondents.
The journal will be distributed in collaboration with existing
discussion groups, networked archival systems, and libraries. The
journal will be issued monthly commencing with the first issue on
March 15, 1993.
Deadlines for the submission of manuscripts will be the first of the
month preceding the next issue. Articles will be 5-20 type-written
pages in APA form and style and in ASCII format. All manuscripts will
be given at least two blind reviews by a jury of referees. Authors
will be notified within twenty days after receiving their manuscript
of the disposition of the manuscript.
When appointments are made announcements will be widely distributed to
the chief executive officers of the appointees' institutions,
professional organizations and media, and computer teleconferences.
All submissions and communication about manuscripts will be by
electronic mail.
To subscribe to the Electronic Journal of Virtual Culture: send
(Internet) Leave the subject and other option lines blank. The
message must read: SUB ARACHNET Yourfirstname Yourlastname
For assistance contact dkovacs@kentvm or dkovacs@kentvm.kent.edu
This list is for discussion of the usage of the Ariel document
transmission system for the Internet developed by the Research
Libraries Group. Although the group is oriented toward exchange of
information among those already using the Ariel system, those
considering adoption of the Ariel hardware and software may find it of
NOTE: The list's name is ARIE-L. It is NOT the same as ARIEL, which
is a discussion of a Spanish statistical package originating in Chile
To subscribe to ARIE-L send e-mail to LISTSERV@IDBSU.BITNET with the
following command in the BODY of the mail:
SUB ARIE-L your full name Eg. SUB ARIE-L Danielle Webster
Dan Lester
University Library
Boise State University
Boise, Idaho 83725
AQUA-L is an INTERNET list based at the University of Guelph. The
purpose of the list is to promote discussion amongst individuals
interested in the science, technology and business of rearing aquatic
species. In the spirit of open discussion, membership in the list is
public and unrestricted.
Potential topics include:
- Who's doing what - Site selection and
and where? environmental
- Problems and impact.
solutions rearing - New species under
aquatic larvae. culture.
- Diseases, parasites - Genetics, sex
and pathology. reversal and
- Water quality. hormonal
- Recirculation manipulation.
technology and - Computers in
applications. aquaculture.
- Research aquatic - Public perceptions
systems design and of aquaculture.
operation. - Aqua-business
- Commercial aquatic ($$$$!).
systems design and
Messages sent to the list should be of general interest although
specific requests for information are quite welcome. It is hoped that
this forum will provide a basis for rapid exchange of new ideas and
provide an access for persons seeking information and advice.
To join in the Aquaculture Discussion List send an E-mail message to:
with this line in the message body:
SUB AQUA-L your name
Note that "your name" means your proper name and not your userid.
LISTSERV will extract your id from the message header. If you are
unfamiliar with lists and LISTSERV send the following to receive an
index of help information:
You may cancel your subscription to AQUA-L at any time by sending:
Note that commands are sent to LISTSERV and not AQUA-L. If you send
them to the list you will have the pleasure of knowing everyone
subscribing is reading them.
List Owner: T. B. (Ted) White ZOOWHITE@VM.UOGUELPH.CA
Editor's note: I believe the BITNET style node name is UOGUELPH but
some Canadian nodes are going to Internet style addressing only.
(from the header: Ted White )
Aquarium is an open discussion about all things related to the hobby
of keeping fish and other aquatic things in an aquarium. If you have
questions about how to solve problems with your aquarium or if you
have expertise about aquariums and are willing to answer questions,
this is the place.
To join AQUARIUM, send a note to LISTSERV@EMUVM1 or
The note should contain the single line:
where "your name" is your name as you wish it to be displayed on
messages sent to you.
If you need assistance or would like further information, please
contact the list owner.
Owner: Bert Bruner OSAKB@EMUVM1.BITNET or OSAKB@emuvm1.cc.emory.edu.
ARACHNET@acadvm1.uottawa.CA [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
A Loose Association of Electronic Discussion Groups and Electronic
Journals of Interest to Scholars.
There are more than 600 discussion groups, newsletters, digests and
electronic journals devoted to topics of scholarly interest. As more
scholars come on-line, the size of these groups, the diversity of
material they have to offer, and their total number are all bound to
increase. These groups could benefit from a loose confederation that
would allow them to share resources easily without imposing any kind
of restrictions on their manner of operation. Arachnet is such a
Arachnet is a ListServ list, Arachnet@Uottawa.BITNET or
ARACHNET@ACADVM1. Uottawa.CA if you are on the Internet. All editors
of discussion groups, newsletters, digests and electronic journals are
invited to be members. On its file-server, Arachnet will contain a
current list of its member groups, descriptions of each group, and
lists of files they hold. As well as the current Directory of E-mail
Based Conferences and Electronic Journals. Arachnet's fileserver will
also hold various information files pertaining to the creation of
The conversational component will be a means by which editors of new
groups can receive help from their colleagues on questions of
editorial policy and the social/ethical aspects of electronic
conferencing. Arachnet is not intended to replace Lstown-L@INDYCMS
which is a discussion list for listowners to discuss technical aspects
of Listserv based discussion group management.
Arachnet will be an unedited list but will accept postings only from
Arachnet subscribers. If you are an editor or owner of an existing or
future e-mail based forum, you are cordially invited to join.
Please fill out the attached e-form and return it to one of the
Editors listed below. Please follow the format below as closely as
Michael Strangelove Diane Kovacs
Editor Contex-L Editor LIBRES,Libref-L,Govdoc-L
441495@Uottawa dkovacs@kentvm
441495@acadvm1.uottawa.CA dkovacs@kentvm.kent.edu
Please fill in and mail to the editor (Please simply type over what is
in parentheses)
- Lastname, Firstname
- Address: (institutional and, if you wish, domestic, with
telephone numbers).
- Brief description of your ListServ and electronic discussion
group activities, including the name and purpose of all
lists which you have served in any editorial or
organizational capacity. Also please note familiarity with
any other BBS software (excluding ListServ, a knowledge of
which is assumed here), regardless of the platform on which
it runs. (100-500 words).
- List of files/Resources available from your List's
Fileserver or FTP site:
ARCH-L on LISTSERV@DGOGWDG1.BITNET [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
ARCH-L has been formed to facilitate discussions of archaeological
problems, especially those concerned with research, excavations, etc.
Also relevant conferences, job announcements, calls for papers,
publications, bibliographies and the like should be publicized. It is
hoped that the list will also serve as a central repository for public
domain or shareware software related to archaeological studies.
If you have materials that you'd be willing to put on file, please
contact one of the owners of the list.
If you're interested in joining the list, please send e-mail or
interactive message to LISTSERV@DGOGWDG1.BITNET:
SUBScribe ARCH-L Your full name
For example
SUBScribe ARCH-L Heinrich Schliemann
At present the list is unmoderated and will immediately distribute any
incoming message to the list. Please note: only messages for
distribution should be sent to ARCH-L; all commands (subscribe,
signoff, review, etc.) should go to LISTSERV.
Owners are: s.p.q.rahtz@ecs.southampton.ac.uk Sebastian Rahtz
fsiegmu@dgogwdg1 Frank Siegmund
hsteenw1@dgogwdg1 Helge Steenweg
Archives@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
Archives (Archives & Archivists list) is for all persons involved
and/or interested in archival theory and practice.
To subscribe to the "ARCHIVES" list send e-mail to ListServ@IndyCMS
(BITNET) or ListServ@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu (Internet) with the following
command in the body of the mail: SUB ARCHIVES yourfirstname
List owner/coordinators: Donna B Harlan
Harlan@UCS.Indiana.Edu (Internet)
John B Harlan
IJBH200@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu (Internet)
In addition to REXXLIST, the VM/SP REXX discussion list, 3 other lists
exist to discuss the REXX programming language. They are AREXX-L (for
Amiga REXX users), TSO-REXX (for TSO), and PC-REXX (for Personal REXX)
Log files will be kept on a monthly basis.
BitNet users can subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@UCF1VM: SUB AREXX-L Your_full_name where Your_full_name is
your real name, not your userid; for example: SUB AREXX-L John Doe
Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending the SUB command as the
text/body of a message to LISTSERV@UCF1VM.CC.UCF.EDU
Coordinator: UCF Postmaster
The ARMS-L digest is for various and sundry comments and questions on
policy issues related to peace, war, national security, weapons, the
arms race, and the like.
Recent archives are available upon request from the moderator.
This list is handled by LISTSERV@BUACCA.BU.EDU
(LISTSERV@BUACCA.BITNET), and administrative requests go to that
address. Contributions to ARMS-L@BUACCA.BU.EDU
To become a subscriber, send mail to LISTSERV@BUACCA.BU.EDU with the
one line SUB ARMS-L first last where you replace "first" and "last"
with your first and last name.
This list is gatewayed to the USENET list soc.politics.arms-d.
Redistribution address for all known BBoards on the ARPANET. The
guidelines for postings are somewhat loose. The ostensible purpose of
the list is to distribute: (a) emergency notices ("Southern California
just slid into the Pacific, machines at ISI and UCSD will be down for
a few days"), and (b) notices of "academic interest", such as seminar
and symposium announcements. Advertisements and for-profit notices
are not appropriate (the DoD would get upset, among other
considerations). A touchy borderline case is job offerings. The
practice has been to accept postings from universities (the research
community) and the research oriented military installations (the
people paying for our hardware) but to refuse postings from private
companies. The (shaky) rationale behind this is that university and
military job offerings are "research opportunities" as opposed to
for-profit advertisements (ie, joining the army or a university is not
the way to get rich).
Anyone is welcome to redistribute Arpanet-BBoards; it takes some of
the (considerable) load off of MC's mailer. But please don't do it
without sending a message to the -Request address first.
There are Archive copies of every message ever sent to the list but no
guarantee is made that they will be online or available at any
particular time. The current archive file, such as it is, can be
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to the Coordinators. Bitnet users may
subscribe to the list by doing: TELL LISTSERV at RUTVM1 SUBSCRIBE
ARPABBS Your_Full_Name where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not
your userid). From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command.
BitNet Coordinator: Michael Smith
ars-magica@ocf.berkeley.edu [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
This is a list for players of the Ars Magica roleplaying game. To get
on the list, send mail to ars-magica-request@ocf.berkeley.edu. The
mailing list itself is ars-magica@ocf.berkeley.edu. Archives are
available via anonymous ftp from soda.berkeley.edu, or by mail. To
find out how to use the mail-based archive server, send mail to
ars-magica-archive@soda.berkeley.edu with the body of the mail being
Moderators: Shannon Appel & Mark Phaedrus
A discussion forum open to anyone interested in the visual arts.
Topics will reflect the diversity of art critical discourse:
ostmodernism, marxist and feminist theories, curatorial practices,
funding and any issue which affects artists, critics and art viewers.
Subscribers are encouraged to contribute reviews to be distributed
bi-weekly to the list in journal format. Reveiws should be sent to the
Editor, Michele Macal GL253001@YUORION.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@YORKVM1 via interactive message or e-mail:
SUB ARTCRIT your full name
where "your full name" is your name, not your login Id; For example:
SUB ARTCRIT John Doe. Non-BitNet users can join the list by sending
the above command as the only line in the text/body of a message to
Coordinator: Michele Macaluso
ARTNET@UK.AC.NEWCASTLE [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
The list is for anyone who has or who may have an interest in network;
installation; project; communication; temporary; ad-hoc; transient;
mobile; time-based; formless; de-centred art. Potential members
include artists, art-administrators, writers, theorists, students,
teachers. The aim of the list is to encourage contributions from all
who have dipped a toe into these waters and found them congenial, but
who know not where to turn next. The idea is that alliances will be
formed, projects launched, funding gained, technology utilised, ideas
launched and wild speculation indulged in. I hope that art projects
will be instigated via this list. It is within my desire for the list
that it evolves.
The list encompasses:
*Projects *New work *Events
*Collaborations *Funding *Technology
*Shows *Jobs *Conferences
*Proposals *Organisations *Information
*Publications *Education *Wild speculation
ARTNET provides a forum for the discussion of ART that is concerned
with: network; installation; project; communication; temporary;
ad-hoc; transient; mobile; time-based; formless; de- centred. I call
I define peripatetic art thus: The art or action of creative
endeavour with lack of fixed base. There is no fixed centre which
claims to have 'the knowledge'. All projects involve some aspect of
lack of enclosure; the promotion of action without centre.
Peripatetic art tends towards the transient, the time based, the
mobile. Peripatetology is as much about receiving the action, the
project, as it is about initiating it.
I am concerned with improving communication amongst those working in
these and related areas. By its nature this kind of work often does
not lend itself to easy documentation or definition. The concept
mooted here, and encapsulated in the term 'peripatetic', has by its
very nature a changeable agenda. I hope that in action we will create
new ways of working alongside some very old human desires.
To subscribe to ARTNET send the command
subscribe artnet
in a mail message to MAILBASE@NEWCASTLE.AC.UK
To contact the list owner for help, advice, information, send mail to:
If you need more information about MAILBASE you can send the commands:
send mailbase overview ( for a general guide to Mailbase )
send mailbase userhelp ( for a User Guide)
ART-SUPPORT@NEWCASTLE.AC.UK [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
Art-Support exists as a forum for the discussion of ART related
matters. Potential members include artists, art-administrators,
writers, theorists, students, teachers and others with an interest in
This list provides a general magazine type information exchange and
discussion area. As in any specialist magazine there will be much of
interest to subscribers and also some irrelevance.
Although not in any way subscription/geographically limited, the focus
of the list is intended to be the UK art community. It is hoped that
the list will stimulate the use of network resources. The idea is
that alliances will be formed; projects launched; funding gained;
technology utilised; ideas launched and wild speculation indulged in.
ART-SUPPORT is about ART, not technology. Any art or art related
subject is acceptable.
The list encompasses:
*Projects *New work *Events
*Collaborations *Funding *Technology
*Shows *Jobs *Conferences
*Proposals *Organisations *Information
*Publications *Education *Wild speculation
To subscribe to ART-SUPPORT send the following mail command
subscribe art-support
To contact the list owner for help, advice, information, send mail to:
If you need more information about MAILBASE you can issue the
send mailbase overview ( for a general guide to Mailbase )
send mailbase userhelp ( for a User Guide)
as a mail message to MAILBASE@NEWCASTLE.AC.UK
This list is for open communication concerning issues of higher
education within the Association for the Study of Higher Education
To subscribe to the list send mail to LISTSERV@UMCVMB on BITNET with
the body of the mail containing the command
SUB ASHE-L yourfirstname yourlastname
Coordinator: Irv Cockriel
Discussion of programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language. This
is primarily a working group designed to answer questions and help
distribute programs; however, any theoretical (are there such things?)
discussions are welcome too.
Log files will be kept on a monthly basis.
BitNet users can subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@UCF1VM: SUB ASM370 Your_full_name where Your_full_name is
your real name, not your userid; for example: SUB ASM370 John Doe
Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending the SUB command as the
text/body of a message to LISTSERV@UCF1VM.CC.UCF.EDU
Coordinator: UCF Postmaster
This list is intended to be a forum for interchange of information
regarding all aspects of the design and use of Application Specific
Application Specific Microprocessors form a class of integrated
circuits, composed of a microprocessor-type computing element and
aditional circuitry on the same chip, and designed to satisfy the
specific needs of a particular application. Please note that this
list is not intended to be a place to discuss general purpose
off-the-shelf microcomputers.
Subscription is open to the public and the list is not moderated. To
subscribe or for general enquiries regarding the list, please send a
mail message to
All contributions are welcome. Postings to the list should be sent to
When subscribing, please include your name and affiliation in the
message (this is not required). This information will made available
to all subscribers.
Pedro Luis Prospero Sanchez internet: pl@vme131.lsi.usp.ansp.br
University of Sao Paulo uunet: uunet!vme131!pl
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
phone: (055)(11)211-4574 home: (055)(11)215-6492 fax: (055)(11)815-4272
The assessment discussion list (ASSESS@UKCC.UKY.EDU) has been
established to provide for informal dialog on assessment issues and
policies as well as information on current practices in higher
education. The purpose is to provide a forum for the exchange of
ideas, models, resources, and practical strategies on student
assessment of learning and institutional effectiveness. Assessment
practitioners, policy makers, and others interested in assessment are
invited to join.
To subscribe to the assessment discusion list, send electronic mail to
LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU with the following as the first line of text in
the message body: SUBSCRIBE ASSESS Your Name Here
You will receive notification from the listserv that you have
subscribed to the list. If you do not receive notification, please
let us know!
If you want to send a message to everyone subscribed to the ASSESS
list, send your message via electronic mail to ASSESS@UKCC.UKY.EDU
Note: Listserv commands such as SUBSCRIBE and UNSUBSCRIBE should be
sent only to the listserv address LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU. If you send
commands to ASSESS@UKCC.UKY.EDU, your text will be sent to all
subscribers of the list and will not be executed.
Thomas E. Kunselman
Information Specialist INTERNET: VAATEK@UKCC.UKY.EDU
Office of the Assistant Chancellor BITNET: VAATEK@UKCC
#7 Administration Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0032
Phone:(606) 257-1633
Mailing list for issues related to the PC Assembly languages (Intel
8086/88/286/386/...). There is an initial programming goal that the
managers of this list wish to accomplish:
We are inviting all users to assist in the coding of projects. For
instance, our first task will be a Resident Program Manager. We will
use Turbo Assembler or MacroAssembler to develop the applications.
A second project will be an AV package to viruses, we already have
programs for Jerusalem and Brain, these could be help for it.
The users of this list will receive mail with code contributions and
discussions, and eventually the program source listing finished with
the help of the participants. Then, the list will propose a new
project to work on. Any and all code contributions, ideas, and
anything else that will help in achieving this opening goal will be
appreciated, discussed, reported and acknowledged for the list.
BitNet users can subscribe non-interactively by sending a message or
mail to LISTSERV@USACHVM1.BITNET with the text/body of the message
being: SUB ASSMPC-L your_full_name For example: SUB ASSMPC-L Jan Doe
Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending the above command in the
text/body of a message to LISTSERV%USACHVM1.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU. IBM
BitNet users can subscribe interactively by doing: TELL LISTSERV AT
USACHVM1, with the following line: SUB ASSMPC-L your_full_name Please
note that the link to Chile is connected at 18:00 hrs EDT; before that
time interactive commands won't work.
All problems, questions, etc., should be sent to the Coordinators.
Luis Valdivia P.
Pedro Sepulveda J.
Astronomy Events
A mailing list for astronomical events and meeting announcements
(mostly in the Boston area). Items to be sent to the list are sent to
koolish@BBN.COM for forwarding. An attempt is being made to keep it
from becoming full of trivial messages, but new readers and valid
input are welcome.
Coordinator: Dick Koolish
ATAVACHRON@MOREKYPR.BITNET [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
ATAVACHRON is a discussion forum in digest format intended to exchange
information and stimulate discussions on the works of guitarist Allan
Holdsworth. The list is in a moderated digest format; all postings
sent to ATAVACHRON will be compiled and distributed on an "as-needed"
basis (typically 2-5 times weekly). As of 10/31/91, no archives will
be offered, but may be in the future if demand exists.
To subscribe (or unsubscribe), send a short request via e-mail
including your name and institutional or company affiliation and
location to:
For all other administrative issues, please send requests to:
ATAVACHRON is NOT a LISTSERV list, so it is necessary to send
subscription and signoff requests to ATAVACHRON@MOREKYPR.BITNET or
Jeff Preston
Morehead State University
Morehead, Kentucky
A listserv list providing a forum to discuss all topics related to
audio, this includes theories, commercial equipment, applications,
etc. The list runs unmoderated and it's located in
As in any listserv list, your commands should be sent to
LISTSERV@VMTECMEX. To subscribe to the list send the following
SUB AUDIO-L yourfirstname yourlastname
in the text of a message or mail.
Coordinator: Alejandro Kurczyn S.
A moderated digest for readers of Jane Austen. If you enjoy Jane
Austen's novels and those of her contemporaries, such as Fanny Burney,
Maria Edgeworth and Maria Wollstonecraft, you might want to exchange
views with others on any aspect of her work and her time.
Moderator: Dr. Jacqueline Reid-Walsh,
Department of English,
McGill University,
853 Sherbrooke St. West
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T6
Subscription requests and contributions should be sent to:
A list has been formed at St. John's University devoted to the
Developmentally Disabled and called Autism. Its purpose is to provide
a forum for those who are Developmentally Disabled, their teachers,
and those interested in this area.
The list will provide a forum for the understanding and treatment of
all types of Developmental Disability and to further Networking among
those so handicapped to increase their interaction with the rest of
society. Networking among the teachers of the Developmentally
Disabled will be encouraged to share successful interventions.
To subscribe to the list, send the following command in the BODY of
mail or an interactive message to LISTSERV@SJUVM.BITNET
SUB AUTISM firstname lastname
Owner: Bob Zenhausern, Ph.D.
St. John's University Bitnet: drz@sjuvm.bitnet
SB 15 Marillac Phone: 718-990-6447
Jamaica, NY 11439 Fax: 718-990-6705
Mailing list to handle problems with Remote Autolog commands. To
date, the list has been used for problems from users that have
accounts at the Technion and work remotely through the Remote Server
(VMAUTOLG) located at the Technion. The software for this Remote
Server is be changed so as to be included as a local command for
LISTSERV/LISTEARN sites that may want to use it. The list is not
limited to the discussion of only this one package. Any other packages
or software may be discussed. Please do not use this list for the
discussion of any problems with using the GONE routine.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@TECHNION via interactive message or e-mail: SUBSCRIBE AUTO-L
your full name where "your full name" is your real name, not your
login Id. Non-BitNet users can join the list by sending the above
command as the only line in the text/body of a message to
Robert (Al) Hartshorn
AUTOCAD on LISTSERV@JHUVM [Last Update 6/93]
A LISTSERV mailing list devoted to the discussion of the AUTOCAD
software package. The list is gateway'd to the NetNews group
alt.cad.autocad by American University.
Owner: Jim Jones
A mailing list for the discussion of autocrossing, which is a low-cost
form of motorsports in which one car at a time competes against the
clock. Courses are designed to emphasize the driver's car handling
skill, rather than speed or power.
Subscription information: Send mail to autox-request@autox.team.net.
Please include your geographical location and email address, as well
as what sort of car, if any, you race.
The list is available in both standard and daily-digest forms.
Administrator: Mark Sirota (msirota@ee.rochester.edu)
Aviation discusses topics of interest to pilots, including training
systems, laws affecting availability or usability of airports, planes,
and procedures, characteristics of aircraft and avionic products,
comments on commercial aviation, such as safety and convenience
issues, occasional advertisements for fly-ins or similar private pilot
activities, historical notes, whatever else the readership wants.
Aviation serves as an Internet gateway for the rec.aviation discussion
on usenet. It is distributed in the form of a daily digest.
Due to disk space limitations, archives are only maintained for the
previous few weeks of digests. They are maintained on the host
MC.LCS.MIT.EDU in files named: AVIATN;DIGEST Where
is the issue number of the digest.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to AVIATION-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.
Coordinator: Christopher Maeda
aviation-theory-in@mc.lcs.mit.edu (USENET)
Mailing list dedicated to the more theoretical side of aerospace
engineering. The intent is to conduct discussions on aerospace
technology; also calls for papers, anouncements for seminars, etc.,
can be sent to the list. Although the list has its origin in the
AVIATION digest, subjects related to aviation theory, like spaceflight
technology, may be discussed as well. Topics open for discussion are:
Calls for papers Aerodynamics Aircraft structures Seminar anouncements
Flight mechanics Aircraft materials Books to be published Stability
and Control and others...
A mailing list for INTERNET and BITNET has been created already and we
are looking for someone who would like to create the USENET group, so
we can create digests from those messages.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to
Moderator: Rob A. Vingerhoeds
The Authorware mailist was formed to offer a forum for discussion for
developers that use the program Authorware Professional.
To subscribe to Aware-L send the following command to
LISTSERV@UKANVM.BITNET in the BODY of a mail message:
SUBSCRIBE AWARE-L Your full name Eg. subscribe aware-l Norma Mailer
Owner: Donald W. Tracia (Tracia@UKANVM.BITNET)
ayurveda@netcom.com [Last Update 5/93]
A mailing list to discuss ayurveda, the science of life that has been
practiced in India for at least 5000 years. If you are currently
practicing ayurveda or are just interested, please feel free to sign
onto the mailing list. (If you've never heard of Ayurveda and are
intrigued, two good books are Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra and
Ayurveda: Science of Life by Vasant Lad.)
To get on the mailing list, please send a message including your
preferred mailing address to: ayurveda-request@netcom.com
To send a message to the mailing list, use: ayurveda@netcom.com
Owner: Paul E. Hoffman phoffman@netcom.com
BStreets@VIRGINIA (BitNet)
...!uunet!virginia!backstreets-heads (uucp)
Mailing list for fans of the music of Bruce Springsteen.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to Backstreets-Request@VIRGINIA.EDU or
Backstreets-Request@UVAARPA.VIRGINIA.EDU (Internet), BS-Req@VIRGINIA
(BitNet), or ...!uunet!virginia!backstreets-request (uucp).
Coordinator: Marc Rouleau
Unmoderated mailing list for the discussion of any aspect of Ballroom
and Swing dancing. For instance: Places to dance, announcement of
special events (e.g., inter-university competitions), exchange of
information about clubs, ballroom dance music, discussion of dances,
steps, etc.
Anyone may join; please send ALL of the following information to
ballroom-request@athena.mit.edu: (1) Full name (2) Internet-
compatible e-mail address (3) Affiliation, if any, with any ballroom
dance organization or group (4) ZIP or postal code, and country if
other than U.S. (5) Whether you have access to Netnews (Yes/No/Don't
know/Yes but don't use).
Contact: ballroom-request@athena.mit.edu (Shahrukh Merchant c/o MIT
Ballroom Dance Club)
Baltic Republics news and development list
BALT-L is an online forum devoted to communications to, and about, the
Baltic Republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It aims to further
networking with those countries, in two senses of that word: the
technical one of establishing the basic links to permit electronic
communications; and the softer definition of a network of people
building up people-to-people contacts and working together on matters
of common interest. A core aim of this list is to foster practical
Subscription to this list is welcomed from anyone with skills or
interests relevant to the Baltics, or who just wants to know whats
going on.
We hope in particular to bring together
Participants living in the Baltic Republics. People around the world
with origins in the Baltic Republics, or who have connections with
those countries. Anyone with technical skills in electronic
networking who may want to contribute to developing electronic links
to the Baltic Republics. Anyone needing to research on developments
in the Baltics. Anyone around the world with a need to contact, visit
and/or work with College staff or students living and working in
Lithuania, Latvia or Estonia.
Although English is likely to be the lingua franca, ALL languages of
communication are WELCOME: but especially in Lithuanian, Latvian or
To subscribe, send the following command to
LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU via mail or interactive message:
SUB BALT-L your full name
where "your full name" is your name. (NOT your network userID ). For
Archives of messages already sent through BALT-L can be obtained by
interactive LDBASE or by sending an "INDEX BALT-L" command to
LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU These files can then be retrieved by
means of a "GET BALT-L filetype" command.
Owner (UKACRL): Edis Bevan
Owner (UBVM): Jean-Michel Thizy
BALTUVA is a list focusing on issues and questions of concern to
observant Jews. The name of the list is derived from "baal t'shuva"
which is often used to refer to "newly religious" Jews. The list is
not restricted to this group however - please feel free to post to the
list ther whether or not you consider yourself to be a "baal t'shuva."
To subscribe send the following E-mail message to
LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA in the BODY of mail (NOT the subject):
To receive more information concerning the list, send the following
E-mail message to LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA (in the BODY of mail)
Owner: Claire Austin
BANYAN-L is a Listserv discussion list about any aspect of Banyan
networks (marketed by Banyan Systems, Inc.).
To subscribe, send an interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@AKRONVM
as follows:
SUBscribe BANYAN-L Your Name
Of particular interest is Banyan's VINES network.
This list is open to the discussion of all topics relating to Baptist
experience. This includes all nationalities and denominations of
Baptists. The purpose of the BAPTIST list is to share information,
ideas, opinions, and inquiries about Baptist thought, experience, and
activities. Both professional, scholarly, and lay contributors are
This is a LISTSERV managed list, so normal subscription requests
apply. To subscribe send mail to LISTSERV@UKCC or on the Internet to
LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU with the body containing the command
SUB BAPTIST Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Bob Moore STR002@UKCC
Sanders-Brown Center on Aging STR002@UKCC.UKY.EDU
University of Kentucky (606) 253-5960
BBS-L on LISTSERV@SAUPM00.BITNET [Last Update 3/93]
The BBS-L was formed in order to discuss how to best start, use and
maintain a Bulletin Board System (BBS). Related topics might include
linking BBSs to different networks (eg. InterNet, FidoNet,..etc.),
also it might include BBSs' software and utilities. There are
actually lots of related topics that can be discussed in this subject,
I just mentioned the ones above as examples.
To subscribe to BBS-L, send the following command to
LISTSERV@SAUPM00.BITNET via mail text or interactive message:
SUBSCRIBE BBS-L your full name
For example: SUBSCRIBE BBS-L Haitham AboAisha
Owner : Kais Al-Essa .
BDGTPLAN%UVMVM.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU Discussion of college and university
budget and planning issues including, but not limited to: economic and
enrollment forecasting, relationships with state governments,
innovative approaches to integrating planning and budgeting,
strategies for increasing participation, cost center analysis, use of
financial databases for modelling and reporting, endowment spending
policies, tuition pricing, resource reallocation, financial reporting
to boards and legislators, etc.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@UVMVM via interactive message or e-mail: SUBSCRIBE BDGTPLAN
your full name where "your full name" is your real name, not your
login Id. Non-BitNet users can join the list by sending the above
command as the only line in the text/body of a message to
Coordinator: Dayna Flath
BEE-L%ALBNYVM1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU BEE-L is for the discussion of
research and information concerning the biology of bees. This
includes honey bees and other bees (and maybe even wasps). We
communicate about sociobiology, behavior, ecology,
adaptation/evolution, genetics, taxonomy, physiology, pollination, and
flower nectar and pollen production of bees.
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 via mail
or interactive message: SUB BEE-L your_full_name where
"your_full_name" is your name. For example: SUB BEE-L Joan Doe
Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending the text: SUB BEE-L
your_full_name in the body of a message to
Coordinator: Mary Jo Orzech
Personal Ideologies Discussion List
This list is designed to be a forum where personal ideologies can be
discussed, examined, and analyzed. Topics for the list can range from
"what is good" to "what happens after death" to "is there a god".
This list is designed to be open to members of ALL religious and
political faiths or non-faiths; we do not discriminate based on
religion, race, gender, sexual preference, handicap, et cetera.
The list is open for all discussion pertaining to ideological,
religious, moral, and ethical topics. There are only four general
1. Treat everyone's faith as if it were as sacred as your own.
In fact, to be safe, treat their faiths BETTER than your
2. Excessively rude, obnoxious, or abusive posting will not be
3. Personal attacks will NOT be tolerated. Take your fights
to e-mail where they belong, NOT in public.
4. Due to the varied nature of computer systems, please take
into account that not everyone has the time or disk space
to read several thousand lines of BELIEF-L mail per day.
If you have a large amount of material to send to the list,
please do one or more of the following:
[a] Announce that you have something you'd like to discuss,
and solicit opinions from from the list as to whether it
would be o.k. to bring it up.
[b] Post in reasonably-sized "chunks" -- by my definition,
in the range of 200 lines, once or twice a day at the most.
[c] If you will be reposting or crossposting material from
another source, announce that you have it, and offer to
send copies to interested parties.
The first "rule" is really a guideline. Proselytizing is OK, so long
as you remember that you get what you dish out. With respect to the
second rule, please remember that you are a professional, and
professionals don't get abusive to others. If you violate the other
rules, in the opinion of the List Owners, more than twice, you will be
asked to stop. If you continue to be abusive, you will be removed
from the list.
By signing on to this list, you acknowledge your right to critically
respond to other's ideologies; you also acknowledge that your own
ideologies can be critically responded to. You agree to abide by the
rules of the list, insofar as they are listed above, and may be added
to in the future as need be. You acknowledge the right of the list
owners to have you removed from the list if you fail to abide by the
rules. Further, you agree that this list and all material herein is
PRIVATE PROPERTY, and will not engage in cross-list or cross-person
posting without prior permission, which will only be obtained publicly
on the list.
The opinions expressed on this list do not, unless explicitly stated,
reflect the opinions of the United States, the universities or
organizations of the members of this list, and are only the personal
opinions of the list members. Any liability, expressed or implied,
rests with the individual list members.
To subscribe to this list, send the command:
to LISTSERV@BROWNVM, where "your_name" is your full name (not your
login Id). Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending the above
command in the text/body of a message to
Internet subscribers should go DIRECTLY to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU.
Coordinator: "David B. O'Donnell"
BEN is a newsletter distributed on e-mail, deals with botany and plant
ecology of predominantly British Columbia, Canada and the Pacific
Northwest (from California to Alaska) with broader references to
planet Earth. Frequency: about once every two weeks.
Requests for subscription should be sent to the OWNER at the e-mail
address below. This is NOT a listserv list.
Owner: Adolf Ceska
The purpose of BGRASS-L is to be a forum for discussion of:
1. Issues related to the International Bluegrass Music
Association (IBMA)
2. Bluegrass music in general, including but not limited to
recordings, bands, individual performers, live
performances, publications, business aspects, venues,
history, you-name-it. Old-time music and early commercial
country music are also acceptable topics.
Archives of traffic since 1 Feb. 1992 are available from the
LISTSERVer; earlier by special arrangement.
To subscribe, send e-mail to: LISTSERV@UKCC or LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU
with the following command in the BODY of the mail (NO subject:): SUB
BGRASS-L your full name
To communicate, send e-mail to: BGRASS-L@UKCC or
For information, send e-mail to: UKA016@UKCC or UKA016@UKCC.UKY.EDU
Owner: Frank Godbey, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Internet: UKA016@UKCC.UKY.EDU
This list covers topics relating to BIND domain software. To join,
send a message to bind-request@vangogh.cs.berkeley.edu.
The National Birding Hotline Cooperative
We are pleased to announce that the National Birding Hotline
Cooperative list on LISTSERV@ARIZVM1 has gone to a regional format.
The three lists, which replace the former BIRD_RBA@ARIZVM1, provide a
clearing-house for transcribed birding hotlines for three major areas
of the country--East, West, and Central. The new lists are BIRDEAST,
Current subscribers to BIRD_RBA will be automatically shifted to all
three of the new lists. New subscribers must choose which of the
three regional lists best answers their needs. Of course, new
subscribers may still subscribe to all three lists for full coverage.
Subscribers are invited to submit transcripts from their area of the
country if it is not already represented. A current list of hotlines
available from the National Birding Hotline Cooperative is appended.
Contributions to the lists are always welcome and should be sent in
Please note that these are not intended to be general chat lists.
Contributions should either be transcripts of birding hotlines or, if
a local hotline recording is not available to you, concise statements
of species seen and the location of the sighting, along with any
relevant information such as 'out of range,' 'out of normal time
frame,' etc. If you are confused about which of the three lists to
send your material to, contact either of the list owners first. Their
Bitnet/Internet addresses are listed below.
You may subscribe to The National Birding Hotline Cooperative by
sending an interactive SUBSCRIBE command or by including a SUBSCRIBE
command as the ONLY line of a MAIL message to LISTSERV@ARIZVM1, as
Interactive example from CMS:
MAIL example:
To cancel your subscription, issue the SIGNOFF command to
If you are on the Internet network, subscription messages should be
sent to LISTSERV@ARIZVM1.BITNET and hotline transcripts should be
mailed to BIRDEAST@ARIZVM1.BITNET (or CNTR or WEST, as the case may
be). In some cases, Internet mailer programs will not know how to get
to a local Internet/Bitnet gateway. If this appears to be a problem
for you, send subscription messages to:
and hotline transcripts to:
The following states are currently represented with transcribed
hotlines on the three regional lists:
BIRDEAST Maine, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland,
District of Columbia, Virginia
BIRDCNTR Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Texas
BIRDWEST New Mexico, Arizona, California
If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions please send a note
to us at one of the addresses listed below:
Charles B. Williamson (Chuck)
Bitnet address : CHUCKW@ARIZEVAX2
Internet address : CHUCKW%EVAX2@Arizona.edu
Snail mail : 4425 E. Pima
Tucson, AZ 85712
Phones : 602-323-2955 (voice + answering machine)
Bulletin board : 602-881-4280 So. Arizona Birding BBS
Norman C. Saunders (Norm)
Bitnet address : NYS@NIHCU
Internet address : NYS@CU.NIH.GOV
Snail mail : 1261 Cavendish Drive
Colesville, MD 20905
Phones : 202-272-5248 (o--Washington, DC)
: 301-989-9035 (h--Colesville, MD)
Bulletin board : 301-989-9036 The Osprey's Nest Birders' BBS
(Colesville, MD -- PC Pursuitable)
BI-L is a computer conference dedicated to discussing ways of
assisting library users in effectively and efficiently exploiting the
resources available in and through the libraries of the 1990s.
Contributors to the forum deal with the practical, theoretical, and
technical aspects of what has been called Bibliographic Instruction,
Library Use Instruction, Library Orientation, and several other names.
We examine, explore, critique, appraise, and evaluate strategies,
programs, and equipment that we have found to be valuable (or not) in
working toward the goal of the self-sufficient library user.
To join BI-L, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@BINGVMB:
SUBSCRIBE BI-L Your Name. (Put your first and last name where it says
"Your Name.")
To contribute to BI-L, send your e-mail message to BI-L@BINGVMB.
****NOTE that you send your message to the *list*, not to the list
For more information about BI-L contact
Martin Raish
Coordinator of Bibliographic Instruction
State University of New York at Binghamton
Box 6012
Binghamton, New York 13902-6012
(607) 777-4385 or MRAISH@BINGVMA
BIBSOFT is an international electronic forum for anyone interested in
discussing software designed for personal bibliographic database
management. BIBSOFT is not restricted to a particular software
program or hardware platform.
BIBSOFT is for people trying to choose a program, librarians and
others who consult with users, and people who conduct training in one
or more programs
To subscribe, send the following message: SUBSCRIBE BIBSOFT
First-name Last-name
To unsubscribe, send the following email message: UNSUBSCRIBE BIBSOFT
To stop BIBSOFT mail when you go on vacation, send the following
To resume BIBSOFT email delivery, send the following email message:
To send a message to BIBSOFT, send an email message to:
BIBSOFT is not moderated! Any message you send is sent directly to
the entire membership list. Please make sure your messages are
intended for public consumption!
Neither the list owners nor Indiana University verify the accuracy of
submitted messages or endorse the opinions expressed by authors of
messages. Authors of BIBSOFT messages are considered to be solely
responsible for their own comments.
If you have questions about the list or problems with its operation,
send email to one of the list owners.
Jim Morgan Sue Stigleman
Mailing list for discussion of issues in designing and operating
Campus-Size Local Area Networks, especially complex ones utilizing
multiple technologies and supporting multiple protocols. Topics
include repeaters, bridges, routers and gateways; how to incorporate
smaller Personal-Computer type LANs into the campus-wide LAN; how to
unify the mail systems, etc. This is an ideal list in which to debate
the relative merits of bridges vs. routers.
Archives are available through revised LISTSERV.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to BIG-LAN-REQUEST@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU or
BIG-REQ@SUVM (BitNet). Those familiar with revised LISTSERV can
Coordinator: John Wobus JMWOBUS@SUVM
This list is for users of BigmOuth and PowerLine voice mail PC cards,
both products of Talking Technologies, Inc. It is intended as a
mutual-aid/mutual-commiseration group.
To subscribe, send the following single line in the BODY of a mail
message (not the subject) to LISTSERV@VM.SAS.COM:
SUB BIGM-L firstname lastname
To unsubscribe, send the following single line in a mail message to
To get more information about using LISTSERV, send the following
single line in the BODY of a mail message to LISTSERV@VM.SAS.COM:
Notebooks: yes public yearly Owner: snoddi@mvs.sas.com (Dale Ingold)
LISTSERV distribution list for the topic of billing and chargeback of
(computer) resources. This list is not dedicated to any one product
or supplier, but discusses general issues as well as details
pertaining to MVS and VM systems only. Also see the MICS-L list.
A monthly notebook will be provided for logging the discussion; this
notebook can be obtained without being subscribed to the list.
BILLING LOG8901 contains a summary of net mail during the last year on
this subject.
You can subscribe to this list by sending a request to LISTSERV at
sending mail to LISTSERV%HDETUD1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU containing the
line: SUB BILLING your_full_name
Coordinator: Rob van Hoboken
A mailing list for BIONAUTS has been established at IRLEARN The main
purpose of the list is to facilitate communications between life
scientists. This list will have three main functions.
1. It can be used to ask questions about networking addresses
of scientists in the biological life sciences. e.g. I need
to get in contact with some one at EMBL who should I send
mail to.
2. If you have small databases of E-mail addresses related to
your particular field of interest they can be uploaded onto
BIO-NAUT for the benefit of others. Special interst groups
welcome. e.g. Numerical taxonomists, Culture Collections,
3. If you subscribe you will be asked to send one message to
BIO-NAUT which gives a brief outline of who you are and
your main interests. Instructions on the format of this
MESSAGE will be sent to all subscribers individually.
To subscribe to the BIOSCI Bionauts distribution service at IRLEARN,
send the following command as one line in the body of a mail message
SUBSCRIBE BIO-NAUT forename surname
Those of you who are directly on EARN or BITNET can also subscribe
with an interactive message, e.g.
running VM/CMS) or SEND LISTSERV@IRLEARN SUB BIO-NAUT forename surname
(on a VAX running VMS)
When you have done that, you will get an acknowledgement that you now
belong to the distribution list. Once subscribed, you can send mail
messages to
and they will be AUTOMATICALLY redistributed to all the other
subscribers. They (and you) can then reply to that address and
everyone will see the answers.
The SUB command for subscribing goes to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.BITNET
(LISTSERV%IRLEARN.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU for Internet users) Your mail
messages for others to see go to BIO-NAUT@IRLEARN.BITNET
(BIO-NAUT%IRLEARN.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU for Internet users) Moderator:
Rob Harper
bio-soft@IRLEARN.UCD.IE Ireland EARN/BitNet
bio-software@BMC.UU.SE Sweden Internet
bio-software@NET.BIO.NET U.S.A. BitNet
bio-soft@NET.BIO.NET U.S.A. BitNet
The BIO-SOFTWARE newsgroup replaces three previous newsgroups on
CONTRIBUTED-SOFTWARE SOFT-CON bionet.software.contrib
PC-COMMUNICATIONS SOFT-COM bionet.software.pc.comm
PC-SOFTWARE SOFT-PC bionet.software.pc
BIO-SOFTWARE BIO-SOFT bionet.software
The BIO-SOFTWARE newsgroup is not moderated. Questions, answers, and
discussions are welcomed about software related to the biological
sciences (or even about problems with other software that scientists
might use in the course of their work such as word processors or
communications software).
To subscribe to this newsgroup, please send your subscription request
to one of the following addresses; if you previously received e-mail
from any of the three superceded groups, then you should have been
subscribed to BIO-SOFTWARE. If you have any questions or doubts about
this, please contact the applicable BIOSCI address below:
Subscription Addresses Location Network
biosci%net.bio.net@VM1.NODAK.EDU Internet
biosci@net.bio.net U.S.A. BitNet
biosci@irlearn.ucd.ie Ireland EARN/BitNet
biosci@uk.ac.daresbury U.K. JANET
biosci@bmc.uu.se Sweden Internet
Users on the BIONET DEC 2065 computer may subscribe (i.e., be shown
all new messages at login) by entering DO BIO-SOFTWARE after the
@ prompt.
Coordinator: Dave Kristofferson
Mailing list for members of the International, European, American,
Canadian and other Societies of Biomechanics, and for others with an
interest in the general field of biomechanics and human or animal
movement science. For the scope of this list, see, e.g., the Journal
of Biomechanics (Pergamon Press), the Journal of Biomechanical
Engineering (ASME), and Human Movement Science (North-Holland).
To subscribe to BIOMCH-L, send the following command to
LISTSERV%HEARN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU via mail text or interactive
message: SUBSCRIBE BIOMCH-L Your_full_name For example: SUBSCRIBE
Coordinators: Anton J. van den Bogert
Herman J. Woltring
Mailing list for discussion on the topic of Biomedical Ethics. Since
the field of medicine and medical technology are rapidly changing and
the field is so broad, it is difficult to have clearly delineated
rules as to what should and should not be discussed, but possible
topics might include: Paternalism, Fetal Cell Transplant, The Right
to Die, AIDS, Suicide, Patient Autonomy, Abortion, Drug Legalization,
Euthanasia, Respirator Withdrawal, Transplants, Allocation of scarce
resources and many others too numerous to list here. The discussions
may be ethical, philosophical, religious, political, social or even,
in some cases, personal. Open discussion, disagreement, and dissent
is encouraged. Open flames are most certainly *not*.
To subscribe to BIOMED-L send the following command to
your_full_name is your real name, not your userid. Non-BitNet users
can subscribe by sending the above command in the text/body of a
Coordinator: Bill Sklar <86730%LAWRENCE.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU>
This list replaces the now defunct list OZONE@ICNUCEVM. The new name
reflects better the topics discussed. Anything relating to the
biosphere, pollution, CO-2 effect, ecology, habitats, climate, etc.,
can be discussed. Basically anything that exerts an influence of some
kind or another on the BioSphere.
New archives will be stored in a monthly notebook. Archives from the
old Ozone List will eventually be transferred to the BIOSPH-L site.
Even though there is no longer a connection to the owners of the old
list, the idea is to continue on from the topics that were being
discussed up to when it went dead.
To subscribe send the following command to LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET:
SUBSCRIBE BIOSPH-L Your_full_name To leave or signoff the list send:
SIGNOFF BIOSPH-L Non-BitNet users can [un]subscribe by sending the
commands in the body text of a message to
Coordinator: Dave Phillips
The Biotechnology mailing list is open for: software/hardware issues,
announcements, submission of bulletins, exchange of ideas and data.
Previous bulletins are archived on BIOSERVE server disk. The server
accepts commands from the Subject: line of a message. The request for
information and previous bulletins can be sent to
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to BIOTECH%UMDC.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
Coordinator: Deba Patnaik
Mailing list for discussion of issues of bisexuality. Cordial and
civilized exchange of relevant ideas, opinions and experiences between
members of all orientations is encouraged - we do not discriminate on
the basis of orientation, religion, gender, race, etc.
This list is not intended in the spirit of separatism from any other
lists devoted to lesbian, gay and bisexual issues but as an additional
resource for discussion of bisexual concerns in particular; by the
same token, the existence of Bisexu-L should not imply in any way that
other discussion lists are no longer appropriate forums for discussion
of bisexuality.
The list of subscribers is confidential for purposes of personal
privacy; excessively rude, obnoxious or abusive postings will not be
BitNet users can subscribe by sending the following command to
"your_full_name" is your real name, not your login Id. Internet users
can subscribe by sending the above command in the text/body of a
Coordinator: Bill Sklar <86730%LAWRENCE.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU>
BITNEWS is the official medium of the BitNet Network Information
Center for distributing BitNet news and administrative developements.
BITNEWS archives are stored on LISTSERV at BITNIC and are created
monthly, and are named in the format BITNEWS LOGyymm. To obtain a
list of currently available files, the command is: INDEX BITNEWS The
command to obtain a specific file is: GET BITNEWS file_name for
example, GET BITNEWS LOG8710
To subscribe to the list, from a VM site on BitNet issue: TELL
Your_Full_Name is your real name (not your userid); from a VMS BITNET
site use the SEND/REMOTE command. If you are at a site not on BitNet
or where you cannot send interactive messages, you can send a message
to LISTSERV%BITNIC.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU, where the first non-header
line consists of: SUBSCRIBE BITNEWS Your_Full_Name
Please note that there is no BITNEWS-REQUEST address. Questions,
problems, etc., should be referred to the Editors.
Editors: Judith Molka Patricia
BLUES-L is an unmoderated group for the discussion of blues music and
its performers, from Blind Blake and Charley Patton to Robert Cray and
Stevie Ray Vaughn, as well as related topics people may think up.
To sign up enter TELL LISTSERV AT BROWNVM SUB BLUES-L your full name
from a VM system on BITNET, or send e-mail to LISTSERV@BROWNVM on
BITNET or to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU on the Internet with the
following body:
SUB BLUES-L your full name
where "your full name" is your name. You will be signed up and a list
of commands available to you should be sent.
Owner: Jacob Haller st102315@brownvm.brown.edu
Discussion group for users of BMDP software.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to one of the Coordinators.
Coordinators: Michael Walsh
(BitNet) Sander Wasser
"BNFNET-MIRCEN" was established in 1990 by UNESCO's MIRCEN
(Microbiological Resource Center) Network for Environmental, Applied
Microbiological and Biotechnological Research for people who have a
professional interest in biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). Members
of BNFNET-MIRCEN primarily use computers to communicate with each
other by electronic mail ("e-mail").
The aims of the Network are the following :
- to provide a forum for the exchange of information,
experiences and scientific results on BNF
- to foster better communication and cooperation among MIRCENs
and between MIRCENs and other organizations
- to encourage and help individuals to use e-mail for
communications in BNF research
BNFNET-L is the name of the electronic mail distribution list for
BNFNET-MIRCEN. Membership in BNFNET-L is open to any individual who
have a professional interest in BNF. To become a member of
BNFNET-MIRCEN and thereby be included in its mailing list BNFNET-L,
send the following message.
to the following e-mail address : LISTSERV@FINHUTC.BITNET
BNFNET-L can be used for any scientific purposes related to BNF, such
as forum and exchange of information. Commercial advertisement is
however strictly prohibited. The members of BNFNET-l have grouped
themselves into the following 6 discussion groups :
* Legume-Rhizobium Group * Culture Collections Group
* Nitrogen Fixing Trees Group * Computer Networking Group
* Genetics/Biochemistry Group
* Free-living Fixers Group
On-going discussions (August-Sept 1990) concern members' research
activities and world facilities for Rhizobium inoculant production.
Members are encouraged to initiate discussions on topics of special
interest to them. BNFNET-L also serves as an electronic newsletter
and provides information on forthcoming conferences, recent
publications and research profiles of organizations. Articles from
the BNF BULLETIN, published by NifTAL MIRCEN (Hawaii), are also
reproduced in BNFNET-L. Other activities are being planned.
BNFNET-MIRCEN currently provides two services:
- helps researchers to identify resources of culture
- identifies suitabble e-mail facilities for scientists who
wish to join BNFNET-MIRCEN
For more information, please contact one of the following
BNFNET-MIRCEN coordinators :
Eng-leong FOO eng-leong_foo_@kom.komunity.se
Robert HARPER harper@finfun.bitnet
(Co-MIRCEN, Helsinki)
This list has been setup to facilitate discussion of the art and craft
of Bonsai and related art forms. Bonsai is the Oriental Art (Craft?)
of minituarizing trees and plants into forms that mimic nature.
To subscribe, you may send an interactive message (from BITNET sites
which provide such a facility), or mail (with the command as the body
of the mail - *NOT* in the subject field - ) to:
The command should be in the form:
SUB BONSAI full name
... where "full name" is your full (and correct) name.
To contribute to the list, send your mail messages to:
Owner: Daniel Cwiertniewicz DCWIERT@WAYNEST1 or
BRAS-NET@CS.COLUMBIA.EDU [Last updated 9/92]
BRAS-NET is a mailing list for Brazilians and is conducted in
Portuguese. There is no specific subject orientation.
Requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to bras-net-request@cs.columbia.edu.
Coordinator: Jay Marme'
Indiana University-Bloomington
Business/SPEA Library
BRASS@geomag.gly.fsu.edu [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
A discussion group for people interested in brass musical performance
and related topics, especially small musical ensembles of all kinds.
Requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to brass-request@geomag.gly.fsu.edu.
Coordinator: Ted Zateslo
Bread@cykick.infores.com [Last Update 6/93]
A list to discuss all aspects of bread making.
Send digest submissions to: Bread@cykick.infores.com
Send add/unsubscribe requests to:
bread-digest-request@cykick.infores.com (send HELP for more
Send problems about the list to: Bread-Mgr@cykick.infores.com
Archives for the Bread list are only available by mail-server. Send a
message containing HELP in the body of the message to
BRS-L%USCVM.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU Mailing list for discussion of BRS/Search;
a full-text retrieval system which runs on platforms including MS-DOS,
XENIX, BSD 4.3 and AT&T System V UNIX, IBM VM/CMS and MVS/CICS, and
Data General MV series machines. Most of the subscribers use
BRS/Search for library applications but a substantial number of people
have interest in litigation support and scientific/technical work.
Subscription requests, problems, or questions about BRS-L can be sent
directly to the Coordinator or to POSTMAST%USCVM.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU.
Coordinator: Karl P. Geiger
BRUNONIA, encourages discussion among friends and alumni of Brown
University of issues affecting the university and its students,
faculty, staff, and alumni.
Topics may include (but will not be limited to) current events at
Brown, trends in higher education, reactions to specific articles or
letters in the _Brown Alumni Monthly_ and other media, questions about
activities on campus, and updates on the activities of alumni as
individuals and in reference to alumni organizations.
To subscribe to BRUNONIA send the following command via interactive
message (BITNET) or via E-mail to LISTSERV@BROWNVM on BITNET or
SUB BRUNONIA yourfirstname yourlastname
List Owner:
Anne Diffily (401) 863-2873
Brown Alumni Monthly email: ADBAM@BROWNVM.BITNET
Box 1854 ADBAM@brownvm.brown.edu
Providence, RI 02912
BtL [Last Update 4/93]
"Between the Lines" or "BtL" is a mail group devoted entirely to Long
Island's Debbie Gibson. The BtL moderators organize a "periodic"
(usually monthly) newsletter issue that is sent out by e-mail to all
BtL members. As well, the moderators attempt to keep BtL members
informed of upcoming "events" such as concert appearances/shows,
televised interviews, etc.
If people are interested in joining BtL and/or have questions
concerning BtL, please send e-mail to the following address :
We will give people further information upon receipt of e-mail.
Owner: Myra Wong (mkwong@scf.nmsu.edu)
BUBBA-L@KNUTH.MTSU.EDU [Last Update 4/93]
This list is devoted to the conversational language, culture,
lifestyles, history, and humor of the Southern United States. The
objective of BUBBA-L is to provide a relaxing and hopefully enjoyable
opportunity for folks who live, (or used to live) in the South or for
y'all who are just interested in the South to swap anecdotes, ask
questions, answer questions, discuss the proper plural of "y'all", wax
nostalgic about the scent of magnolias, or most'all anything else that
you feel like... BUBBA-L is not moderated, and is open to any
subscriber who wishes to participate.
Subscription requests should be sent to the listserver not the list
itself. In this case: LISTSERV@KNUTH.MTSU.EDU Content of the mail
message should contain: SUBSCRIBE BUBBA-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Postings to BUBBA-L should be sent to: BUBBA-L@KNUTH.MTSU.EDU. Any
message mailed to that address will be reflected to all subscribers.
If you want a copy of your posting to be bounced back to you, (just to
give you warm/fuzzies that y'er posting made it to the list... or
whatever) send a message to LISTSERV@KNUTH.MTSU.EDU with the content
of the message to read: SET BUBBA-L MAIL ACK If you want to know more
about this listserver (which is an INTERNET listserver *NOT* a BITNET
listserv...) send a mail message to LISTSERV@KNUTH.MTSU.EDU with the
single word in the body of the message: HELP
DISCLAIMER: This unmoderated list is hosted by Middle Tennessee State
University, but is NOT to be considered an official organ of that
institution. Postings to BUBBA-L express the thoughts of the poster
alone, and in no way should be even remotely considered opinion or
policy of Middle Tennessee State University, or anyone connected with
David Robinson robinson@knuth.mtsu.edu
Automation Librarian 615/898-2572 (voice)
Middle Tennessee State University 615/898-5551 (FAX)
Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37132 P.O. Box 13 (snail)
BUDDHA-L provides a means for those interested in Buddhist Studies to
exchange information and views. It is hoped that the group will
function as an open forum for scholarly discussion of topics relating
to the history, literature and languages, fine arts, philosophy, and
institutions of all forms of Buddhism. It may also serve as a forum
for discussion of issues connected to the teaching of Buddhist studies
at the university level, and as a place for posting notices of
employment opportunities.
The primary purpose of this list is to provide a forum for serious
academic discussion. It is open to all persons inside and outside the
academic context who wish to engage in substantial discussion of
topics relating to Buddhism and Buddhist studies. BUDDHA-L is not to
be used for proselytizing for or against Buddhism in general, any
particular form of Buddhism, or any other religion or philosophy, nor
is it to be used as a forum for making unsubstantiable confessions of
personal conviction.
The discussion on the list is to be moderated, not in order to
suppress or censor controversies on any topic, but rather to limit
irrelevant discussions and idle chatter, and to redirect or return
messages sent to the list by accident. Content or style will never be
altered by the moderator, whose only responsibility will be to forward
all appropriate postings to the list.
If you wish to subscribe to BUDDHA-L, send an e-mail message to
LISTSERV@ULKYVM. The message should contain only the following
command (ie. in the body of the mail):
James A. Cocks
Senior Consultant Research/Instruction
University of Louisville
Bogazici University Alumni Group List. There is a non-LISTSERV list
available here at TRBOUN. We invite all BOUNers (old/new/graduated).
Its name is BURC coming from: Bogazici University - Robert College.
Since this is NOT an automatic subscription server, all the
subscription requests should be sent to me including your: fullname,
e-mail adres, year(s) of graduation from BU or RC and dept to
List Owner: Ferhat Djavidan
The C-Tree mailing list provides a forum for the discussion of
FairCom's C-Tree, R-Tree, and D-Tree products. The list is not
associated with FairCom. There are various subscribers using:
Hardware IBM PC, RT, some 68K, HP, VAX, PS/2, Altos
OS DOS, QNX, Microport, SCO Xenix, Unix, HPUX, VMS, AIX, V.3
Applic'ns Accounting, educational, network server, real-time
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions,
comments, etc. should be sent to oha!ctree-request@UUNET.UU.NET or
Coordinator: Tony Olekshy
C+Health on LISTSERV@IUBVM [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
C+Health is intended to promote sharing of information, experiences,
concerns, and advice about computers and health. Anecdotal evidence,
media reports, and some formal studies suggest that computer users are
at risk from misuse and overuse of computers. Eyestrain, headache,
carpal tunnel syndrome, and other apparently computer-related maladies
are increasing. And, it would appear that colleges, universities, and
other institutions have been slow to respond with education, training,
office and lab design, furniture purchasing, and other programs that
could make computing more healthful -- and productive.
We welcome questions and answers; article and book reviews; hardware,
software, and furniture evaluations; approaches to influencing
institutional policy; speculation; and humor. Medical, legal,
technical, financial, aesthetic, and administrative viewpoints are
encouraged. We hope that this forum will be of interest to end users,
computing managers, epidemiologists, and policymakers.
Subscribers to this list may also wish to participate in EDUCOM's
Project EASI: Equal Access to Software for Instruction, "dedicated to
assisting higher education in developing computer support services for
people with disabilities." EASI provides information and guidance on
campus applications of adaptive computer technology. For information
on EASI, contact Carmela Castorina, CSMICLC@UCLAMVS.BITNET.
In general, C+Health will focus on individual and institutional
measures for "keeping healthy people healthy" as well as remedies for
restoring temporarily disabled people to health. We suggest that
computing issues related to those with permanent disabilities be
referred to our dedicated colleagues at EASI. Although this
distinction will not always be "easy," one goal of C+Health is to
minimize the number of casualties in our increasingly
computer-intensive campuses, offices, and homes.
This list will not be moderated, at least initially, so we encourage
contributors to be succinct, to include relevant parts of messages to
which they are responding, and to append their names, titles, and
institutions to contributions. New users are welcome to send to the
list a brief statement of their experiences and interests in this
topic. Unless stated otherwise, it will be assumed that contributions
represent individual opinion rather than institutional policy.
To subscribe to C+Health send mail with the following command to
(from Internet sites).
Subscribe C+Health Full Name Institution
As list owners, we look forward to your contributions to C+Health:
Judy Smith, Data Analyst, Office of Data Administration and
Information Resource Planning, University of Pennsylvania;
Kimberly Updegrove, Lecturer, School of Nursing, University of
Pennsylvania; kimu@dairp.upenn.edu.
Mailing list for 18th-century discussion. It is open, unmoderated,
and archived on a monthly basis. We hope to attract free-ranging
discussion of topics of interest to students and scholars of the 18th
century everywhere. What the list becomes is up to the contributors,
of course, but we hope to see a wide range of functions - including
calls for papers, notes & queries, arguments, friendly backchat, and
so forth.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command via
interactive command or e-mail to LISTSERV@PSUVM: SUBSCRIBE C18-L Your
full name where "Your full name" is your real name, not your login Id.
Non-BitNet users can join the list by sending the above command as the
only line in the text/body of a message to
Coordinator: Kevin Berland
C370-L@NCSUVM (BitNet)
Mailing list for discussion of the C programming language on
370-architecture machines. Products covered are IBM's new C/370
compiler (5688-040), the IBM C Program Offering (5713-AAH), Waterloo
C, SAS/C, or any other such implementations.
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@NCSUVM (BitNet
users) or LISTSERV@NCSUVM.NCSE.EDU (Internet users): SUBSCRIBE C370-L
your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your real name, not your
login Id.
Coordinator: Chuck Kesler
CADUCEUS is a moderated discussion group organized for the members of
the Association of Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences,
and other individuals interested in medical history collections. The
purpose is to provide a forum for the exchange of information about
the administration of special collections in medical history.
CADUCEUS is not on a Listserver. To subscribe, send a message to:
CADUCEUS@UTMBeach (Bitnet) or CADUCEUS@Beach.Gal.UTexas.Edu (Internet)
Moderator: Inci Bowman, Moody Medical Library The University of Texas
Medical Branch Galveston, TX 77555-1035 Phone: 409/772-2397
CAMEL-L on LISTSERV@SAKFU00.BITNET [Last Updated June 1992]
Camel-l ( Camel forum discussion list ) is a list in the field of
Camel researches and studies. It is launched by the Camel Research
Center at King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia.
To subscribe send an interactive message (TELL or SEND) or e-mail to
LISTSERV@SAKFU00 on BITNET with the following command in the BODY:
SUB CAMEL-L firstname lastname
where firstname and lastname are your first and last name .
The temporary owner of this list is :
Mustafa Ghazal ( Devmtg12@Sakfu00.Bitnet )
King Faisal University
Computer Center
P.O. Box 380
Hofuf ,31982
Saudi Arabia
camelot@castle.ed.ac.uk [Last Updated Feb 92]
A mailing list on the subject of Arthurian legend and Grail Lore. The
'Matter of Britain', as it is known, in all its guises and all related
subjects, discussed in an unmoderated mailing list.
Technical Details
There are two mailing addresses you will need to know.:
1) camelot-request@castle.ed.ac.uk If you wish to be added to or
removed from the mailing list or if you want to report a bug or if you
want info on the mailing list or any other such technical stuff, this
is the address to use.
2) camelot@castle.ed.ac.uk This is for your articles and chat. It is
unmoderated and unfiltered, so anything goes. This is the address you
will post to mainly.
As well as this there is an FTP address with up to date archives and
some GIF pictures and interesting articles. The address is: (sapphire.epcc.ed.ac.uk) The login name is anonymous
with your mail address as the password. Then cd pub/camelot and get
the README to find the contents.
Owner: Chris Thornborrow
The CAMPCLIM list was created to provide a forum for discussions
pertaining to college campuses' personal, educational, and physical
environments. Possible subjects would include but are not limited to:
campus race relations, sexual harassment, exterior lighting, fire
regulations, handicap access. It is hoped that subscribers would be
able to specify how these issues are 'handled' at their campus. For
example, is there an ombudsman position? How do campus committees
with overlapping responsibilities communicate with each other? What
are the grievance procedures? Is there a 'hate speech' policy? Are
athletes treated differently from the rest of the student body? Yes,
it's a broad area. The list was started to assist a campus committee
charged with looking into all these areas.
To subscribe to CAMPCLIM, send the following command to
For example: SUBSCRIBE CAMPCLIM Hillary Clinton
Owner: CB Lih
CANADA-L on LISTSERV@VM1.MCGILL.CA [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
Canada-L is a discussion forum for political, social, cultural and
economic issues in Canada.
To subscribe to CANADA-L send a message or e-mail to
containing the command:
SUB CANADA-L yourfirstname yourlastname
Owner: Anastassia Khouri St-Pierre
A forum for the discussion of Candle products. Topics could include
installation, performance monitoring, or any other subject related to
the use of Candle products on VM or MVS. These products include
CL/SUPERSESSION and any other future products.
Archives of CANDLE-L can be listed by sending the command INDEX
To subscribe to CANDLE-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@UA1VM
via mail text or interactive message: SUBSCRIBE CANDLE-L
your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your name. For example:
SUBSCRIBE CANDLE-L Joe User Non-BitNet users should send the command
in the text/body of a message to LISTSERV%UA1VM.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU.
Coordinator: Darren Evans-Young
The CANINE-L list has been created to discuss matters of interest to
dog owners. A full statement of purpose, plus any applicable
restrictions, will be automatically mailed to new subscribers.
Monthly notebooks will be kept at PCCVM.
To subscribe, send an interactive message or e-mail to
in the body:
SUB CANINE-L your-full-name
List Owner: W. K. (Bill) Gorman <34AEJ7D@CMUVM>
Purpose: For people interested in collection, speculation and
investing in baseball, football, basketball, hockey and other trading
cards and/or memoribilia. Discussion and want/sell lists are welcome.
Open to anyone.
Membership must be requested and mail path verification is required
before membership is granted.
Contact: cards-request@tanstaafl.uchicago.edu
List Maintainer: kean@tanstaafl.uchicago.edu (Keane Arase)
CARIBBEAN-ECONOMY is a discussion forum for the exchange of
information and dialogue on the economies of the Caribbean Basin
All postings sent to CARIBBEAN-ECONOMY will be compiled and
distributed several times weekly. Archives will be offered in due
course, when the demand arises.
To SUBSCRIBE (or UNSUBSCRIBE) send a request to
Addington Coppin (Moderator)
Oakland University
Rochester MI
CARR-L was started to facilitate communication between working
journalists (any media), journalism educators, and news librarians and
The topic is focussed on the use of computers in journalism, not
general journalism. Topics range from text processing and graphics to
online database searching and computer communications and
investigative reporting.
To subscribe to CARR-L, send the follwing command to
LISTSERV@ULKYVM.BITNET via mail text or interactive message:
SUBSCRIBE CARR-L your full name
For example: SUBSCRIBE CARR-L William A. White
Owners: Elliott Parker <3ZLUFUR@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU> Jim Cocks
Discussion of use of computer techniques in the systems development
life cycle. Includes use of computers to aid in system analysis and
design description (including graphical representation of functions),
coding, and documentation. Emphasis is on practical applications,
especially those of value to commercial firms and administrative type
computer facilities.
Monthly archives will be kept; for access, contact the Coordinator.
BitNet users can subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@UCCVMA via mail or interactive message: SUB CASE-L
your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your real name, not your
login Id. For example: SUB CASE-L Joan Doe Non-BitNet users can
subscribe by sending the above command to
Coordinator: Richard Hintz
CATALYST, a refereed print journal that has been serving community
college educators for more than twenty years, will be distributed as
an electronic journal in addition to its print version. Subscriptions
to the electronic version of the journal are now available free of
charge via BITNET and the Internet, according to Dr. Darrel A. Clowes,
editor of the journal and a member of the faculty at Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University.
The quarterly journal is published by the National Council on
Community Services and Continuing Education, an affiliate council of
the American Association of Community, Junior and Technical Colleges.
The journal is being made available in its electronic form by the
Scholarly Communications Project of Virginia Tech.
Initiated in 1971, CATALYST is the second oldest continuously
published journal in the community college field. It publishes
practitioner-oriented articles on practices in continuing/community
education as delivered by community colleges, including papers on
research in the field. CATALYST currently is distributed in print
form to dues-paying members of the Council, as a benefit of their
membership, and to libraries and other non-members at subscription
prices of $20 per year in the U.S., $25 outside the U.S.
To subscribe to the electronic journal, send the command SUBSCRIBE
CATALYST first name last name by electronic mail to the address
Electronic subscribers will receive instructions on how to order a
list of available articles, how to retrieve the full text of those
articles, and how to cancel their subscriptions.
Electronic subscribers, in addition to having access to past issues of
the journal, will be sent the tables of contents of future issues as
those issues are published; the subscribers then may order full text
by electronic mail of any and all articles they wish to read.
Currently, all articles from issue numbers 3 and 4 of volume 21 (1991)
are available online. Consideration will be given to adding all
articles from the remaining back issues to the archive.
For further information, contact Lon Savage, SAVAGE@VTVM1.BITNET or
Catholic-action [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
Catholic-action is a moderated list concerned with Catholic
evangelism, church revitalization, and preservation of Catholic
teachings, traditions, and values
Contact: rfreeman@vpnet.chi.il.us
CATV@quack.sac.ca.us [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
For people interested in any topic having to do with cable television
programming, technology, regulation, etc. Especially welcome are
postings concerning 'cable tax' legislation, attempts to repeal syndex
and ways to increase competition in local cable markets.
To sign up, send mail to catv-request@quack.sac.ca.us. The submission
address is catv@quack.sac.ca.us.
Listowner: Nick Sayer mrapple@quack.sac.ca.us
Causerie on ListServ@UQuebec.BitNet [Last Updated Feb 92]
or ListServ@UQuebec.CA
"Causerie" means talk or chat. And that is what this list is all
about. Just for the fun of it.
Everyone is welcome though you should be aware of the fact that all
the communication is in French. The rest of this announcement is in
Deben saber que la totalidad de los mensajes estan redactados en ***
frances ***.
Pour jaser, parloter, palabrer: Causerie@UQuebec
En francais, un "Cafe Campus" pour discuter de choses et d'autres.
Causerie [kozri]. n.f. (1555; de causer). Causerie@UQuebec 1
Entretien familier. V. Conversation Causeries a batons rompus. "La
lecon degenerait en causerie" (Gide). 2 Discours, conference sans
pretention. Une causerie litteraire, scientifique. (Le Petit Robert
Demarrage en fevrier 1992.
concierge= UQPSGEN@UQSS.UQUEBEC.CA (Pierre Chenard)
concierge= UQPSGEN@UQUEBEC (Pierre Chenard)
concierge= HAMEL@UQUEBEC (Pierre J. Hamel)
concierge= HAMEL@INRS-URB.UQUEBEC.CA (Pierre J. Hamel)
Pour s'abonner a ce nouveau repertoire comme pour tout autre,
il suffit d'envoyer a l'adresse: ListServ@UQuebec
la commande: Sub Repertoire Prenom Nom
par exemple: Sub Causerie Emile Durkheim
CBEHIGH is an international electronic forum for anyone interested in
discussing the use of computers as an educational tool in higher
Some examples of relevant topics for CBEHIGH: (These topics are just
suggestions to indicate the scope).
- who uses what as authoring tool
- pro's and con's of different tools
- own experience in the use of computers in higher education
- pointers to specific articles or other sources of information
- student administration and scoring
- when to use what kind of course
- guidelines to build a course
- cost effective uses of computers in education
- effectiveness of computers in education
- special uses of computers in education
- strategies for using computers in education
- contrast the different learning theories as they apply to CBE
This mailing list can also be used to store files that have something
to do with the topics mentioned above. If you have files that could be
of interest to the readers of this list, please send them to Peter
Arien (laaaa43@cc1.kuleuven.ac.be).
To retreive files, send the following message to
INDEX CBEHIGH (to get an index of the CBEHIGH-files) GET filename
filetype (to get a specific file)
The list is located at BLEKUL11.BITNET (CC1.KULEUVEN.AC.BE), so the
commands described below should be sent to :
To subscribe, send the following message: SUBSCRIBE CBEHIGH
First-name Last-name
To unsubscribe, send the following email message: UNSUBSCRIBE CBEHIGH
To send a message to CBEHIGH, send an email message to:
CBEHIGH is not moderated! Any message you send is sent directly to
the entire membership list. Please make sure your messages are
intended for public consumption!
Neither the list owners nor the University of Leuven verify the
accuracy of submitted messages or endorse the opinions expressed by
authors of messages. Authors of CBEHIGH messages are considered to be
solely responsible for their own comments.
If you have questions about the list or problems with its operation,
send email to one of the list owners.
Owners: * Peter Arien
Computer Based Education
University Computing Centre
De Croylaan 52A
B-3001 Leuven - Heverlee
Fax : +32 16 207168
* Herman van Uytven
* Wim Brems
Mailing list for news and comments of general interest to the
biological timing research community. eg, a forum for discussion of
research in biological timing and circadian rhythms, requests for
literature pointers, announcements, etc. - anything of general
To subscribe: send a message to cbt-general-request@VIRGINIA.EDU.
Coordinator: Tom Breeden
CCES-L on LISTSERV@UNB.CA [Last Update 11/92]
CCES-L is the Congress of Canadian Engineering Students forum for the
Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES). CCES-L provides
an excellent medium for Canadian Engineering students to discuss
current topics and exchange information across our rather spread out
CCES-L is mainly intended for Engineering Students but other people
with an interest in engineering and the sciences are invited to join
in. CCES-L presently has a large Canadian following, but there are
also subscribers from the USA, Turkey, Saudia Arabia, Brazil, Taiwan,
and France.
To subscribe to CCES-L, send the following one line e-mail message to
SUB CCES-L your-name
Owner: Troy Morehouse k9qx@Jupiter.Sun.CSD.unb.ca CFES Director of
Electronic Communications CCES-L Administrator
CCMAIL-L on LISTSERV@vm1.ucc.okstate.edu [Last Update 12/92]
The CCMAIL-L mailing list is designed to foster information sharing
between users of the cc:Mail (tm) LAN based electronic mail system
distributed by cc:Mail, Inc. Both new and experienced users of
cc:Mail are welcome to join in the discussions.
Topics that may be discussed in the CCMAIL-L mailing list include (but
are not necessarily limited to) the following: environments,
gateways, interfaces, routing, add-on products, problem solving,
product news, and just about anything else related to cc:Mail.
Archives of CCMAIL-L and related files are stored at the mailing
list's home site (LISTSERV@vm1.ucc.okstate.edu). To receive a list of
files send a message to LISTSERV@vm1.ucc.okstate.edu with the command
INDEX CCMAIL-L (message subject is not important).
NOTE: The CCMAIL-L mailing list is not affiliated with cc:Mail, Inc.
or Lotus, Inc. in any way. Perhaps there will be a few folks from
cc:Mail join the mailing list, but there are absolutely no guarantees
this will happen. In other words, the CCMAIL-L mailing list is an
"informal" support group, and NOT an official "organ" of cc:Mail, Inc.
To subscribe to the CCMAIL-L mailing list, send an e-mail message to
LISTSERV@vm1.ucc.okstate.edu with the following in the body:
SUB CCMAIL-L yourfirstname yourlastname
Owners: Brent Stilley
James Alexander
Chinese Computing is a discussion group on technology relating to the
use of Chinese on computers. It is intended to be a forum for both
experts and regular users and to reach wherever computer networks can
reach, from North America to the Far East. Although different people
may have different definitions for Chinese computing, at it's current
stage, the technology for Chinese word processing and desktop
publishing software is in the greatest demand. Discussions will
concentrate on this technology as implemented in both software and
The focus of the mailing list may change when other technologies
become more important. There have been suggestions that Chinese
programming languages may be a requirement when Chinese data base
software gets more popular. The postings to this group may include:
news of new software, hardware and technology, product reviews,
comments, questions and answers.
The list is unmoderated, and archives are available from LISTSERV@UGA.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@UGA: SUB CCNET-L Your_full_name where "Your_full_name" is
your real name, not your login Id. Non-BitNet users can join the list
by sending the above command as the only line in the text\/body of a
Coordinator: Harold Pritchett
CDPub@knex.via.mind.org [Last Update 2/93]
CDPub is an electronic mailing list for folks engaged or interested in
cdrom publishing in general and desk top cdrom recorders and
publishing systems in particular.
Topics of interest to the list include information on the various desk
top publishing systems for premastering using CD-R media and tapes
(DAT e.g.), replication services, various standards of interest to
publishers (ISO9660, RockRidge etc.), retrieval engines, platform
independence issues etc.
Discussions on all platforms are welcome, be it MsDos based PCs,
Apple, Unix, Amiga etc. Also of interest will be publishing for
platforms such as CD-I, 3DO et al.
In short, if it relates to cdrom publishing, we wish to talk about it,
exchange information, inform and be informed.
To subscribe, send the following command to:
SUBSCRIBE CDPub FirstName LastName
Note that the Subject: header line is ignored. The command must be
appear in the body of the email text.
The list is semi-moderated in that blatantly off-topic submissions and
mail-server commands sent to the list etc. will not be distributed.
The mail-server is a MsDos based list server and NOT the VM LISTSERV
or the Unix Listserv.
GeSS Shankar
CDPub Administrator
CDPub: CD Publishing Discussion List
Knowledge Exchange
Internet: gess@knex.via.mind.ORG
UUCP: {rutgers,ogicse,gatech}!emory!uumind!knex!gess
Mailing list for the discussion of hardware and software issues
related to the design, production, and use of CD-ROM.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command to
Monthly archives are kept. UCCVMA via interactive message or e-mail:
SUBSCRIBE CDROM-L Your full name where "Your full name" is your real
name, not your login Id. Non-BitNet users can join the list by
sending the above command as the only line in the text/body of a
Coordinator: Richard Hintz
This list will provide an exchange of information on all types of
CDROM products, whether they contain indexes, abstracts, full text,
statistics, graphics, or other data. It will also cover all types of
LAN environments (Banyan, Starlan, Ethernet, Novell, etc.) on all
types of hardware (Mac, IBM, Unix, clones, etc.) Producers of
hardware, LAN software, CDROM products, and integrated CDROM LAN
systems will be encouraged to participate in the discussions and to
answer questions about their products.
The list is owned by Dan Lester, Associate University Librarian at
Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, USA. The list will be
To join the list, send an interactive message or mail message to
LISTSERV@IDBSU with the text containing the command:
SUB CDROMLAN yourfirstname yourlastname
Dan Lester 1910 University Dr. Bitnet: ALILESTE@IDBSU
Library Boise, Idaho 83725 Internet:
Boise State University (208) 385-1234 ALILESTE@IDBSU.IDBSU.EDU
A list for the Technology and Media division of the Council on
Exceptional Children is available on sjuvm.bitnet (sjuvm.stjohns.edu).
Subscription is open to anyone who is interested.
To subscribe to the list send e-mail to LISTSERV@SJUVM on BITNET or
LISTSERV@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU with the body containing the command:
SUB CEC-TAM your full name
Owner: Bob Zenhausern, Ph.D. Internet: drz@sjuvm.stjohns.edu
St. John's University Bitnet: drz@sjuvm.bitnet
SB 15 Marillac Phone: 718-990-6447
Jamaica, NY 11439 Fax: 718-990-6705
CELLULAR on Mail-Server@yngbld.gwinnett.com [Last Updated 9/92]
The CELLULAR list is for the discussion of cellular telephoney and
technology. This also includes technologies relating to the cellular
industry such as microwave, RF, telco and more. Subjects could range
from topics dealing with marketing ideas, test equipment, phones
preferred for different reasons, system and site engineering and just
about anything that was related to cellular.
All traffic will be archived and stored using the format CELLmmyy.ZIP.
'mm' will refer to the month, and 'yy' the year. These archives can
be retrieved by sending a message to: Mail-Server@yngbld.gwinnett.com
For help with the Mail-Server, put HELP in the message body. For an
index to the files available, put INDEX in the message body. It is
recommended that you send a HELP and INDEX request before attempting
to retrieve files from the Mail-Server.
To subscribe to the CELLULAR mailing list, send a message to:
In the body of the message put:
The default is NOECHOMAIL, which means when you send a message to be
distributed, you will not receive an acknowledgement. If you want to
get a response letting you know your message was received, put:
in your subscription message as well.
To send a message to the mailing list for distribution, send it to:
Owner: Gregory S. Youngblood zeta@yngbld.gwinnett.com
Mailing-list for the exchange of information on all aspects of
cellular automata and their applications. The list is gatewayed
to/from the Usenet group comp.theory.cell-automata.
Archived messages will be kept at Think.COM in the files:
There is a LISTSERV-maintained BitNet part of this list, CA-L@MITVMA.
BitNet subscriptions can be managed in the usual way, e.g.: TELL
BitNet Notebooks with monthly archives are available from MITVMA from
11/89. All other requests to be added to or deleted from this list,
problems, questions, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Bruce Walker
CERRO-L on LISTSERV@AEARN.BITNET [Last Updated June 1992]
or LISTSERV@aearn.edvz.uni-linz.ac.at
CERRO-L is a list discussing issues of relevance to regional
development and regional development research in Central Europe.
CERRO-L discusses topics from a broad range of related disciplines:
regional science, economic geography, regional and urban planning,
environmental economics, regional sociology, policy analysis, regional
political economy and institutions, etc. It is the intention of
CERRO-L to stimulate and support regional research in and about the
newly re-emerging region of "Central Europe" and to enhance contacts
and discussion between researchers and scholars interested in these
To subscribe to CERRO-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@AEARN
via mail text or interactive message:
SUBSCRIBE CERRO-L your_full_name
where "your_full_name" is your name. For example:
Additional documents concerning regional development in Central Europe
are also availabe through anonymous ftp to "ftp.wu-wien.ac.at"
directory "pub/cerro".
Owner: Gunther Maier or
CHAIRS-L@FAUVAX.BITNET or [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
An unmoderated discussion list dealing with issues and problems that
an academic chairperson faces daily. Discussion topics include the
chairperson's role and power, faculty development, annual evaluation,
tenure and promotion, budgetary problems, affirmative action,
grievances, recruitment procedures, and personnel matters.
Membership is open free of charge to all interested individuals or
To subscribe, send Email to CHAIRS-REQUEST@ACC.FAU.EDU
(BITNET-restricted users send to CHAIRS-REQUEST@FAUVAX) The sole
content of the message BODY must be:
To post a message to the list members, address it to:
To unsubscribe, send to CHAIRS-REQUEST this command:
Questions and requests for information should be sent to the List
Owner. Technical issues should be addressed to the List Manager.
List Owner: M Yasar Iscan (Iscan@acc.fau.edu, Iscan@FauVax)
List Manager: Ralph P Carpenter (Ralpho@acc.fau.edu, Ralpho@FauVax)
chalkhills@presto.ig.com [Last Update 4/93]
Chalkhills is a mailing list for the discussion of the music and
records of XTC (the band). Chalkhills is moderated and is distributed
in a digest format.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to chalkhills-request@presto.ig.com.
Some of your readers might be interested in a new list,
CHAUCER@SIUCVMB (Internet: CHAUCER@siucvmb.siu.edu). This is an
open-forum discussion list for Medieval English Literature.
To subscribe to CHAUCER send e-mail to LISTSERV@siucvmb.siu.edu or
e-mail or message to LISTSERV@SIUCVMB.BITNET with the following
command in the body:
SUB CHAUCER your full name
Owner: Jeff Taylor GR4302@SIUCVMB.BITNET
chaucer@unlinfo.unl.edu [Last Update 11/92]
Chaucernet is an unedited discussion group devoted to the works of
Geoffrey Chaucer and medieval English literature and culture in the
period 1100-1500. The list is sponsored by the New Chaucer Society
and is open to all who are interested in Chaucer.
To join, send the following command to listserv@unlinfo.unl.edu:
subscribe chaucer
The address of the list is chaucer@unlinfo.unl.edu.
For more information, please contact Professor Bestul at the address
Owner: Thomas Bestul Email: tbestul@crcvms.unl.edu
or tbestul@unlvax1.bitnet
Department of English
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0333
The Chemical Information Sources list is intended to serve as a
discussion medium and information source for any topic related to
chemistry and the sources used to find information about chemical
compounds. News about existing reference sources, the appearance of
new primary, secondary, or tertiary printed or machine-readable
sources, pricing and availability, bibliographic instruction--all are
fair topics for distribution as long as they have some link to
To subscribe, send mail or a message to LISTSERV@IUBVM.BITNET which
contains the following command in the body:
SUBSCRIBE CHMINF-L yourfirstname yourlastname
The Computational Chemistry List is maintained by Ohio Supercomputer
Center. This list is not restricted to particular computational
chemistry software or methodology. Examples of topics discussed
include: quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics/dynamics, molecular
modeling, molecular graphics, etc.
To subscribe to the list, send a short note stating your name,
affiliation and e-mail address to: CHEMISTRY-REQUEST@oscsunb.osc.edu
To get more information about the list (rules for posting, accessing
archives, etc.) send the following one-line message to
OSCPOST@oscsunb.osc.edu or OSCPOST@OHSTPY.BITNET send help from
chemistry The information will be automatically forwarded to you via
Mr. Jan Labanowski Ohio Supercomputer Center
E-mail: jkl@osc.edu 1224 Kinnear Rd
JKL@OHSTPY.BITNET Columbus, OH 43212-1163, USA
Phone: 614-292-9279
FAX: 614-292-7168
Mailing list to offer to chess players inside the network a way to
communicate, share ideas, and participate in tournaments which can be
organised through the list.
BitNet users can subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@GREARN: SUB CHESS-L your_full_name where "your_full_name" is
your real name, not your login id. Non-BitNet users can subscribe by
sending the above command in the body (text) of a message to
Coordinator: Giorgos Kavallieratos
Child@Hampvms.Bitnet [Last Update 28-January-1992]
A list on the subject of the Rights of Children and Adolescents. Moved
CHPOEM-L is an electronic mailing list devoted to sharing and
discussing Chinese poems.
To subscribe to CHPOEM-L, send email to either LISTSERV@UBVM.BITNET or
LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. Leave the subject line blank. For the
text of the message, enter the following line only (filling in your
name as appropriate):
SUB CHPOEM-L Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Once you have subscribed to the list, you may send email to other
subscribers by addressing it to either CHPOEM-L@UBVM.BITNET or
You can invoke many other useful LISTSERV functions by sending mail to
- By default, you will receive copies of any mail you send to the
list. If you do not wish to receive copies of your own messages, send
email with the message SET CHPOEM-L NOREPRO.
- The listserv program keeps automatic weekly archives of mail sent to
the list. This allows new subscribers to catch up with previous
postings. To get a list of the names of these archive files (called
"filetypes" by listserv), send the message INDEX CHPOEM-L. Then, to
get a copy of one of these "filetypes", send the message GET CHPOEM-L
(filling in the actual filetype, e.g.: GET CHPOEM-L
- To unsubscribe from the list, send the message SIGNOFF CHPOEM-L.
UUENCODED GB/Big5 are used for posting.
For detailed conventions used for the list and technical info of
Chinese computing, please FTP the CHPOEM-L Information File from
ahkcus.org - in the directory ./gb/poem.
Additional Information
2. About messages posted in Chinese.
A number of coding schemes have been developed for using Chinese on
computers. The two most common are GuoBiao (developed in mainland
China) and Big5 (developed in Taiwan). Complicating matters further,
there are different varieties of Big5 codes, the most common being ET
Big5 (the code used by the Taiwanese program ETen, pronounced
Yi3tian1) and HKU Big5 (the code used for programs developed at Hong
Kong University).
There is a preference for GuoBiao (often abbreviated to GB) among
CHPOEM-L subscribers, though files using other codes are welcome.
Utilities are available for converting between GuoBiao and Big5, and
between ET Big5 and HKU Big5; see below.
Chinese files sent to the list should be uuencoded. The uuencode
command is included on most Unix-based systems; type "man uuencode"
for instructions on its use, or ask your system administrator. PC
versions of uuencode and uudecode are available via anonymous ftp from
ahkcus.org [] as uuduue20.zip in the src/pc directory.
(Ask your system administrator for help using FTP.) For information
about uuencode and the Mac, see the Mac help file mentioned below.
Note: Sometimes you may get an error message when uudecoding a file,
indicating some kind of "short file" problem; garbage may then show up
at the end of the decoded file. This is be- cause the mail system
removes blank spaces from otherwise blank lines. When you uuencode a
file, the next to last line is often just one blank space, which then
disappears when you mail the file. When you try to uudecode the file,
uudecode detects the missing space and announces the "short file"
error. There are two ways to avoid this problem:
(1) Before mailing a uuencoded file, replace all spaces with an
open-single-quote (`) mark. (As far as uudecode is concerned, the `
mark and space are exactly equivalent.) If you receive a uuencoded
file in the mail, but the sender neglected this step, simply type the
` mark in on the blank line above the "end" line, then uudecode the
(2) Ask your system administrator to install a more recent version of
uuencode that uses ` instead of space. Source code for this is
available via anonymous ftp from ahkcus.org in the src/unix directory.
To read a file written in Chinese, you will need a program that can
interpret the Chinese code used in that file. Different programs are
available for different hardware platforms.
PC users can get information about GuoBiao editors by sending email to
LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET with the message GET PC HELP. HKU Big5 files can
be viewed with shownews.exe or readnews.exe, available via anonymous
ftp at ahkcus.org [] in the src/pc/hku directory. (You
will also need the chinese.16 font file from the same directory.) ET
Big5 files must be read with the ETen operating system, which is
commercial software selling for about US$80. However there is a
utility, et2hku, to convert ET Big5 files to HKU Big5 files, which can
then be read with shownews. (See below.)
Mac users can get information about both GuoBiao and Big5 software by
sending email to LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET with the message GET MAC HELP.
X Windows users can use either cxterm or xhzview for both GuoBiao or
Big5 files. For information about cxterm, send email to
LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET with the message GET CXTERM HELP. For infor-
mation about xhzview, send email to LISTSERV@UGA.BITNET with the
Note: Users may run into problems because different systems indicate
line endings differently. Unix-based systems use linefeed (ASCII 10,
^J) to end a line, the Mac uses carriage return (ASCII 13, ^M), and PC
systems use carriage-return/linefeed.
This usually can be solved by using an editor or automatically fixed
though transferring process. If NOT, you can use the following
+ MAC to UNIX convertion:
At unix prompt type, tr '\015' '\012' < Mac_file > Unix_file
+ MSDOS to UNIX conversion:
FTP folding.c from ahkcus.org:./src/unix. Folding removes
carriage-returns and, if desired, adds linefeeds according to a
specified linewidth. Simply compile the source code and excute it for
`how to use' message.
[ ...... this section is not complete ]
3. Conversion Utilities.
To convert between GuoBiao and Big5 (et or hku) files, use hc ("Hanzi
Converter"), available via anonymous ftp from ahkcus.org
[] in the src/unix directory. (There is another
conversion utility available called b2g, but it seems to miss a large
number of characters.) Since Big5 covers about 5,000 more characters
than GuoBiao, it's likely there will be a few missing characters in
Big5 to GuoBiao conversions.
To convert between ET Big5 and HKU Big5, use et2hku, available via
anonymous ftp from cs.purdue.edu [] in the pub/ygz/utils
4. File naming conventions.
The names of files containing poems should indicate the poet and, if a
non-GuoBiao Chinese file, the coding standard used (et, hku, etc.).
Since one goal of the list is to assemble a database of Chinese poems,
there is a preference for using one uuencoded file per poem, and to
number a poet's poems sequentially as they are posted to the list.
For example, the first person to post a poem by Li Bai might name the
file libai.001 (or, if an ET Big5 file, libai.001.et). The next
person would call his or her file libai.002, and so forth.
Of course latecomers or those with short memories will not know how
many poems by a given poet have already been posted to the list. In
that case, add your name or id after the poet's name and start your
own numbering system. For example, if your computer id were nw1, and
you wanted to post a Li Bai poem but didn't know the number of the
last Li Bai poem posted, you should name yours libai_nw1.001.
Indexes of poems previously sent to the list will be distributed
If you want to post a large number of files at once (say, more than
three or four poems), we suggest you use the tar file archiving
program. Unix users can get instructions for tar by typing "man tar"
at their system prompt, or by consulting their system administrators.
There is a PC version of tar available via anonymous ftp at
procyon.cis.ksu.edu [] in the pub/PC/UnixLike directory.
Try to use as reliable a source as possible when typing poems, and
identify it in your message. As a general rule, try to use the
following format:
line 1: AUTHOR TITLE ; (Poet's name, a space, then title of poem)
line 2: ; (Leave a blank line before starting text)
line 3: ...text... ; (Text of poem)
... ....
Add your name and/or email id at the end, if you wish.
5. Still confused?
If you have any questions, can't get software working, or whatever,
try sending mail to the list. Someone is likely to know the answer,
or at least offer sympathy.
[Much of this information was gathered from Tony Lim's CCNET-L
"Frequently Asked Questions" message (lin@tasman.cc.utas.edu.au).]
Mailing list for discussions on practical Christian life.
Contributions sent to this list are automatically archived. You can
obtain a list of the available archive files by sending an "INDEX
CHRISTIA" command to LISTSERV@FINHUTC. These files can then be
retrieved by means of a "GET CHRISTIA filetype" command, or using the
database search facilities of LISTSERV. Send an "INFO DATABASE"
command for more information on the latter.
To subscribe to CHRISTIA, send the command: SUB CHRISTIA
your_full_name to LISTSERV@FINHUTC e.g. SUB CHRISTIA "William
H. E. Day" To have your name removed from the CHRISTIA subscriber
list, send: SIGNOFF CHRISTIA Commands can be sent to LISTSERV@FINHUTC
either as interactive messages or in e-mail (one command per line in
the body of the e-mail message).
The list Circplus has moved from an internet-only operation at UNC to
a new status and home at idbsu. Circplus deals with issues related to
circulation control in libraries, including circulation, shelving,
reserve room or reserve desk operations, stacks maintenance, and so
on. It is Circplus@idbsu.BITNET but to subscribe send mail to
LISTSERV@IDBSU with the body containing the command: SUB CIRCPLUS
yourfirstname yourlastname
Owner: Dan Lester 1910 University Dr. Bitnet: ALILESTE@IDBSU Library
Boise, Idaho 83725 Internet:
PURPOSE: This list was created to discuss all aspects of the
introductory course in circuit analysis for electrical engineering
undergraduates. The discussion will focus upon sharing thoughts,
ideas, and teaching strategies focused upon the introductory circuits
course for electrical engineering majors. Participants include
faculty, students, and other interested individuals. Discussion is
concentrated on the introductory circuits course, other topics are not
permitted. Topics include but are not limited to:
1. Teaching approaches.
2. Classroom techniques.
3. Laboratory skills/tools.
4. Design methods.
5. Theory and practice of circuit analysis.
6. Simulators and simulations.
7. Role played by circuits course development in the faculty
reward system.
8. E_mail? Another teaching tool? Student access?
9. Authoring new teaching approaches; reporting efforts;
available journals and practices.
10. Integrating design into the introductory circuits course.
11. Integrating research into the introductory circuits course.
12. Solving assigned problems.
13. Textbook reviews.
SUBSCRIBE: Note Carefully! To subscribe to CIRCUITS-L send an e_mail
message to
This message MUST contain the following information:
1. Name
2. e_mail address
3. Home Phone, Business Phone, FAX (including area code)
4. U.S. Postal address (including ZIP code)
For Example:
555-555-5555,555-555-4444,NA (NA - not applicable)
LIST OWNER: Name : Paul E. Gray e_mail : GRAY@UWPLATT.EDU :
Mailing list for discussion of the network products from cisco
Systems, Inc; primarily the AGS gateway, but also the ASM terminal
multiplexor and any other relavent products. Discussions about
operation, problems, features, topology, configuration, protocols,
routing, loading, serving, etc are all encouraged. Other topics
include vendor relations, new product announcements, availability of
fixes and new features, and discusion of new requirements and
Archives are available via anonymous ftp from SPOT.COLORADO.EDU in the
subdirectory "cisco".
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions,
comments, etc., should be sent to cisco-request@SPOT.COLORADO.EDU.
The list is "slightly" moderated in that you must be validated to send
mail to the list. Sending in a request will get you validated, as
will reasonable attempts to send reasonable messages to the list.
Once you are validated, your messages will be redirected to the whole
list without interference.
Coordinator: David Wood
The Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture is designed to
serve the criminal justice community by providing film reviews and
original essays on the intersection of popular culture with criminal
justice. The purpose of the film reviews is to provide an opportunity
for criminal justice educators to utilize popular culture as a
pedagogical tool. The essays will provide a medium for dialogue on
the role of popular culture in all arenas of criminal justice.
To subscribe to CJMOVIES send e-mail to LISTSERV@ALBANY or ALBNYVM1 on
BITNET or to LISTSERV@ALBANY.EDU on the Internet with the following
command in the BODY:
SUB CJMOVIES Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Eg. sub cjmovies Bugsy Moran
The Journal invites critical reviews of films, documentaries, plays,
lyrics, and other related visual and performing arts. The reviews
should contain both artistic and substantive criticism, as well as a
description of how the medium could be utilized in the classroom. The
reviews should include the principal participants and the production
company. Reviews will be published upon editorial approval. The
Journal also invites original manuscripts from all social scientific
fields on the topic of popular culture and criminal justice.
Articles should be 1000 lines or less, including notes and
bibliography. The Journal will issue articles as units and in sets,
commencing about May 15, 1993 with multiple cateloging/indexing
specifications, including volume, issue, supplement, and network
retrieval specifications. Articles will start with an abstract (about
200 words). Pages will be numbered. All submissions and
communications will be by electronic mail. All submissions will be
given at least three blind reviews by a jury of referees.
Send submissions, comments and queries to: The Editors, Journal of
Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, SUNYCRJ@ALBANY.BITNET or
sunycrj@albany.edu .
Frankie Bailey, The University at Albany, New York.
Michael Lynch, Florida State University, Tallahassee.
Brendan Maguire, Western Illinois University.
Richard McCleary, University of California, Irvine.
Graeme Newman, The University at Albany, New York.
Ray Surette, Florida International University, Miami.
clarissa@ferkel.ucsb.edu [Last Update 8/92]
Purpose: Discussion of the Nickelodeon TV show Clarissa Explains It
Contact: clarissa-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Jim Lick)
Mailing list and file server for researchers in classification,
clustering, phylogenetic estimation, and related areas of data
analysis. CLASS-L provides facilities to:
- Enable researchers to mail messages automatically to all
- Provide researchers with announcements, newsletters, and
information about classification and clustering.
The Coordinators are inviting officials of professional classification
societies to own (and to be responsible for) files which would be
maintained by the SBCCVM file server. Any CLASS-L subscriber can
retrieve these files by issuing appropriate LISTSERV commands.
Alternatively, a CLASS-L subscriber can arrange to receive
automatically copies (or announcements) of files updated by particular
societies. We hope officials of the Member Societies of the
International Federation of Classification Societies will eventually
participate in this project as file owners. Officials from other
societies (e.g. Psychometric Society, Willi Hennig Society,
International Association of Pattern Recognition Societies) may also
be interested in participating.
To subscribe to CLASS-L, send the command: SUB CLASS-L your_full_name
to LISTSERV@SBCCVM e.g. SUB CLASS-L "William H. E. Day" To have your
name removed from the CLASS-L subscriber list, send: SIGNOFF CLASS-L
Commands can be sent to LISTSERV@SBCCVM either as interactive messages
or in e-mail (one command per line in the body of the e-mail message).
Coordinators: Bill Day Jim Rohlf
CLASSICS@uwavm.u.washington.edu or CLASSICS@UWAVM.BITNET
An unmoderated list for discussing ancient Greek and Latin subjects.
This list is open to everyone interested in Classics, and prospective
members are warmly welcomed. The discussions assume a background in
ancient Greek and/or Latin. The CLASSICS list is neither run by nor
directly affiliated with the University of Washington Classics
All requests to be added to this list should be sent to
listserv@uwavm.bitnet or listserv@uwavm.u.washington.edu with the
one-line message:
To unsubscribe, send: UNSUBSCRIBE CLASSICS
Coordinator: Linda Wright
CLASSM-L@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
The Classical Music List was created to discuss classical music of all
kinds. All topics and periods are welcome, from Gregorian Chants to
George Crumb.
To subscribe to CLASSM-L, send a mail message to:
Internet: LISTSERV@brownvm.brown.edu BITNET: LISTSERV@BROWNVM
with the text:
Owner: Catherine "Pumpkin" Yang Internet: cyang@brownvm.brown.edu
There is now an Excel Developers Mailing List on the internet. Our
reason for existence is to serve as a forum on the internet for people
who are doing, or want to do, sophisticated things with Microsoft
Excel, such as executive informations systems, numerical simulations,
financial forecasts, or stock analysis programs. We want to encourage
exploration of Excel's nooks and crannies (Hey! Undocumented: FOO.BAR
macro works on arrays!), and as much as possible, avoid the well-worn
paths (How do I insert rows?). While we do expect some degree of
sophistication from our posters, new or casual Excel users are welcome
to read the list.
For those with netnews access, one way to look at the list is as a
sort of high-S/N, Excel-directed complement to comp.apps.spreadsheets.
Some cross-posting is likely. Traffic to date has been light.
To subscribe, you *must* send mail to .
Non-internet (e.g. uucp, BITNET) subscribers should make sure that
the "From:" field of their subscription message has an internet form.
CompuServe users needn't bother, since CIS automatically converts
their addresses. Feel free to forward this announcement to interested
parties or groups.
REQUESTS: clay=xldev-request@cs.cmu.edu TO POST:
Owner: Clay Bridges clay+@cs.cmu.edu Excel Developers List
CLAYART on LISTSERV@UKCC [Last Update 8/92]
or LISTSERV@UKCC.uky.edu
The focus of CLAYART is to provide a forum for discussion of issues of
interest to those in the fields of ceramic arts/pottery. Appropriate
postings include:
* aesthetic issues/concerns * grant information
* exhibition opportunities * technical information
* conference information * workshops/seminars
* book reviews * job listings
This is a LISTSERV managed list, so normal subscription requests
apply. To subscribe send mail to LISTSERV@UKCC (or on the Internet to
LISTSERV@UKCC.uky.edu) with the body of the mail containing the
command: SUB CLAYART Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Assistant Professor/Art phone: (606) 622-1634
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, Kentucky 40475
CLOCKS on LISTSERV@SUVM [Last Update 12/92]
CLOCKS is a discussion list dealing with any and all aspects of clock
and watch work.
The list's primary goal is to discuss the collecting, construction,
and repair of both clocks and watches. Included also are topics on
the history of time keeping, wooden movements, water clocks, antique
and modern clocks, etc. Of great interest is information about
suppliers of repair and construction parts and techniques,
information, books, newsletters, national and local associations.
Another interest is the use of clock/watch tools, such as the
watchmakers lathe, bushing replacement, time regulation, etc.
The list welcomes the participation and contribution from anyone
interested in the subject area, whether an amateur, beginner, or
professional. The specific topics to be discussed will be determined
by the members of the list.
CLOCKS is owned and coordinated by a computing professional who is
greatly interested in clock and watch collecting and repair, with a
greater emphasis on repair.
We plan no archives for messages to/from CLOCKS, unless members feel
that such an archive would be useful and demand warrants it.
To subscribe to CLOCKS, send this command to (on
Bitnet) or (on Internet):
SUB CLOCKS Yourfirstname Yourlastname
If you send it in a mail message, make sure that this is the only text
in the mail message.
On the VM/CMS system, you can send this interactive message: tell
listserv at suvm sub CLOCKS Yourfirstname Yourlastname
After you have subscribed to the list, mail all postings to:
or .
List owner:
Research Computing Services, 120 Machinery Hall
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244-1260 (315-443-1144)
Cloud-Zero@cs.mcgill.ca [Last Update 4/93]
This mailing list is devoted to the discussion of music by Edward
Ka-Spel, Legendary Pink Dots, Tear Garden, and other groups or
musicians which have done collaborations with the members of the above
three groups, or provided inspirations to them, including HNAS,
Delerium, MIMIR, Nurse With Wound, and Skinny Puppy.
To subscribe to the list, send a message to
Owner: Alan Ezust depeche@binkley.cs.mcgill.ca Montreal, Quebec,
Unmoderated, direct-redistribution mailing list devoted to discussion
of the following topics (among others):
g s
* Concurrent logic programming langua-eRestricted And-parallel
- Problematic constructs - Or-parallel Prolog
- Comparisons between languages * Implementations
a guages
* Concurrent constraint programming l-nAnnouncement of software packages
- Constraint solvers, including tho-eReports on performance
for discrete constraint - Issues in implementation
satisfaction * Programming techniques and idioms,
- Language issues applications
g am
* Semantics, proof techniques and pro-rOpen systems and distributed computation
transformations - Small demonstration programs
- Partial evaluation * Seminars, conferences, trip reports etc.
- Meta interpretation related to the above
- Embedded languages
* Parallel Prolog systems
All messages will be archived and can be obtained on request from the
list coordinator.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to CLP-REQUEST.X@XEROX.COM or to
Coordinator: Jacob Levy
CLTHOPT is an online discussion list for clothing optional living.
This is is open to discussing skinny-dipping, visiting nude beaches,
or resorts, and top-free issues for women. This is not a sexual dis-
cussion list. If anything, we hope to dispell the myth that nudity is
always equated with sex. Subscriptions to this list are open to all.
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@ETSUADMN via mail
or interactive message:
SUB CLTHOPT your full name
where "your full name" is your name. For example:
Owner: John Hendry
General Information about Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria.
It is meant to cover all aspects of student life in the University.
Mainly intended for students,graduates, teachers and everybody related
to the University. Subscriptions are wellcome. All Chilean
subscriptions are screened, international ones, are accepted as is.
The prefered language is Spanish, though English is accepted.
Archives of LISTNAME and related files are stored in CLUB-USM
FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the command INDEX CLUB-USM
To subscribe to CLUB-USM, send the following command to LISTSERV@UTFSM
via mail text or interactive message: SUBSCRIBE CLUB-USM
Your_full_name. For example: SUBSCRIBE CLUB-USM Joe Shmoe
Owner: Douglas Sargent
Mailing list for exchange of CLU software and for technical discussion
of related topics. This list is identical to the USENET mailing list
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Matti Jokinen
This list unmoderated discussion for topics that relate to CMS; any
related question is encouraged. The list is intended for the beginner
as well as experienced CMS users.
To subscribe to the list from a VM site on BITNET do: TELL LISTSERV
at UTARLVM1 SUBSCRIBE CMSUG-L Your_Full_Name where Your_Full_Name is
your real name (not your userid). Use the command TELL LISTSERV HELP
for more information. From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE
command. If you are at a site not on BitNet or where you cannot send
interactive messages, send a message to
LISTSERV%UTARLVM1.BITNET@MITVMA.MIT.EDU where the first non-header
line consists of: SUBSCRIBE CMSUG-L Your_Full_Name To remove yourself
Coordinator: Gary Samek
Mailing list for the discussion of the CMU-TEK TCP/IP package for
Archives are not currently aviailable.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to CMU-TEK-TCP-REQUEST@CS.CMU.EDU.
Coordinator: Dale Moore
This list deals with Computer Networking, not the LAN type but the
reach out and touch communications type of networking. Mainly will be
used for K-12 educational arena.
Coordinator: Richard Lee Holbert
This list was formed to serve as a vehicle for the distribution of
information regarding activities and events at the Cornell National
Supercomputing Facility (CNSF).
Archives of CNSF-L and related files are stored in the CNSF-L
FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the command INDEX CNSF-L to
BODY of a mail message (not the Subject: line).
To subscribe to CNSF-L, send the command SUB CNSF-L your name to
(again, as the first line in the BODY of the mail, not the Subject:
For example: SUB CNSF-L John Doe
Owner: Tom Britt
Discussion related to the Tandy Color Computer (any model), OS-9
Operating System, and any other topics relating to the "CoCo", as this
computer is affectionately known.
To access COCO files on LISTSERV@PUCC, include the following line at
the top of the message body: SUBSCRIBE COCO Your Full Name This
command may also be issued by means of the TELL or MSG commands.
BITNET users can subscribe to the list via ListServ, which takes care
of the list processing and distribution. Simply issue a TELL command
or MAIL message to LISTSERV@PUCC with the command: SUB COCO Your Real
Internet users wishing to be on the list should send mail to the
Coordinator; UUCP users, PLEASE NOTE: a nearby ARPA or BITNET node is
needed to get things through to you reliably, so please send a path in
the form: zeus!yourcomp!yourid@SUN.COM All Internet and BitNet nodes
can be reached, but PUCC's UUCP gateway is unreliable, so this will
improve things.
Coordinator: Paul Campbel
cogeneration@grove.iup.edu [Last Update 6/93]
or cogeneration@iup.BITNET
Cogeneration is an open, unmoderated discussion list featuring
cogeneration plants and support facilities. Things such as contracts,
construction, operations, maintenance and regulations are likely to be
The cogeneration list is open, but not limited, to universities,
utilities and the industrial sector who have or are considering
cogeneration plants. Also encouraged to join are physical plant
administrators, faculty, staff and students who are interested in the
many aspects of cogeneration.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list should be sent
to cogeneration-request@grove.iup.edu (Bitnet equivalent:
cogeneration-request@iup) as should problems or questions relating to
list operation.
Postings for the list should be addressed to
cogeneration@grove.iup.edu (Bitnet equivalent: cogeneration@iup).
Archives of COGENERATION mail items will be kept in monthly files.
You may obtain these files (when available) by anonymous FTP to
ftp.iup.edu in disk$acornaux:[anonymous.cogeneration] directory.
Owner: Richard Hendy
ulygqla@iup on BITNET
Coherent (Coherent Operating System list) is a public discussion and
distribution list dedicated to the Coherent operating system produced
by the Mark Williams Company. Coherent (the list) is completely
independent of Coherent (the operating system) and Mark Williams
Company (the manufacturer).
There is a bidirectional gateway to the Usenet newsgroup,
To subscribe, send request to: ListServ@IndyCMS (CREN)
ListServ@IndyCMS.IUPUI.Edu (Internet) Using the following message
text: Sub Coherent Your_full_name
List owners/coordinators: Phillip G Corporon
F3PB88@IrishMVS (CREN)
F3PB88@IrishMVS.CC.ND.Edu (Internet)
John B Harlan
IJBH200@IndyVAX.IUPUI.Edu (Internet)
COHOUSING-L on listserv@uci.com [Last Update 12/92]
This is a list for discussion of Cohousing, the name of a type of
collaborative housing that has been developed primarily in Denmark
since 1972 where it is known as bofoellesskaber (English
Cohousing is housing designed to foster community and cooperation
while preserving independence. Private residences are clustered near
shared facilities. The members design and manage all aspects of their
Automated subscription: Send email message to listserv@uci.com with
the following command in the message body (no subject):
an informative introduction will be sent)
Email to fholson@uci.com for more information or Fred Olson, 1221
Russell Av N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 588-9532
Coins@rocky.er.usgs.gov [Last Update 4/93]
This list is for the discussion of Numismatics, the study of coins,
American and International. Paper currency is also a welcome topic
This list is for discussion and not for trading (use of the internet
for commercial profit is illegal).
THIS WILL NOT BE A LISTSERVed LIST, at least not initially. All
administrative issues will be handled by me. To get subscribed or
unsubscribed, send me a message at:
List Owner: robert holder robert@whiplash.er.usgs.gov
unix troll us geological survey
st petersburg florida usa
COLLIB-L, a listserv list located at Willamette University, is now
open to the networking community. Its primary role is to serve as a
vehicle for communication among members of the ACRL's College
Libraries Section. It is also intended to serve as a forum for the
discussion of issues relevant to college librarians and staff who
serve primarily 4-year undergraduate institutions.
To subscribe to the list send e-mail to listserv@willamette.edu with
the body containing the command:
subscribe COLLIB-L your name
For example: subscribe collib-l Andrew Carnegie
Owner: Larry R. Oberg loberg@willamette.edu
Willamette University
Salem, Oregon
Mailing list for discussion, inquiry, and the dissemination of
information by professionals in the field of commutative algebra.
Archives of COM-ALG and related files are stored in COM-ALG FILELIST.
To receive a list of files send the command INDEX COM-ALG to
To subscribe to COM-ALG send the following command to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1
via mailtext or interactive message: SUBSCRIBE COM-ALG Your_full_name
For example: SUBSCRIBE COM-ALG Emmy Noether Non-BitNet users can
subscribe by sending the command in a message to
Coordinator: Joseph P. Brennan
comics-l on listserv@unlvm.unl.edu [Last Update 5/93]
Comics List Weekly is a BITNET/INTERNET electronic digest devoted to
comics. You'll find Comics List readers interested in comics as a
serious story-telling medium. They have so far shown themselves to be
thoughtful and mature in their discussions. Thus far, Comics List
readers have shown themselves to be very respectful of the comics
creators who have joined us. Currently, John Moore (Doom 2099), John
Ostrander (HawkWorld, Magnus Robot Fighter, etc.), George Perez
(Wonder Woman, Infinity Gauntlet, etc.), Walter Simonson (Fantastic
Four, Thor, etc.), Barry Windsor-Smith (late of Valiant), and Len
Strazewski (JSA, Street Fighter, etc.) are members. Occasionally,
Peter David, Neil Gaiman, Steve Gerber, James Hudnall, Dwayne
McDuffie, and others reply to questions I forward to their CompuServe
To join Comics List Weekly from VM-based machines, enter the following
command: tell listserv@unlvm.unl.edu sub comics-l first name last
name. From VMS enter the command: send listserv@unlvm.unl.edu sub
comics-l first name last name.
Moderator: Bill Hayes ianr012A@unlvm.unl.edu
COMMCOLL@UKCC.UKY.EDU [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
Jefferson Community College - University of Kentucky announces an
electronic discussion group for faculty, staff and administration at
two-year institutions, COMMCOLL@UKCC.
Access to COMMCOLL is available internationally thus forming a global
network of two-year college educators who recognize the importance of
teaching in communicating knowledge to the next generation. The use
of COMMCOLL is a a major breakthrough in facilitating instant
communication among faculty, administrators, and staff at two-year
Appropriate messages for COMMCOLL include: polls;
information-gathering questions; feedback on one's research; program
proposals and development; calls for papers; meetings, media, and job
announcements; consultation with other faculties discussing problems
and solutions facing campuses around the world; as well as any other
issues pertinent to creating and enhancing teaching effectiveness in
two-year institutions.
While messages sent to COMMCOLL are received by all subscribers, users
may then contact specific individuals via BITNET to pursue particular
projects, issues, and interests. Since computer systems differ,
please be sure to include your userid and node at the end of each
To subscribe to the COMMCOLL list send e-mail to LISTSERV@UKCC (on
BITNET) or LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU with the following command in the
text (or body) of the mail:
SUB COMMCOLL yourfirstname yourlastname
If you have any questions or comments, please contact:
Anne Kearney, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of History
Jefferson Community College - University of Kentucky
109 East Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
Mailing list for discussion of the COMMUNE protocol, a TELNET
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Dan Bernstein
comp-academic-freedom-talk on LISTSERV@eff.org [Last Updated
comp-academic-freedom-batch on LISTSERV@eff.org
comp-academic-freedom-news on LISTSERV@eff.org
Computers and Academic Freedom Mailing Lists
Purpose: To discuss questions such as: How should general principles
of academic freedom (such as freedom of expression, freedom to read,
due process, and privacy) be applied to university computers and
networks? How are these principles actually being applied? How can
the principles of academic freedom as applied to computers and
networks be defended?
There are three versions of the mailing list.
comp-academic-freedom-talk - you'll received dozens of e-mail notes
every day.
comp-academic-freedom-batch - about once a day, you'll receive a
compilation of the day's notes.
comp-academic-freedom-news - about once a week you'll receive a
compilation of the best notes of the week.
To join a version of the list, send mail to listserv@eff.org. Include
the line "add ". (Other commands are "delete
" and "help"). NOTE: This is NOT the same LISTSERV
that is being used on BITNET sites.
In any case, after you join the list you can send e-mail to the list
by addressing it to caf-talk@eff.org.
Alternatively, if you may be able to read the mailing lists as
newsgroups. Look for alt.comp.acad-freedom.talk and
The best notes from each month are available via anonymous ftp from
eff.org as files "pub/academic/news/July", etc. Also, see file
Owner: Carl Kadie -- kadie@eff.org or kadie@cs.uiuc.edu
This is a list for discussion about the day to day activities of
operating and planning mid to large sized computer centers.
Scope is wide, but could include:
1. Is it worth it to migrate from wide, fanfold paper to cut
sheet or COM or fiche?
2. How to pick a hot site/chiller/UPS/generator.
3. Samples of evaluation criteria for hardware and software.
4. In general, how to do more with less.
List is open, but target audience consists of hands-on technical
managers and planners.
To subscribe,
or send mail with the SUB... in the first line of text to
List ownter: Rich Hintz
comp-privacy@pica.army.mil [Last Update 11/92]
The computer Privacy Digest is an Internet mailing list dedicated to
the discussion of how technology impacts privacy. All too often
technology is way ahead of the law and society as it presents us with
new devices and applications. Technology can enhance and detract from
This list is gatewayed into the moderated USENET newsgroup
comp.society.privacy. In lot of ways it is a subsection of the risks
digest concentrating on the risks of technology on privacy.
Submissions go to: comp-privacy@pica.army.mil and administrative
requests go to comp-privacy-request@pica.army.mil.
Moderator: Dennis G. Rears
MILNET: drears@pica.army.mil
UUCP: ...!uunet!cor5.pica.army.mil!drears
INTERNET: drears@pilot.njin.net USPS: Box 210, Wharton, NJ 07885
A Bitnet newsletter on computer science in Israel.
To subscribe, send a message to
containing the command: SUB COMP-SCI Your_Full_Name where
Your_Full_Name; is your title, first name and last name.
Coordinator: Joseph van Zwaren de Zwarenstein
The Computers And Society mailing list was created to provide a forum
for discussion of various issues related to the impact of technology
and information on society. Among the issues being discussed are:
Computers and social responsibility
Dealing with information overload
The classed society in the information age
Public perceptions of computers
The value of information
Dangers and advantages of reliance on machines
Risks of technological dependence
and other related topics
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to the Coordinator.
Coordinator: Dave Taylor
The Composition Digest is a moderated weekly newsgroup for the study
of computers and writing, specifically writing instruction in
computer-based classrooms. It is intended to be a forum for writing
professionals (those who must use computers for their writing) and
computing professionals (those who design the hardware and software
that writers depend upon) to meet and discuss issues relevant to both
fields, but notes are also welcome from novice computer writers.
There is interest in articles pertaining to, but not limited by, the
following topics:
Human/Factors research and writing environments
Text editor design
Natural Language adjuncts to writing instruction
Writing without paper
Psychological effects of computer writing/instruction
Composition theory applied to computer-based instruction
Anecdotal accounts of computer writing experiences
Using the NET in the classroom
Computer-based conferences
Public domain software for the classroom
Reviews of writing and editing packages
Conference announcements and proceedings
Telecommunications and its effects on language
Computers and the soft sciences
Computers and hearing impaired students
Computers and learning disabled students
Computers and basic writers
Computers and humanists
Computers and writing professionals
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to
This List is a forum for the discussion of software, hardware, LAN/WAN
attachments, workstations, problems, etc. In short, anything at all
to do with networking. It's called COMTEN-L because I'd like to see
if there's enough interest in NCR boxes for us to do a little of our
own self-help and design. NCR has their so-called value added
products, which make the network generations quite interesting
compared to a vanilla NCP. For now, just about any communications
topic is fair game.
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@UCSBVM.BITNET via
mail or interactive message:
SUB COMTEN-L your full name
where "your full name" is your name. For example:
Owner: Dwight M. McCann
concrete-blonde@ferkel.ucsb.edu [Last Update 8/92]
Purpose: Discussion of the musical group Concrete Blonde.
Contact: concrete-blonde-request@ferkel.ucsb.edu (Robert Earl)
Mailing list dealing with all aspects of confocal microscopy and
confocal microscope design.
BitNet users can subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@UBVM in an interactive message or the text/body of mail: SUB
CONFOCAL your_full_name where Your_full_name is your real name, not
your login Id. Non-BitNet users can send the above command to
LISTSERV%UBVM.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU in the text/body of a message.
Coordinator: Robert G. Summers
This group provides a forum for university computing centre
consultants to discuss such issues as problem tracking, resource
management, training, and consulting strategies.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to one of the Coordinators.
Coordinators: Michael Walsh
Sander Wasser
The Conservation Biology List (CONSBIO) is for members of the Society
for Conservation Biology (SCB) and others interested in the goal and
objectives of the Society:
Our goal is to help develop the scientific and technical means for the
protection, maintenance, and restoration of life on this planet - its
species, its ecological and evolutionary processes, and its particular
total environment.
In the service of this goal, our objectives include: (1) the promotion
of research and the maintenance of the highest standards of quality
and ethics in this activity; (2) the publication and dissemination of
scientific, technical, and management information; (3) the
encouragement of communication and collaboration between conservation
biology and other disciplines (including other biological and physical
sciences, the behavioral and social sciences,economics, law and
philosophy) that study and advise on conservation and natural resource
issues; (4) the education, at all levels, preparatory and continuing,
of the public, of biologists, and of managers, in the principles of
conservation biology; (5) the promotion of all of the above through
the provision of adequate funding; and (6) the recognition of
outstanding contributions made to the field by individuals and
The CONSBIO list is maintained by the University of Washington Chapter
of the Society for Conservation Biology. The list will serve to
exchange information on SCB activities, job opportunities, education
programs, and scholarly research. The list will also serve as a forum
for discussion of the multidisciplinary aspects of conservation
biology, the interaction of science and society in conservation policy
and action, and the relationship between maintaining biodiversity and
sustainable development.
Subscription is currently open and unmoderated. When you subscribe,
you will get a message that confirms your subscription, explains how
to use the listserver, to retrieve and index and obtain archived
materials, how to unsubscribe from the list, how to stop your mail
when you go on vacation, how to hide your subscription if you wish
confidentiality, how to get a list of open subscribers, and how to
obtain a list of other commands.
To subscribe, send mail to the address:
listserv@uwavm.u.washington.edu (Internet)
listserv@uwavm (Bitnet)
With the one-line message:
subscribe consbio your full name
for example subscribe consbio Joan Doe
Preston D. Hardison pdh@u.washington.edu
Department of Psychology NI-25
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
CONSIM-L provides an unmoderated environment for discussion of
historical conflict simulation games, particularly the games published
in Strategy and Tactics and Command magazines, but also including
boxed games from such publishers as The Avalon Hill Game Company,
Victory Games, and Game Designers Workshop.
The explicit purpose of CONSIM-L is to provide a platform for
discussion of recently published games, but discussion can range over
the general topics of conflict simulation design, military history,
tactics and strategy, game collecting, convention and club
announcements, or any other topic related to conflict simulation
games. As is the case on all unmoderated lists, the discussion and
topics are only limited by the participation and interest of its
subscribers. Subscribers are welcome to take an active role by
posting and/or an inactive role by monitoring the list. Although not
necessary for participation, it shall be assumed that all subscribers
are basically familiar with board wargames.
To subscribe to CONSIM-L, please send mail or file to LISTSERV@UALTAVM
or listserv@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca and place in the body of the text the
This list does not support any archive functions.
Contents on LISTSERV@Uottawa (BITNET)
or LISTSERV@Acadvm1.Uottawa.Ca (Internet)
This list will simply announce new and recent publications of
relevance to Religious Studies and related disciplines. It will post
the table of contents, prices, and when available, abstracts of both
books and journals. These postings will be logged in notebooks for
searching and, in future, made available as a TELNET accessable and
searchable database.
The Wilfrid Laurier University Press is the first to make this
information available to the CONTENTS list. I hope to soon convince
the AAR and SBL presses to join in asap. The rest should come running
soon enough.
The list will not be conversational. Frequency of postings will
depend on the number of cooperating publishers. If the load gets
heavy postings will be grouped together accounding to some extremely
esoteric classification system. There is the possibility that down
the road, CONTENTS will also serve to distribute reviews from
IOUDAIOS, RELIGION and other lists, if such a service is deemed
To subscribe to CONTENTS send the following email message to
Listserv@Uottawa or Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.Ca
SUB CONTENTS your name
Contact the list coordinator, Michael Strangelove, for more
information or if you experience difficulties in attempting to
Michael Strangelove University of Ottawa <441495@Uottawa>
CONTEX-L is an academic special interest group (also known as a
Listserv List) for all who are interested in the cross-disciplinary
analysis of ancient texts. This list provides a forum for the
scholarly, informal and polite discussion of the social worlds behind
and within the texts of antiquity, including those of the Hebrew
bible, early Christianity, Rabbinic Judaism and all the literature
associated with the Graeco-Roman world.
Any discussion which involves cross (inter/multi) disciplinary
modeling and analysis and attempts to move beyond *intuitive*
historical criticism is considered valid. Such methodologies include
and encompass social-scientific criticism, feminist hermeneutics,
sociological exegesis, social history, political science,
psychohistory, and anthropology (social, cultural, symbolic
To subscribe send mail or an interactive message to LISTSERV@UOTTAWA
on BITNET with the text containing the command sub CONTEX-L firstname
lastname where firstname lastname is your own name (do not include
Any queries concerning CONTEX-l should be send to Michael Strangelove
<441495@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA> University of Ottawa
This is a mailing list devoted to discussing the commercialization of
the Internet.
Back issues can be ftp'd from
com-priv uu.psi.com:/archive/com-priv/
Requests to join go to com-priv-request@uu.psi.com.
COPYEDITING-L on listserv@cornell.edu [Last Update 2/93]
COPYEDITING-L is an open mailing list for copy editors and other
defenders of the King's English who wish to discuss editorial
problems, client relations, Internet resources, dictionaries, or
To subscribe to COPYEDITING-L, send the following command to
listserv@cornell.edu via mail text (NB--this server cannot accept
interactive messages):
For example:
Owner: Carol Roberts
The CORPORA list is open for information and questions about text
corpora such as availability, aspects of compiling and using corpora,
software, tagging, parsing, bibliography, etc.
To join the list send a message to CORPORA-REQUEST@X400.HD.UIB.NO
asking to be added to the CORPORA list and including your e-mail
To contribute to the list send e-mail to CORPORA@X400.HD.UIB.NO
List administrator: Knut Hofland Norwegian Computing Centre for the
Humanities, Harald Haarfagres gt. 31, N-5007 Bergen, Norway
Phone +47 5 212954/5/6 Fax: +47 5 322656 E-mail: knut@x400.hd.uib.no
CORROS-L on LISTRAL@IB.RL.AC.UK [Last Update 3/93]
In order to provide a focus for corrosion discussions, and to
encourage this form of communication, a Corrosion Interest List has
been established. The objective of the list is to provide a facility
akin to a noticeboard, on which messages can be seen by all members of
the list. Currently the list is running on a computer at the
Rutherford Laboratory of SERC in the UK, although the list is managed
by Bob Cottis at the Corrosion and Protection Centre, UMIST.
Joining the List
There are two addresses associated with the list. The first of these
is a general address for all lists running on the computer in
question, and is used for commands, such as requests to join or leave
the list. From the JANET network in the UK this address is LISTRAL
UK.AC.RL.IB From outside the UK the components of the site address
are reversed to give LISTRAL IB.RL.AC.UK Commands consist of
electronic mail messages containing one or more lines of instructions
for the 'Listserver' program which manages the lists. Some of the
common commands are:
HELP ;get a brief list of commands
In the above description only the upper case letters need to be typed,
and means your name in the form in you wish to be known to the
list (the Listserver works out your username and address for itself
from the Return Address in your message). The semicolon and the
subsequent phrase are a descrition of the command, and should not be
Thus to join the Corrosion Interest List Jane Smith would send the
Once you have subscribed to CORROS-L you will automatically be sent
all correspondence which is sent to the list. You can send your own
messages for the list to CORROS-L UK.AC.RL.IB (or CORROS-L
IB.RL.AC.UK from outside the UK) (you can actually do this without
subscribing to the list, but you won't be able to see any replies!),
or in many mail systems you can simply Reply to messages from the
The list is unmoderated (i.e. everything that is sent to the list is
distributed automatically without any editorial control), please use
it responsibly. In particular do not use it for excessively
commercial purposes, and do not send messages which are liable to
offend. You should assume that messages which are sent to the list
become Public Domain unless there are clear indications in respect of
For further information, or if you have any problems in joining the
list, contact:
USA and Japan UK, Europe and the rest of the world
Martin Kendig, Bob Cottis
Rockwell International Corrosion and Protection Centre
Science Center, UMIST
1049 Camino dos Rios, P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD
P.O. Box 1085, Thousand Oaks, UK
CA 91358, USA.
In 1991 the Faculty of Economics of the University of Amsterdam, the
Netherlands will start an experiment with the electronic mailing
system CORRYFEE. This mailing system is intended to serve as an
information distribution system for researchers in the fields of
Economics, Econometrics and Management. If you have an electronic
mailbox connected to a major network it is possible to subscribe, free
of charge, to our mailing system CORRYFEE. If you are a bitnet user
you can subscribe automatically by just sending an electronic mail to
the bitnet address
The first line of this electronic mail should contain the following
If the format of your electronic mail is correct you will be
acknowledged for your subscription to CORRYFEE. Users of other
networks, like Internet, UUNET, JANET, JUNET can sent their requests
for subscription to the bitnet address CORRYFEE@HASARA11. Any
information that might be of interest to you will than automatically
be forwarded to your electronic mailbox. If you should have any
information that might be of value to other subscribers of the
CORRYFEE or you want to raise a question to the other subscribers,
please send an electronic mail to bitnet
and your electronic mail will, after monitoring, be distributed to the
subscribers of CORRYFEE. In case you should want further information
concerning CORRYFEE please contact
Hans M. Amman Hans van Ophem
Department of Macroeconomics Department of Econometrics
University of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam
Jodenbreestraat 23, room 3347 Jodenbreestraat 23, room 3191
1011 NH Amsterdam-NL 1011 NH Amsterdam-NL
telephone +31-20-5254203/4193 telephone +31-20-5254222
telefax +31-20-5252491 telefax +31-20-5252491
bitnet amman@hasara5 bitnet a6079001@hasara11
Internet amman@sara.nl internet a6079001@vm1.sara.nl
Global Council Forum -- Moving Beyond the Nation-State
COUNCIL has been created to provide an international computer forum
for the discussion of the creation of a global council. Its premise
is that the world reality has moved beyond the nation-state, yet the
world order still relies on this fragmentary concept and structure.
The proposal is for the creation of a small, non-power-holding,
non-bureaucratic council in East Africa, the birthplace of humanity,
in the foreseeable future. Seeking voices from outside North America
for discussion. To spur exploration of this issue, the list owner
will post a short essay at least once a week, by 0900 GMT Wednesdays.
To subscribe to this list, send the following note to LISTSERV@SJSUVM1
SUBSCRIBE COUNCIL yourfirstname yourlastname
List owner: Martin LeFevre lefevre@sjsuvm1.bitnet
CP on LISTSERV@opus.hpl.hp.com [Last Updated 9/92]
The CP listserv hosts a roundtable discussion of all aspects of
carnivorous plants - cultivation, ecology, protection, etc. The CP
archive contains lists of plants available from both members and
commercial sources. Information on archived files can be listed by
sending the command: "INDEX CP" to listserv@opus.hpl.hp.com.
To subscribe, send a mail message consisting of the text: SUBSCRIBE
CP your full name to the address: listserv@opus.hpl.hp.com
For example: SUBSCRIBE CP Joan Doe
Owner: Rick Walker
CPAE@catfish.valdosta.peachnet.edu [Last Update 4/93]
The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics (CPAE) is an academic
for discussing issues related to professional and applied ethics.
Topic areas include:
Health Care Sport
Business Environment
Media Computing
Law Education
Public Policy
Public Administration
Listmembers are encouraged to post information regarding
ethics-related conferences, workshops, and the like, as well as news
items, bibliographies, current topics, and challenging queries and
cases for discussion and debate.
To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:
Owners: Ari Santas asantas@grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu
Ron Barnette rbarnett@grits.valdosta.peachnet.edu
Department of Philosophy
Center for Professional and Applied Ethics
Valdosta State College
Valdosta, GA, USA 31698
CPE-LIST@UNCVM1.OIT.UNC.EDU [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
Computer Performance Evaluation Interested Parties List
CPE-LIST is an electronic conference designed to foster communication
concerning performance evaluation issues involved in the use
large-scale computing engines.
Please share your constructive solutions to problems, issues, and
thoughts about performance-related topics.
While intended as a forum for users of large-scale IBM or near-blue
equipment other foci are welcome. The list can always be subdivided
along more spcific lines.
Subscription is open to anyone interested.
You may subscribe to CPE-LIST by sending a subscribe command by
interactive message or by e-mail. To subscribe by interactive
message, send the command: SUB CPE-LIST YourFirstname YourLastname to
IBM VM CMS users would enter tell listserv at uncvm1 sub CPE-LIST
YourFirstname YourLastname VAX VMS users would enter send
listserv@uncvm1 sub CPE-LIST YourFirstname YourLastname
You may also subscribe by sending an e-mail message to
LISTSERV@UNCVM1.BITNET or if your account is on the internet send to
LISTSERV@UNCVM1.OIT.UNC.ED, with the following command as the text of
the message.
SUB CPE-LIST YourFirstname YourLastname
This, the 'SUB ...,' must be part of the message; the subject line is
Additional information in the form of a list of commands for the list
server can be obtained by sending the message HELP to the list server
(LISTSERV@uncvm1 etc) NOT to the list (CPE-LIST@uncvm1 etc).
More detailed information is available by sending an information
request message to the list server. Use one of the following formats:
INFO ? for a list of topics
INFO topic where "topic" is one of the following: GENintro REFcard
NEWs KEYwords
Remember two simple rules-of-thumb:
If it's a command (SUBscribe, Help, Info, UNSUBscribe, etc), send it
to the list server (LISTSERV@uncvm1...).
If it's a message for general distribution to the members of the list,
send it to the list (CPE-LIST@uncvm1...).
The list is supported by the University of North Carolina Office of
Information Technology. Our thanks to their management and staff for
permission to use their VM system for the list and for assistance in
setting it up.
The list is sponsored by the Information Services Division of the
University of North Carolina Hospitals.
Lyman A. Ripperton III Lyman@unchmvs.unch.unc.edu
Technical Services Manager voice 919/966-3969
Information Services Division fax 919/966-2110
The University of North Carolina Hospitals
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
CPS-L on LISTSERV@hearn.BITNET [Last Update 6/93]
or LISTSERV@nic.surfnet.nl
CPS-L is an unmoderated discussion list for interdisciplinary studies
of the Pacific regions. The list was created as a facility of the
Centre for Pacific Studies at the University of Nijmegen, the
Netherlands. The list is useful as a discussion forum for researchers
(anthropology, history, linguistics, law ...). The list also serves as
a mailing list of the Centre's activities concerning Pacific studies.
Archives of CPS-L mail items are kept in monthly files. Archives of
related files are available as a service to the subscribers. Related
files are a researcher's name-directory and the electronic publication
of the Newsletter from the Centre for Pacific Studies.
Subscriptions are handled by the listowner. If you are interested to
join the list, send a request and a brief introduction to the owner.
Owner: Fred Melssen
CPSR on LISTSERV@GWUVM.GWU.EDU [Last Updated 9/92]
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) has set up a
list server to (1) archive CPSR-related materials and make them
available on request, and (2) disseminate relatively official, short,
CPSR-related announcements (e.g., press releases, conference
announcements, and project updates). It is accessible via Internet
and Bitnet e-mail. Mail traffic will be light; the list is set up so
that only the CPSR Board and staff can post to it. Because it is
self-subscribing, it easily makes material available to a wide
We encourage you to subscribe to the list server and publicize it
widely, to anyone interested in CPSR's areas of work.
To subscribe, send mail to:
listserv@gwuvm.gwu.edu (Internet) OR listserv@gwuvm (Bitnet)
With the following command in the BODY of the mail:
SUBSCRIBE CPSR yourfirstname yourlastname
You will get a message that confirms your subscription. The message
also explains how to use the list server to request archived materials
(including an index of everything in CPSR's archive), and how to
request more information about the list server.
Please continue to send any CPSR queries to cpsr@csli.stanford.edu.
If you have a problem with the list server, please contact the
administrator, Paul Hyland (phyland@gwuvm.gwu.edu or phyland@gwuvm).
CREA-CPS@NIC.SURFNET.NL [Last Update 12/92]
CREA-CPS (Creativity and Creative Problem Solving) is a
discussion-list for everyone interested in creative thinking and its
relation to the problem-soving process. The list will be a platform
to discuss:
- stimulating factors for creativity
- creativity and new product development
- creativity and strategic issues, e.g. innovation projects
- creativity in an organizational setting
- creativity and education
- Computer Assisted Creativity (CAC)
- book reviews
- conferences and lectures
- study results or questions in the field of creativity
But also:
- different strategies and processes in creativity
- refinement of the major stages in the CPS process
- the use of (new) CPS methods and techniques
- experiences with CPS and (group)session-evaluations
And sometimes: - just some thoughts or a good idea for anybody who is
interested in the subject
To subscribe to CREA-CPS, send the follwing command to
LISTSERV@NIC.SURFNET.NL via mail text or interactive message:
SUBSCRIBE CREA-CPS your full name
For example: SUBSCRIBE CREA-CPS Edward De Bono
List Owners: N.A.Donkers@IO.TUDelft.NL (Bram Donkers)
CREWRT-L@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
This list was created as a place to discuss how and why creative
writing is being taught at colleges and universities, including the
role it plays in the curriculum, the history of creative writing
programs, the shape and flavor of creative writing courses, and the
influence it has or should have on students' lives. Any teacher who
has ever taught a creative writing course (poetry or fiction) and any
student who has ever taken such a course should feel welcome to
The list is open and unmoderated, so discussion can range as far and
wide as members want, from ethereal theory to classroom strategies and
anything remotely tangential to either. However, this list is not
intended to be a place for sharing creative work. Not that such
sharing is in any way forbidden, but there are other lists designed
for that purpose.
To subscribe, send an interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@UMCVMB
or LISTSERV@UMCVMB.MISSOURI.EDU and include the command:
CRICKET on LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 [Last Updated 28-January-1992]
or LISTSERV@vm1.nodak.edu
Cricket is an online magazine featuring the scoresheets of first class
matches and iteneraries of the tours. The scoresheets will be as
complete as the contributors send them. This mailing list is an
edited list and all the contributions will be directed to the
moderator. If and when rec.sport.cricket.scores is formed, this list
and the newsgroup will be gatewayed so that archives of the newsgroups
are available at NDSUVM1.
The following commands are for persons from BITNET sites. If you are
from an internet site follow the procedure: from internet sites
From BITNET Sites: Archives of cricket back issues can be listed by
sending the command INDEX CRICKET to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1.
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 via mail
or interactive message:
SUB CRICKET your_full_name
where "your_full_name" is your name. For example:
From Internet Sites: Archives of cricket back issues can be listed by
sending the mail to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu
The message body should have the line
or you may try /FILES80 CRICKET to get an experimental "narrower"
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@vm1.nodak.edu via
mail :
SUB CRICKET your_full_name
where "your_full_name" is your name. For example:
Owner: K. Sankara Rao
CROMED-L@AEARN.BITNET [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
The intention of this list is to inform an international community on
current events in Croatia, particularly in the sphere of medicine.
Our intention is also to establish E-mail as a tool for easier
organization of gathering medical and humanitarian help.
Wherever you live and whatever you do, you could help the people from
Croatia not only by material help, but also with your advises and your
knowledge. As you know, we have suddenly found ourselves in the winds
of war and terror with ambition neither to kill, nor to hurt anyone.
With your help we will be closer to our aim to win the war by the
weapon of common sense.
Either you are so generous and want to help us or you are only
interested in current events in Croatia, please make a subscription to
this list by sending the following command to LISTSERV@AEARN.BITNET
SUB CROMED-L your full name
8. maja 42, 41000 YU-Zagreb Ministry of Health
E-Mail: Republic of Croatia
whocro@uni-zg.ac.mail.yu Office for Cooperation between
Phone: +38 41 430 621 World Health Organization
Fax: +38 41 431 067 and the Republic of Croatia
Communication Research and Theory NETwork. Discusses all aspects of
human communication.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending this interactive message command
to LISTSERV@PSUVM: SUBSCRIBE CRTNET your-full-name Others may
subscribe by sending mail to T3B%PSUVM.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU.
Moderator: Tom Benson
Purpose: Cryonic suspension is an experimental procedure whereby
patients who can no longer be kept alive with today's medical
abilities are preserved at low temperatures for treatment in the
future. This list is a forum for topics related to cryonics, which
include biochemistry of memory, low temperature biology, legal status
of cryonics and cryonically suspended people, nanotechnology and cell
repair machines, philosophy of identity, mass media coverage of
cryonics, new research and publications, conferences, and local
cryonics group meetings.
Contact: ...att!whscad1!kqb -or- kqb@whscad1.att.com (Kevin Q. Brown)
Mailing list run by the journal of Computer Science in Economics and
Management Science; it is intended to serve as an information
distribution system for researchers in the field of Computer Science
in Economics and Management.
BitNet users can subscribe by sending electronic mail to
SARASERV@HASARA11 with the text (body) of the message containing the
Tze) Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending a similar message to
Moderator: Hans M. Amman
A digest-style mailing list devoted to topics of interest to the CSNET
community. The CSNET staff contributes informal announcements,
up-to-the-minute news, and special features. The CSNET-FORUM is sent
to CSNET liaisons and to local mailing lists and bulletin boards on
CSNET hosts. New issues appear several times a year.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to CSNET-FORUM-REQUEST@SH.CS.NET or
Coordinator: Charlotte Mooers
Mailing list to discuss the problems about the maintenance,
installation and administration of CSP (Cross System Product); it is
not a User Group. Mostly technical issues will be discussed.
Requests to be added to or deleted from the list, problems, questions,
etc., should be sent to the Coordinator.
Coordinator: Esra Delen
CTI-Complit@durham.ac.uk [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
CTI-complit is an open discussion group for anyone who is interested
in computer literacy in higher education and related issues. Founder
members of the list were delegates to the Computer Literacy Workshop
held at the University of Durham (in the UK) last December.
To subscribe, address your mail to:
with the following in the body:
SUB CTI-COMPLIT (first name last name)
At the Workshop speakers from selected universities and representing
different strategies for computer literacy described their programmes.
The Universities of Queen's Belfast, Bradford, Durham, Exeter and
Stirling presented their programmes. The latter half of the Workshop
addressed some issues connected with teaching computer literacy in
universities. The issues included the influence of teaching in
schools on undergraduate skills, funding sources for computer literacy
programmes, changing methods of teaching and learning and the role of
the CTI centres in relation to computer literacy. The intention of
the mailbase list is to carry on discussion of the issues raised
during the Workshop. You are welcome to subscribe to CTI-complit if
you would like to participate in our discussions.
You may be interested to know also that the Proceedings from the
Workshop have just been published by CTISS. A copy of the paper given
by every speaker is included in the document. Called Computer
Literacy for every Graduate Strategies and Challenges for the early
Nineteen-nineties, it is available, price 8.00 Pounds Sterling, from
CTISS Publications, University of Oxford, 13 BAnbury Road, Oxford, OX2
6NN; UK. Telephone 0865 273273.
List Owner:
Audrey McCartan
Computer Literacy Programme
University of Durham, UK
091 374 3943
CTI-L is an unmoderated list to facilitate the discussion of issues in
the use of computers in teaching. The list is intended to promote
discussion on how computers can be used in learning and teaching via
the following:
CTI Computers in Teaching Initiative CAT Computer Aided Teaching CBT
Computer Based Training CAL Computer Aided Learning CBL Computer Based
Learning TBT Technology Based Training
To subscribe, send a message to LISTSERV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE with the
following line of text in the BODY:
SUB CTI-L Your_full_name
where Your_full_name is your firstname lastname .
List co-ordinator: Claron O'Reilly
ctt-Digest is a (most probably) multi-part daily digest of activity on
the comp.text.tex newsgroup. ctt-Digest is *not* intended to include:
1. posts to comp.text.tex originating on INFO-TeX, nor
2. those periodicals included on TeX-Pubs (i.e, Texhax Digest,
UKTeX Digest, TeXMaG, the "Frequently Asked Questions" and
"FAQ Supplement" posts from comp.text.tex, and TUG's "TeX
and TUG News"). When these periodicals are removed, it is
noted at the end of that issue.
Daily digests are designed to keep distribution parts under 42k in
size to accommodate as many mailers as possible. Efforts are made to
keep each comp.text.tex post in whole between parts (although certain
size constraints may preclude this as a universal rule). In general,
each day's distribution has been between 1 and 3 parts, but the number
of parts will vary directly with comp.text.tex activity, as well as
how spontaneously our news feed keeps up with traffic to SHSU. The
ctt-Digest distribution is automatically processed and forwarded to
subscribers at approximately 0200 Central Standard/ Daylight Time
The address is restricted with respect to
posting as it is purely a redistribution list. The posting address
via mail to access comp.text.tex remains INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET
(INFO-TeX@SHSU.edu), although posts to INFO-TeX will not appear in
If you would like to subscribe to ctt-Digest, please include the
command: SUBSCRIBE ctt-Digest "Your Real Name in Quotes" in the body
of a mail message to LISTSERV@SHSU.BITNET (LISTSERV@SHSU.edu). Please
note that this LISTSERV does *not* support interactive messages.
If you have any questions or comments about this new service (or any
of our TeX-related services), please contact me directly.
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Bitnet: BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266
P. O. Box 2118 FAX: (409) 294-3612
Sam Houston State University Internet: bed_gdg@SHSU.edu
Huntsville, TX 77341 bed_gdg%SHSU.decnet@relay.the.net
The Rubik's Cube mailing-list. Much of the information in the
Scientific American article was presented in Cube-Lovers first; also
many mathematical discussions have taken place as well as the
development of a cube notation and various transformations used to
solve it. Recently this list has been very quiet.
Messages are archived in the MIT-AI files ALAN;CUBE MAIL(0 1 2 ...)
with the most recent messages in ALAN;CUBE MAIL
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to CUBE-LOVERS-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU.
Coordinator: Alan Bawden
CUNYMUS@CUNYVMS1.BITNET or [Last Update 4/93]
CUNYMUS is the list for students of the music programs of Graduate
Center of the City University of New York. The purposes of this list
1) to provide students with discussions of music on a scholarly level,
as befits students in a doctoral program (those who prefer more
trivial discussions are directed to CLASSM-L@BROWNVM or
rec.music.classical on USENET);
2) to provide a forum for communication, since we have no campus on
which we can regularly congregate and exchange ideas; and
3) a means of keeping informed of activities taking place in the music
Though intended for students at the Graduate Center, students in music
programs at other CUNY colleges are welcome as well.
Students not from a CUNY school are encouraged to subscribe for the
purpose of seeking the views of the students of CUNY.
To subscribe to the list send e-mail to LISTSERV@CUNYVMS1 on BITNET or
listserv@cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu with the BODY of the mail containing:
SUB CUNYMUS your full name
For example, sub cunymus Bobby Vee
LISTSERV supports a few other commands for your convenience. The
following commands can be handled automatically by the list processor.
Remember to send command to LISTSERV@CUNYVMS1 on BITNET or on the
Internet to listserv@cunyvms1.gc.cuny.edu
SIGNOFF CUNYMUS - to remove yourself from the list
REVIEW CUNYMUS - to get a list of subscribers
QUERY CUNYMUS - to get the status of your entry on the list
SET CUNYMUS NOMAIL - to remain on the list but not receive mail
SET CUNYMUS MAIL - to resume receiving mail from the list
SET CUNYMUS CONCEAL - to not report your address in a REVIEW
SET CUNYMUS NOCONCEAL - to report your address in a REVIEW
SET CUNYMUS REPRO - to receive posts you make to CUNYMUS
SET CUNYMUS NOREPRO - to not receive posts you make to CUNYMUS
By default, subscriptions are set to MAIL, REPRO, NOCONCEAL.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about CUNYMUS,
please contact the list owners at the address below.
Owners: Bob Kosovsky KOS@CUNYVMS1.GC.CUNY.EDU Theresa Muir
This list was formed to serve as a vehicle for (1) discussion of
topics related to the Comprehensive Unified Physics Learning
Environment (CUPLE) software for PC compatible computers and (2)
collection of any information related to this software.
Archives of CUPLE-L and related files are stored in the CUPLE-L
FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the command INDEX CUPLE-L
line in the body of a mail message (NOT the Subject: line).
To subscribe to CUPLE-L, send the command SUB CUPLE-L your full name
message (again, as the first line in the body of the mail, not the
Subject: line).
For example: SUB CUPLE-L John Doe
Owner: Jack_Wilson@mts.rpi.edu
cussnet on listserv@stat.com [Last Update 11/92]
Computer Users in the Social Sciences (CUSS) is a discussion group
devoted to issues of interest to social workers, counselors, and human
service workers of all disciplines. The discussion frequently
involves computer applications in treatment, agency administration,
and research. Students, faculty, community based professionals, and
just good 'ole plain folks join in the disucssion. Software,
hardware, and ethical issues associated with their use in the human
service generate lively and informative discussions. Please join us.
To join the list, send email to "listserv@stat.com" The first line of
text should be: subscribe cussnet
To remove yourself from the list, send email to "listserv@stat.com"
The first line of text should be: unsubscribe cussnet
Any problems should be directed to cussnet-request@stat.com
Moderator: Bill Allbritten, Ph.D. (Director, Counseling and Testing
Center, Murray State University, Murray, KY. 42071)
The list is intended for anyone involved with computer use in college
and university administration, especially for non-technical
administrators; it is named after the annual conference. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
- Purchase of administrative software from vendors--advice
from some campuses that may not be on a vendors list of
- General purpose software and hardware purchase--not nuts and
bolts, but some general sharing of ideas
- You've decided to write a major administrative system from
scratch-- will someone share something with you so you don't
need to re-invent the wheel?
- The CUMREC conference itself--sharing information, keeping
in touch with people we've met at past conferences.
- Just about anything that a CUMREC paper could be written on.
To subscribe to the list, send mail to the Coordinator if you can't
your_full_name from any system that will let you use TELL or send the
command:: SUB CUMREC-L your name as the only text in a message to
Note: this list has the option SEND=PRIVATE which means that only
people who are current subscribers can send to the list. This is not
intended to discourage participation, but to encourage subscription
and to help avoid some types of mailer loops. If you want to send
something to the list, simply subscribe to the list first by following
the above instructions.
Coordinator: Joe Moore
The Color and Vision Network; the purpose is to make people in vision
research and in color research who utilize e-mail communication known
to each other. Mass mailing can also be easily done, so announcements
supplied to CVNET@YORKVM1 get distributed to the subscriber list.
Another activity is the compilation of a key word list that describes
the activities of those listed.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to
Coordinator: Peter K. Kaiser
Mailing list for discussion of campus-wide electronic mail systems.
The recent developments in computer networking have created the need
for unified E-mail systems, capable of handling mail-type
communications among users on many different kinds of computers
(mainframes, superminis, minis, personal computers), working for the
same organization. This communication can be within the organization
or directed to other users on the different networks (BitNet,
Internet, etc.). This list strives to provide a forum for developers
of such systems. Topics to be discussed are how to carry out such an
effort, experiences in the implementation, recommended policies,
hardware issues, etc. It is aimed primarily (but not limited to)
developers of university campus-wide e-mail systems.
In an effort to assure a productive environment, subscription will be
filtered by the list Coordinators, who may require additional
information before a subscription request is accepted (curious
bystanders clogging up the network are not desired). The list itself
is unmoderated. Monthly notebooks are kept.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@TECMTYVM via interactive message or mail: SUBSCRIBE CW-EMAIL
Your full name where "Your full name" is your real name, not your
login Id. Non-BitNet users can join the list by sending the above
command as the only line in the text/body of a message to
Coordinator: Juan M. Courcoul
CWIS-L%WUVMD.BITNET@VM1.NODAK.EDU Mailing list for discussing the creation
and implimentation of campus-wide information systems. The term CWIS
includes systems which make information and services publicly
available on campus via kiosks, interactive computing systems and/or
campus networks. Services routinely include directory information,
calendars, bulletin boards, databases and library information.
BitNet users may subscribe by sending the following command to
LISTSERV@WUVMD via interactive message or mail: SUB CWIS-L Your full
name where "your full name" is your real name, not your login Id.
Non-BitNet users can join the list by sending the above command as the
only line in the text\/body of a message to
Comments, questions, etc., should be directed to the Coordinator.
Coordinator: Steve Middlebrook
Network digest for people who support and/or install Control Data
(CDC) systems. In general, any topic which may be of general interest
to people who support and/or install CDC systems is relevant to the
digest, including:
- Problem reports and solutions, including information from
the support system, SOLVER.
- Requests for help concerning problems on CDC systems.
- Announcements and reviews of new products or upgrades to
products, including CDC supplied as well as site supplied
- Installation experiences/problems encountered when
installing products: things to watch out for; things to
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to Info%Bitnic.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU.
The Cybernetics and Systems mailing list is an open list serving those
working in or just interested in the interdisciplinary fields of
Systems Science, Cybernetics, and related fields (e.g. General
Systems Theory, Complex Systems Theory, Dynamic Systems Theory,
Computer Modeling and Simulation, Network Theory, Self-Organizing
Systems Theory, Information Theory, Fuzzy Set Theory). The list is
coordinated by members of the Systems Science department of the Watson
School at SUNY-Binghamton, and is affiliated with the International
Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) and the American Society for
Cybernetics (ASC).
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@BINGVMB via mail
or interactive message: SUB CYBSYS-L your_full_name where
"your_full_name" is your name. For example: SUB CYBSYS-L Joan Doe
Non-BitNet users can subscribe by sending the text: SUB CYBSYS-L
your_full_name in the body of a message to
following command: UNSUB CYBSYS-L
Coordinator: Cliff Joslyn
The Oral Microbiology/Immunology Interest Group is an international
forum for discussions of problems facing scientists and clinicians
that deal with human and mammalian oral microbiota. Microbiology
discussions include the prevalence of, and diseases caused by oral
microbiota, physiology and genetics of virulence factors, host
response to pathogens and virulence factors, autoimmune oral diseases,
and the effects of aging on immune response. This forum will also
serve as a conduit between members of professional societies that have
Oral Microbiology and Immunology interest Sections including the NIDR,
IADR/AADR, ASM, FEMS, AAAS and other groups. Announcement of coming
events and public pre-meeting organizational communications are
To subscribe to D-ORAL-L, send the following command to
interactive message:
SUBSCRIBE D-ORAL-L your full name For example: SUBSCRIBE D-ORAL-L
Jane Doe
Owners: Dr. John Spitznagel
Cynthia Walczak
The purpose of DANCE-L is to create a global electronic forum and
medium for information exchange between all who are interested in
folkdance and traditional dance.
This list hopes to contribute to a better contact between dancers,
dancing masters, choreographers, dance documentalists, choreologists,
organizers of folkloristic festivals and performances, dance and
folklore organizations, publishers of dance books, records,
The information in this list should concentrate on: addresses of the
above-mentioned groups, terminology, bibliographies, discographies,
facts on historic and social backgrounds of folkdance, dance and
choreography descriptions, costumes, announcements and reports of
performances and festivals.
The list participants will be stimulated to actively engage and share
responsibility in a number of projects:
- to establish an INTERNATIONAL FOLKDANCE DATABASE, by using a
standard exchange record format, with the dance name as the
main entry.
using a standard exchange record format, with book or
article title as the main entry.
DATABASE,also by using a standard exchange record format,
with the English term as the main entry.
To subscribe to DANCE-L send a message or MAIL to one of the addresses
above: SUB DANCE-L your full name eg. SUB DANCE-L Ginger Rogers
Description of List
Dark-Sun on LISTSERV@LE.AC.UK [Last Update 6/93]
Dark-Sun is an open, unmoderated discussion list dealing with all
aspects of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons world of Dark-Sun.
Any and all topics related are welcome.
Mail messages are not archived. There will, however, be files
available for retrieval as they are uploaded by list members. You may
obtain a list of files in the archives by sending the command:
in the body of an e-mail to LISTSERVER@UK.AC.LE.
To subscribe, send the following command in the body of the mail to
LISTSERVER@LE.AC.UK on the Internet:
SUBSCRIBE DARK-SUN yourfirstname yourlastname
For example:
SUBSCRIBE DARK-SUN Alistair G. Lowe-Norris
Owner: Alistair G. Lowe-Norris
This is to annonce an electronic mailing list for the discussion of
digital acoustic signal processing and related subjects. Topics
- Digital Signal Processing Techniques in Time and Frequency
- Advanced Spectral Analysis Methods,
- Applications of Neural Networks in Acoustics,
- Efficient Computational algorithms.
To subscribe, send e-mail or tell to LISTSERV@CSEARN.BITNET with the
following command in the body or text:
subscribe DASP-L your_first_name your_surname
Coordinator: Frantisek Kadlec BITNET, EARN : FKADLEC@CSEARN Czech
Technical University Prague, Czechoslovakia
data-protection on mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk [Last Update 5/93]
The aims of the data-protection list are to encourage an exchange of
information for those with responsibilities for Data Protection within
their organization and to encourage questions and answers from any
other interested people. People living outside the UK are welcome to
join our list and make the discussions more interesting!
To join this list send the following message to
join data-protection Yourfirstname Yoursurname
for list of lists the message should be
lists (short form of lists)
lists full (a short description for each list)
to leave a list
leave listname
eg. leave data-protection
Owner: Sally Justice justicsa@vax.sbu.ac.uk
This list is intended to serve those interested in discussions of
IBM's DB2 Data Base Product and any associated topics such as SQL and
Archives of DB2-L back issues can be listed by sending the command
To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@AUVM: SUB DB2-L
your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your name, not your login Id.
For example: SUB DB2-L Joan Doe Non-BitNet users can subscribe by
sending the above command in the text/body of a message to
Coordinator: Patty Burke
Mailing list dedicated to the use of the dBase language for
manipulating databases. Emphasis will be given on comments of how to
build and maintain working systems using any of the dialects of these
languages (Clipper, Fox, dbase II, III, IV, etc). Users of the list
are encouraged to participate on topics such as: transaction
processing, system implementation on networks, concurrency, library
construction, modular design, function design, etc. All the above
topics will be treated under the light of the dBase language, so the
focus will be on implementing algorithms using this language.
BitNet users can subscribe by issuing the following command: TELL
sending messages, if your operating system is not VM/SP. Non-BitNet
users can join by sending a message to LISTSERV@TECMTYVM.MTY.ITESM.MX
with the one-line command "SUBSCRIBE DBASE-L Your_full_name" in the
body/text (*NOT* in the Subject: field).
Owner: Agustin Gonzalez Tuchmann
DDTs-Users@BigBird.BU.EDU [Last Update 11/92]
The DDTs-Users mailing list is for discussions of issues related to
the DDTs defect tracking sofware from QualTrak, including (but not
limited to) software, methods, mechanisms, techniques, general usage
tips, policies, bugs, and bug workarounds. It is intended primarily
for DDTs administrators, but that does not necessarily preclude other
To join the DDTs-Users mailing list, send the command
subscribe ddts-users
in the body of a message to "Majordomo@BigBird.BU.EDU". If you want
to subscribe something other than the account the mail is coming from,
then append that address to the "subscribe" command; for example, to
subscribe "my-other-address":
subscribe ddts-users my-other-address@your.domain.net
The list is an open list; anyone may subscribe. I would like to
discourage subscribing subsidiary redistribution points, because that
makes administering the mailing list harder, but I do not forbid it.
There is not yet either an FAQ list or a "digestified" version of the
mailing list.
Submissions should be sent to "DDTs-Users@BigBird.BU.EDU". That
address is a direct mail reflector; all messages sent to that address
are immediately forwarded to every member of the mailing list,
including the submitter. The mailing list is unmoderated.
All messages to the list are being archived, but no method has yet
been provided for retrieving these archives.
If you encounter a problem subscribing or submitting messages to the
mailing list, you may send e-mail to the mailing list manager.
Include detailed information on what the problem is. If you get an
error message, include that.
List Manager: Joe Wells
D-Flames@VIRGINIA (BitNet)
...!uunet!virginia!dead-flames (uucp)
Digest for fans of Grateful Dead music. The list is bidirectionally
gatewayed with the USENET newsgroup rec.music.gdead. A digest is
created and distributed at least once per day, more often if traffic
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to Dead-Flames-Request@VIRGINIA.EDU or
Dead-Flames-Request@UVAARPA.VIRGINIA.EDU (Internet), DF-Req@Virginia
(BitNet), or ...!uunet!virginia!dead-flames-request (uucp).
Coordinator: Marc Rouleau
...!uunet!virginia!dead-heads (uucp)
Mailing list for Grateful Dead music fans who don't have time to read
Dead-Flames but want to hear about upcoming shows, ticket
availability, ride-sharing, etc.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to Dead-Heads-Request@VIRGINIA.EDU or
Dead-Heads-Request@UVAARPA.VIRGINIA.EDU (Internet), DH-Req@VIRGINIA
(BitNet), or ...!uunet!virginia!dead-heads-request (uucp).
Coordinator: Marc Rouleau
Dual sensory impairment (deaf-blindness) is the topic of this forum.
The mission of DEAFBLND is to share information, inquiries, ideas, and
opinions on matters pertaining to dual sensory impairment. The list
is open to professionals in the field, to individuals with DSI, and to
their families and friends.
This is a LISTSERV managed list, so normal subscription requests
apply. To subscribe send mail to LISTSERV@UKCC or on the Internet to
LISTSERV@UKCC.UKY.EDU with the body containing the command SUB
DEAFBLND Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Bob Moore STR002@UKCC
Sanders-Brown Center on Aging STR002@UKCC.UKY.EDU
University of Kentucky (606) 253-5960
or LISTSERV@vm1.cc.uakron.edu
DEASE-L is a new Listserv discussion list about any aspect of the
DataEase database (marketed by DataEase International, Inc.).
To subscribe, send an interactive message or mail to LISTSERV@AKRONVM
(on BITNET) as follows:
SUBscribe DEASE-L Your Name
DEEPSEA's purpose is to serve the world's community of deep-sea and
hydrothermal vent biologists working in the areas of evolution,
ecology, biogeography, paleontology, systematics, phylogenetics, and
population genetics.
To subscribe to the DEEPSEA list send e-mail to LISTSERV@UVVM.UVIC.CA
or LISTSERV@UVVM.BITNET with the BODY containing the command:
SUB DEEPSEA yourfirstname yourlastname
For example: sub deepsea Jacque Cousteau
Owner: Andrew McArthur AMCARTHU@UVVM.UVIC.CA
The Dead Runners Society is a discussion group for runners of all
levels and interests, from nature-lovers to competitors. We discuss
everything from meditation to marathon training, and we tend to share
the belief that there is something about running that goes beyond just
the exercise or sport of it!
If you would like to subscribe or re-subscribe to the DRS, please send
the command:
SUB DRS Your Name
This is a 'closed' list, which means that listserv will not accept
your subscription right away, but will forward it to the list owner,
who then will add you to the list.
The mail from this group also comes out in digest form, so that
members who don't like getting a lot of mail can receive it in a daily
dose. If you want the digest version then send a note to the list
owner once you are added to the list.
Carpe Viam (Seize the Road),
Listowner: Chris Conn sascmc@unx.sas.com Austin, TX
decmcc@ralph.rtpnc.epa.gov [Last Updated 28-January-92]
vmsnet.networks.management.decmcc (newsgroup)
The charter of this group is talking about anything to do with network
management using the DEC Enterprise Management Architecture
product-set named DECmcc. The newsgroup and the mailing list are
gatewayed so that you can take your pick of how to participate. If
you wish to subscribe to the mailing list, you can do so by sending a
1-line mail message to listserv@ralph.rtpnc.epa.gov. The body of the
message should contain only the single line
subscribe decmcc FirstName SurName (Optional Additional Comments)
Note: To include special characters in your comments, please put "'"
(single quote/apostrophe) on each end of the string. Your mail
address is captured from the header of your registration request.
To receive more info about the listserver and how to talk to it, send
a 1-line mail message to listserv@ralph.rtpnc.epa.gov with the body
containing the single line
The subject field is ignored by the listserver when addressing it with
After subscribing, to post to the mailing list send your messages to
If you have the vmsnet.* distribution available on news, I would
recommend that you follow the group there. The mailing list is
primarily intended for those who don't have access to the vmsnet
Bob Boyd 919-541-4441
DECNEWS on LISTSERV@UBVM [Last Updated 1/92]
DECNEWS is a new list for people interested in receiving a monthly
electronic newsletter from Digital Equipment Corporation's
Education/Science Business Unit. The newsletter's purpose is to
provide a single, compact source of information about Digital to users
in educational institutions and research organizations. Content
includes brief announcements of new products, new third-party
applications available on Digital platforms, special programs and
services for education users (e.g. TEI), resources, and new
installations or innovations from Digital's education/science
Items will be brief, and pointers will be given on how to obtain more
background information over the network if interested. The conference
is a moderated list, and only the monthly newsletter will be posted,
plus an occasional special announcement. Readers' responses will be
directed to the newsletter's editor.
Archives of DECNEWS and related files are stored in the DECNEWS
FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the command INDEX DECNEWS
the body of a mail message (NOT the Subject: line).
To subscribe to DECNEWS, send the command SUB DECNEWS your name to
(again, as the first line in the body of the mail, NOT the Subject).
For example: SUB DECNEWS Joe Shmoe
DECNEWS is also gatewayed into the bit.listserv.decnews news group of
USENET News so if you have access to news reading software, you should
read this list there to reduce unnecessary network traffic.
Owner: Mary Hoffmann
DECRDB-L@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
A list named DECRDB-L@SBCCVM has been started for those interested in
Digital Equipment Corporation's Relational Database products.
This purpose of this list is to discuss any issue related to Rdb or
any associated software and competing products. This may include but
is not limited to any problems/solutions/hints/suggestions/useful
programs/etc. Although this is list is intended as a user forum,
Individuals from DEC and other Relational Database vendors are also
welcome and are encouraged to become members and participate in the
discussion. The only restriction is that imposed by BITNET:
Advertisements are not permitted.
To join the list, send a mail message to LISTSERV@SBCCVM.BITNET or
LISTSERV@CCVM.SUNYSB.EDU with the text containing the command:
SUB DECRDB-L yourfirstname yourlastname
Owner: Sanjay Kapur |Internet: Sanjay.Kapur@sunysb.edu Systems
Staff, Computing Services, |Bitnet: SKAPUR@USB State University of
New York, |SPAN/HEPnet: 44132::SKAPUR Stony Brook, NY 11794-2400
|Phone:(516)632-8029, FAX:(516)632-8046
DEOS-L on LISTSERV@PSUVM.BITNET [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
The American Center for the Study of Distance Education at
Pennsylvania State University have now decided to open DEOS-L, an
international discussion forum for distance education.
Initially, the intention is to facilitate discussion of some of the
issues presented in DEOSNEWS. We hope to promote communication among
distance educators, and to disseminate information and requests about
distance education around the world.
DEOS-L will be open for everyone who wants to subscribe, and all
subscribers may post information to the list. However, to enhance the
quality of DEOS-L, we have decided to review the notes posted.
To subscribe to DEOS-L, just post the following command to
The following are the titles of the first articles posted in DEOSNEWS:
#1 The American Center for Study of Distance Education
#2 GO MEEC! A Goal Oriented Method for Establishment of an Electronic
#3 Audio-Conferencing in Graduate Education: A Case Study
#4 Abstracts from the American Journal of Distance Education 1987
#5 The ICDL Database for Distance Education
#6 Bibliography on Computer Mediated Communication in Distance Education
#7 Computer-Assisted Language Learning at a Distance: An International
#8 Abstracts from the American Journal of Distance Education 1988
#9 China's Network of Radio and Television Universities
#10 Computer-Mediated Communication and Distance Education Around the
#11 New Accessions List 1991, No. 2.
#12 Abstracts from the American Journal of Distance Education 1989
#13 Interview with Reidar Roll, Secretary General of the
International Council for Distance Education
#14 Innovative Computer Conferencing Courses
#15 Features of Distance Education in Finland
#16 Abstracts from the American Journal of Distance Education 1990
To subscribe to DEOSNEWS, just post the following command to
Full Name"
DERYNI-L on MAIL-SERVER@mintir.new-orleans.la.us [Last Update 9/92]
DERYNI-L is a mailing list for fans of Katherine Kurtz' novels set in
the Deryni universe, along with her other works.
This list is a return of the list I had started before experiencing
major hardware problems with the system forcing me to close the site
for some time. Now that we've returned with new hardware and in a new
domain, along with an automated mail-server, it's time to re-start the
To subscribe to DERYNI-L, send the following command to
Owner: Edward J. Branley
DERRIDA@CFRVM.BITNET [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
A list devoted to a discussion of Jacques Derrida and deconstruction.
To subscribe, send a one line message to listserv@cfrvm.bitnet
subscribe derrida your full name
If I can be of any assistance, please contact me.
Owner: David L Erben dqfacaa@cfrvm.bitnet
DESIGN-L@PSUVM [Last Update 3/93]
A listserver list related to basic design and applied design. This
list concerns both art and architecture. It also concerns general
information related to design, s.a., conferences and other design
events. It forwards information from many telecommunication sources
to the list. At times, discussions are encouraged.
Howard Ray Lawrence, List Owner HRL@PSUVM HRL@PSUARCH
DEVEL-L@AUVM [Last Updated 12-October-1991]
A public discussion list for all persons interested in technology
transfer in international development. The list is sponsored by
Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA), a private, nonprofit,
voluntary organization for humanitarian assistance established in
1959. Subscribers discuss their shared interests in the list's
subject, which can include current news, new books, computers and
communications in development, other new technologies, personal
experiences, entrepreneurship, relations between technology and the
amelioration of poverty in Third World countries, projects,
organizations, and educational programs, but need not be restricted to
these topics. Subscribers automatically receive VITA's monthly
To subscribe, send mail text or interactive message to LISTSERV@AUVM
or LISTSERV@AUVM.AUVM.EDU that reads as follows: SUB DEVEL-L You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF
DEVEL-L" command to LISTSERV@AUVM. To post a message to all
subscribers, use the address DEVEL-L@AUVM.
For editorial correspondence on the newsletter or messages to VITA,
use the address VITA@GMUVAX; please don't use it for other purposes.
Coordinator: R. R. Ronkin, VITA Volunteer, VITA@GMUVAX.
dewy-fields@ifi.uio.no [Last Update 4/93]
A list for the discussion of Bel Canto and related material. The
Norwegian band Bel Canto's music is sort of a cross-over between 4AD,
world music and techno. The list is named after one of their songs.
Archives are available from ftp.ifi.uio.no in the file
/pub/bel-canto/dewy-fields. Requests for subscription etc. should be
sent dewy-fields-request@ifi.uio.no.
List Maintainer: Kjetil T. Homme
A forum for the open discussion of diabetic concerns by the people
directly involved - the diabetic patient. I take this move because my
wife is also a diabetic with advanced complications. I feel that an
open forum for those most affected that is free from criticism is
sorely needed.
To subscribe to this list send a message or MAIL to LISTSERV@PCCVM on
BITNET with the content containing the command:
R N Hathhorn, VM Systems Support | Portland Community College
Computer Services Department | P. O. Box 19000
Sylvania Campus: CCB27c | 12000 S. W. 49th Ave.
(503) 244-6111 ext. 4705 | Portland Oregon 97219
DIARRHOE is a mailing list for information exchange and discussions on
all aspects related to diseases, disorders, and chemicals which cause
diarrhoea in humans and animals.
To become a member send mail (or message on BITNET) to listserv@searn
(bitnet) or listserv@searn.sunet.se (internet) with the following
command in the BODY: SUBSCRIBE DIARRHOE your full name
To send messages to all other members of the group: address your
message to: diarrhoe@searn (bitnet) or diarrhoe@searn.sunet.se
Owner: Eng-leong Foo Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Unesco
Microbial Resources Center & Dept of Bacteriology email:
A mailing list has been started for users of Biosym Technologies, Inc.
software. This includes the following products:
InsightII: visualization and manipulation of biological macromolecules
Discover: molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics, E. minimization
Dmol: LDF quantum chemistry calculations
Homology: protein model-building tool
Delphi: electrostatic-field calculations on biological macromolecules
Polymer: calculations on polymer chains
This list is not run by Biosym; however, several of their in-house
people subscribe, and may contribute from time to time.
To subscribe (or, later, to unsubscribe, if you wish!) send electronic
mail containing your full name and affiliation to:
If you wish some path other than what appears on the "From:" line to
be your offical dibug address, say so in the body of your epistle.
Once I get it and add you, I'll send you the Official Introduction,
receipt of which will indicate that I hear you and you hear me.
To post to the list, send mail to:
Oh, yes: this list is undigested and unmoderated. In fact, it is
barely coordinated! However, I have agreed to take on that onorous
task. If you have reason to believe that email isn't getting through,
you can write to me personally as
shenkinb@avogadro.barnard.columbia.edu (first choice), or
shenkin@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (second choice), or as
shenkin@cunixf.BITNET (way down on the list).
Finally a disclaimer. DIBUG stands for "Discover Insight Biosym
Users' Group." Any resemblance to any other term commonly in use among
the computationally literate is purely coincidental. :-)
Peter S. Shenkin, Department of Chemistry
Barnard College, New York, NY 10027
shenkin@avogadro.barnard.columbia.edu shenkin@cunixf.BITNET
Digest devoted to computer and video game reviews, with interested in
just about any games that run on computers, including IBM PC, Atari,
Amiga, Macintosh, Apple II and Unix computers, as well as video games
for the Nintendo, Sega, NEC, Atari, and so on. It also covers games
for the portable market (e.g. the Atari Lynx and Nintendo GameBoy).
This is a *REVIEWS ONLY* mailing list, with all submissions edited to
fit into a common and consistent format. Discussion of the relative
merits of different gaming computers, technical discussion of
resolution required to display 3D graphics, and general flaming and
hostility will be left to the many different forums appropriate for
that type of discussion.
To subscribe to the digest, send your request to
Coordinator: Dave Taylor
DINOSAUR@donald.WichitaKS.NCR.COM [Last Update 4/93]
DINOSAUR is an open, unmoderated discussion list about dinosaurs and
other archosaurs of the Mesozoic Era. Subjects range from popular
press and news items to detailed paleontological theories.
To subscribe, send a regular email request to:
Note that the list is currently maintained by hand. In addition, the
list does not change "From" on submitted items. That means replies
will go to the originator, not the list.
Owner: John Matrow
DIPL-L@MITVMA [Last Update 9/92]
Mailing list dedicated to the game Diplomacy as played via electronic
mail, especially via the Diplomacy Adjudicator (the judge)
BITNET users can subscribe by sending the message SUBSCRIBE DIPL-L
your_full_name to LISTSERV@MITVMA.BITNET
Internet users send SUBSCRIBE DIPL-L your_full_name in the BODY of a
mail message to LISTSERV@mitvma.mit.edu
For more information about the judge, send the message help to the
judge. (judge@u.washington.edu)
Owner: Nicholas Fitzpatrick nick@sunburn.waterloo.edu
Direct-L on LISTSERV@uafsysb
or LISTSERV@uafsysb.uark.edu
The DIRECT-L list was formed to provide a forum for discussions of the
software program MacroMind Director for the Macintosh. Possible
discussion topics include but are not limited to:
Programming in Lingo
Hardware configurations
Use with other software packages
Video sources, techniques, methods
Kiosk development
Device drivers
This will be an unmoderated list with archives. Archives of DIRECT-L
will be stored in the DIRECT-L FILELIST. To receive a list of files
To subscribe to DIRECT-L, send the following command to
LISTSERV@UAFSYSB via mail text or interactive message:
where "Your_full_name" is your name. For example:
Owner: CB Lih
DISARM-L provides discussions of military and political strategy,
technology, sociology, and popular peace activism involved in
accelerating disarmament of nuclear, conventional ,chemical and
biological weapons. Also discussion of other destabilizing actions
such as suprpower intervention and exploitation of the 3rd world.
Soviet, WTO, European, Asiatic and Latin American participants
welcomed! Also see DISARM-D for a monthly-Digest form of the list.
Those with interactive BITNET communication can subscribe and also
access the monthly logs by issuing the command: TELL
LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 GET DISARM-L LOGyymm Those without interactive
BitNet access should send requests to the Moderator by E-mail.
Moderator: Donald Parsons
The list that stores and distributes the monthly digests. Interactive
users can obtain these directly as disarm-d logyymm. Also see
DISARM-L for an immediate-redistribution (mailing list) form of the
Those with interactive BITNET communication can subscribe and also
access the monthly logs by issuing the command: TELL
LISTSERV@ALBNYVM1 GET DISARM-D LOGyymm Those without interactive
BitNet access should send requests to the Moderator by E-mail.
Moderator: Donald Parsons