The Electric Mystic's Guide to the Internet
A Complete Bibliography of Networked Electronic
Documents, Online Conferences, Serials, Software and
Archives Relevant to Religious Studies.
Version 1.3
November 1992
Michael Strangelove
University of Ottawa
Department of Religious Studies
Copyright 1992 by Michael Strangelove.
All rights reserved. This bibliography may be archived
for public use in electronic or other media, as long as
it is maintained in its entirety and no fee is charged to
the user; any exception to this restriction requires the
written consent of the author.
Michael Strangelove
Religious Studies Department
University of Ottawa
177 Waller
Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 747-0642 (Voice)
(613) 564-6641 (Fax)
E-Mail Address:
441495@uottawa (BITNET) (Internet)
This bibliography was made possible through
the support of the Research Centre for the
Study of Religion, Department of Religious
Studies, University of Ottawa, and through
funding from the American Academy of Religion.
Volumes One and Three of the Electric Mystic's
Guide are freely available via the
international academic networks
(BITNET/Internet) from the CONTENTS Project
fileserver via FTP from the node ( in the
directory /pub/religion/ as the files:
Volume One: (Postscript file) (Unix compressed
Postscript file)
electric-mystics-guide-v1.txt (low ascii text)
electric-mystics-guide-v1.txt.Z (Unix compressed low
ascii text) (zipped Wordperfect 5.1
Volume Three: (Postscript file) (Unix compressed
Postscript file)
electric-mystics-guide-v3.txt (low ascii text)
electric-mystics-guide-v3.txt.Z (Unix compressed low
ascii text) (zipped Wordperfect
5.1 text)*
* Note that due to a bug in Worperfect for
Windows, these WPWIN files will only operate
in WordPerfect for Windows, they will not
operate in WordPerfect for DOS until WP Corp
fixes the present incompatibility problem.
The Electric Mystic's Guide is also available
as a low ascii text via the CONTENTS Project
Listserv fileserver as the files:
from Listserv@uottawa or
Volume Two is not yet available.
* Table of Contents -- VOLUME THREE *
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. Online Academic Conferences. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How to Make the Most of Online Discussion
Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Directories of Listserv Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
How to Subscribe to Online Discussion Groups. . . . . . . 9
Retrieving Logbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
BITNET and Internet Religious Studies Related
Lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Bahai Faith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Buddhist Discussion Group (BUDDHA-L) . . . . . . . . 13
Christian Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Christian Thought and Literature in Late
Antiquity (ELENCHUS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Classics Discussion (CLASSICS). . . . . . . . . . . 15
Discussion of Beliefs and Practices of
Conservative Judaism (CJ-L) . . . . . . . . 15
Eastern Orthodox Christianity Discussion
(EOCHR-L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Generic Religions and Secret Societies . . . . . . . 16
Godly Graphics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
History of American Catholicism
(AMERCATH). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
History and Theory of the Occult
(ARCANA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
History of The Ancient Mediterranean
(ANCIEN-L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
History of Evangelical Christianity
(HISTEC-L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Global Christianity discussion (GLOBLX-
L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Indian and Buddhist Studies (BUDDHIST) . . . . . . . 22
The International Forum for First Century
Judaism and Christian Origins
(IOUDAIOS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship List
(IVCF-L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Islam Discussion Group (ISLAM-L) . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Islamic Information and News Network
(MUSLIMS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Issues And Questions of Concern to
Observant Jews (BALTUVA). . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Jewish & Near Eastern Studies (JUDAICA). . . . . . . 25
Later Day Saints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Liberal Judaism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
LITURGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG-L) . . . . . . . 28
Masonic Digest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
New Testament Greek Studies Conference
(NT-GREEK). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Old Testament Hebrew Studies (OT-
HEBREW) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Orthodox Christianity (ORTHODOX) . . . . . . . . . . 30
Pagan Religion and Philosophy (PAGAN). . . . . . . . 31
Personal Ideologies (BELIEF-L) . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The Progressive Jewish Activism List
(PJAL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Religions Discussion Group (RELIGION). . . . . . . . 33
Religious Communication and Contexts
(RELICOM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
The Religious Society of Friends (QUAKER-
L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Shaker - A forum on the United Society of
Believers (SHAKER). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Social Scientific Study of Religion
(SSREL-L) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Women, Religion, and Feminist Theology
(FEMREL-L). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
USENET -- General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
USENET Religious Studies Related Newsgroups . . . . . . . 37
Discussion of the Baha'i Faith --
SOC.RELIGION.BAHAI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Christianity and Related Topics --
SOC.RELIGION.CHRISTIAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Discussions of Eastern Religions --
SOC.RELIGION.EASTERN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Discussions of the Islamic Faith --
SOC.RELIGION.ISLAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2. Electronic Journals and Newsletters. . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Directory of Electronic Journals and
Newsletters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Bulletin of The General Theological Library of
Bangor Theological Seminary. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Christian Growth Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
IOUDAIOS Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
The Postmodern Jewish Philosophy BITNETWORK . . . . . . . 42
Religious Studies Publications Journal -
CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
OFFLINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Newsletter. . . . . . . . . . . 48
Inactive Electronic Religious Studies
Serials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3. Ecunet and PresbyNet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
4. Networked Organizations and Associations . . . . . . . . . 51
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
(Note that the Index is not included in the low ascii
version of the Electric Mystic's Guide.)
* Table of Contents -- VOLUME ONE *
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The Networks Covered in this Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
How to Retrieve Documents Listed in This
Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Retrieving Documents via Listserv . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Retrieving Documents via FTP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Using BITFTP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Searching Listserv Logbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A Note to Moderators, Authors and
Maintainers of Networked Documents . . . . . . . . . 9
Network Accessible Documents
1. Anthropology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2. Articles and Prepublication Papers. . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Bible Study Aids and Software Programs. . . . . . . . . 16
4. Bibliographies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
5. Book Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6. Buddhism and Related Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
7. Contemporary Jewry and Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
8. The CONTENTS Project Miscellaneous Files. . . . . . . . 28
9. Course Outlines, Seminar Syllabi and
Glossaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10. Electronic Texts and Databases (CDROMS and
Others) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11. IOUDAIOS Miscellaneous Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
12. Islamic Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
13. Journal Indexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
14. Lists in Review Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
15. Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
16. Online E-Mail Address Compilations. . . . . . . . . . . 40
17. RELIGION Miscellaneous Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
18. Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
19. Sacred Texts (Networked Electronic Versions). . . . . . 45
20. Software/Hardware Reviews and Information
Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
21. Software Programs for Religious Studies . . . . . . . . 50
22. Thesis and Dissertations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
23. Thesis and Dissertations -- Abstracts . . . . . . . . . 52
Index of Document Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Index of Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Index of Author's E-Mail Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
* Introduction *
The Electric Mystic's Guide is a non-technical survey of
all major documents, archives and services of relevance
to religious studies and related fields that are
available through the international, academic computer
networks commonly referred to as the Net (BITNET,
Internet and affiliated networks). This includes
networked papers, reviews, book notes, dissertations,
major sacred texts, software programs, electronic mail
address collections, general information files, data
banks, electronic journals, newsletters, online
discussion groups, specialized commercial and public
networks, and relevant networked organizations,
associations, institutions and companies. It should be
noted that the Electric Mystic's Guide is not meant to be
a handbook on how to use the Net, and thus assumes a
certain level of familiarity with FTP, Telnet, Listserv
and other Net operating programs. Users hits and tips
have been included throughout the Guide.
It is interesting to note that the majority of the
approximately 200 files documented (in Volume One) have
been placed on the Net in the last twenty four months.
This would suggest that the end of this decade will see
well over two thousand networked documents relevant to
religious studies. The number of religious studies and
related scholars presently online is unknown but
certainly exceeds ten thousand. No comprehensive
electronic mail address book for religious studies exists
at this point in time. We can look forward to a
proliferation of specialized archives over the next few
years. At present, I am aware of Aboriginal, Buddhism,
Early Christianity and Judaism, Jewish, and Social
Sciences networked archives (see Table of Contents,
Volume Two).
Electronic mail addresses given within this Guide are in
BITNET and Internet format, unless otherwise stated.
Login to FTP nodes listed herein as anonymous with your
e-mail address as the password unless otherwise stated.
All other aspects of this Guide are system neutral.
Travellers on the Net should note that there are many
versions of Telnet and FTP software and a variety of
login procedures. Most systems will offer some form of
help if you enter the command HELP or ?.
The Electric Mystic's Guide was previously written as one
complete document but has been divided into three
volumes, due to its growing size and technical
restrictions within some systems on the size of network
accessible manuscripts. The Guide has the following
format: Volume One documents a wide variety of over 200
networked files of direct and indirect relevance to
religious studies and related fields. The selection of
material was based on the scholarly nature of the
documents or their significance as general information
files. No attempt has been made to document every file
related to religion on the Net, due to the transient
nature, and questionable academic value of some of the
material that has be placed on network fileservers. If
a document has been overlooked that the reader feels
should be listed in the Electric Mystic's Guide, please
contact the author with details of its content and
location. Volume One also has extensive information on
how to retrieve documents listed in this Guide, how to
use Listserv and FTP, and how to search Listserv
Volume Two provides detailed information on networked
document archives of interest to the religious studies
field. Volume Three provides information on relevant
networked organizations, online academic conferences,
journals and newsletters, and commercial religious
studies related networks and various other animals to be
found within the emerging Electric Gaia. Each volume
will also feature a glossary of terms and a glossary of
commands. [Not yet written].
Each volume has an index of document titles. Volume One
also includes an index of authors and an index of
author's electronic mail addresses. The low ascii
versions of the Electric Mystic's Guide do not contain
these indexes.
NOTE: Volume Two has not yet been made available on the
A Note to New Networkers
It is impossible for this guide to tell you everything
that you will need to know about using the Net. It is
therefore strongly recommended that the new networker
begin by identifying local support personnel and make
friends with them (take them out to dinner, buy them a
large gift), take a course or two in the use of
electronic mail and related stuff and subscribe, as soon
as you know how, to the online forum, HELP-NET. Send the
e-mail message SUBSCRIBE HELP-NET your name to
LISTSERV@TEMPLEVM. HELP-NET is intended for the new user
and is the best online forum for asking questions about
how to use the Net and find information within it. An
index is available that lists very helpful information
files available from the HELP-NET fileserver. Send the
command INDEX HELP-NET to LISTSERV@TEMPLEVM for the index
of files.
The Electric Mystic's Guide assumes that the reader has
a basic grasp of electronic mail (e-mail) and is able to
send mail on his or her own local system. It also assume
that the reader has already installed a modem and knows
how to use their own person computer and communication
software. The numerous types of mainframe systems and
communication software make it impossible for the Guide
to give details on how to download (or upload) a file or
program from a mainframe to a personal computer. The
author is presently writing a general guide to the
Internet for Van Nostrand Reinhold Press (forthcoming,
1993). The Electric Mystic's Guide will eventually be
thoroughly cross-referenced to the VNR Guide to the
Internet so that new users may quickly find more
information on how to use the Net.
WARNING: I cannot possibly answer every query
from readers concerning how to use e-mail,
upload files, install a modem, unzip a file or
overcome unrequited love. The main intention
behind this Guide is not to instruct the
reader on how to overcome every unforeseeable
problem but to equip the reader with basic
resources, direct to appropriate online
forums, and engender skills that will help the
new networker become proficient at mining the
Net. I will gladly answer queries concerning
errors and problems within the Electric
Mystic's Guide. Inappropriate queries will
receive a pre-written reply that directs the
reader to more appropriate online sources of
instruction and information.
* 1. Online Academic Conferences *
One of the best features of the Net are online discussion
groups. These discussion groups allow people from all
around the globe to communicate within a topically
focused forum. Online discussion groups or academic
conferences are referred to as conferencing systems,
special interest groups (SIGs), newsgroups (USENET based
groups), Listserv lists (BITNET based groups), Interest
Groups (Internet based groups), and bulletin boards
(bulletin board is the term usually used for discussion
groups on commercial networks). Online discussion groups
are managed by an individual or group of people variously
referred to as one of the following: coordinator, editor,
facilitator, moderator, monitor, owner, or sysop. The
following section describes Listserv lists and Usenet
newsgroups that are relevant to religious studies and
related areas.
Online discussion groups function by redistributing any
mail sent to the group to each member or subscriber. In
the jargon of the Net, writing to a group is referred to
as posting. If it is a question that is asked, this is
then referred to as a query. Within BITNET, this process
is referred to as posting a query to a list. If a member
posts a message, it is almost instantly redistributed to
every other member. This process permits everyone to
"hear" what everyone else is "saying" within the group.
The group moderator(s) ensures that discussions remain
focused within the group's topic and also ensures that e-
mail etiquette is maintained by all participants. Some
moderators compile numerous postings together into
digests, which are posted to the membership on a daily
basis. Digests prevent a flood of individual postings
from cluttering subscriber's mail boxes.
There are over two thousand different discussion groups
covering topics of academic and social interest. The
number of subscribers on online discussion groups range
from a few dozen to thousands of members, with the
largest discussion groups numbering in the tens of
thousands of subscribers. Whether you are interested in
homebrewing or ethnomusicology, chances are that you will
find a topic of interest. These groups are like
conferences that never end, interactive magazines,
academic lounges that are always full (and never close),
and function as research tools, social forums and virtual
* IOUDAIOS -- A Success Story
One of the best examples of a productive and valuable
academic online discussion group is the Listserv list,
IOUDAIOS, also titled, The International Forum for First
Century Judaism and Christian Origins. IOUDAIOS is
devoted to the exploration of first-century Judaism with
special interest in the writings of Philo of Alexandria
and Flavius Josephus. This discussion group began as an
informal seminar for the discussion of two papers by
Robert A. Kraft but quickly blossomed into an
international forum, with over 400 participants in North
America, Europe, Australia, and The Middle East.
IOUDAIOS now has an extensive Listserv fileserver archive
of prepublication papers, subject glossaries and large
bibliographies. IOUDAIOS also recently began
disseminating electronic reviews of new books. A number
of the prepublication papers were successfully published
in various scholarly journals after benefiting from
constructive comments from IOUDAIOS members.
The first moderator of IOUDAIOS was Steve Mason (York
University). Professor Mason promoted the new online
discussion group by writing to scholars around the globe
and invited them to explore the world of online
scholarship and join the group. Professor Mason then
strove to ensure that the discussion remained focused,
casual yet polite and professional. As a result of this
unusual effort, IOUDAIOS membership is graced with many
prominent scholars in the field of first-century Judaism
and early Christianity. IOUDAIOS is now moderated by
David Reimer (Wilfrid Laurier University).
The success of IOUDAIOS demonstrates how an academic
online discussion group can foster research, facilitate
the prepublication process and the dissemination of
research and pedagogical material, and enable scholars
around the globe to efficiently communicate with one
How to Make the Most of Online Discussion Groups
* Do Not Over Subscribe
Avoid the temptation to subscribe to numerous discussion
groups at first. This will lead to your mailbox being
flooded with mail. Some discussion groups send out more
than twenty postings per day. Over subscribing can lead
to receiving hundreds of messages a day. On some systems
this will result in a full mailbox and troublesome
technical problems. Start with one or two lists and
ensure that the volume is not too heavy before moving on
to explore others.
* Write Clearly and Concisely
Composing an e-mail posting is much like talking publicly
in the faculty lounge. You should avoid being a windbag,
using English poorly and saying anything libelous about
colleagues. For computer mediated communication to be
effective it is important to observe a few similar
guidelines for composing an e-mail message to a
discussion group. When writing, keep in mind that
reading a long text on a computer screen is not entirely
pleasant. Therefore, keep your postings to under one
hundred lines. If you need more length, break the
message up into sections and give each section a subject
heading: Part One, Part Two and so on. NOTE THAT WRITING
ANNOYING. If you have a question to ask, it is always
best to limit each posting to one question at a time, so
as to not overwhelm your readers. Take the time to write
properly and spell correctly, as poor grammar and
spelling will simply encourage the reader to ignore you
and use the DELETE key. The tone of your letter should
be as polite as possible, because electronic text does
not convey all the subtle body language clues that soften
humour, sarcasm and wit. Always remember that your
posting is public, will likely be recorded on a
university mainframe somewhere, and if poorly written or
libelous may end up on a faculty lounge wall or lawyer's
* Use the NOMAIL (Listserv) Command
When you are going to be away from your computer terminal
for more than a few days, use the NOMAIL command to tell
Listserv to stop sending you mail from Listserv lists
while you are gone. To do this, send the following
command interactively or as an e-mail message to the
Listserv address of the discusson group (Listserv@node
where node is the address of the list):
SET listname NOMAIL (where listname is the name
of the list)
Do not send this and other commands to the list's mailing
address (the address you use to post messages), as this
will lead to the command being posted to all of the
list's subscribers. This is embarrassing for you and
annoying to others.
It is best to write down the list name and address of
each Listserv list that is set to NOMAIL so that you will
remember to set these lists back to MAIL upon return with
the command:
SET listname MAIL
Using the NOMAIL command will save you the annoyance of
a full mailbox upon return and will prevent error
messages from being returned to the list moderator. List
moderators frequently unsubscribe members whose mailboxes
are returning error messages.
In the event that you forget if you have set a list to
either MAIL or NOMAIL, you can send the following command
to the Listserv address of the list:
QUERY listname
This command, when sent to Listserv, will return a
message that tells you how your distribution options are
presently set for any given Listserv list.
If you fear missing some interesting postings as a result
of using the NOMAIL command it is possible to retrieve
the list's logbooks from the period you were away.
Listserv logbooks record all postings to the list in
monthly logs. To retrieve an index of a list's logbook,
send the following command interactively or as an e-mail
message to the Listserv address of the discusson group
(Listserv@node where node is the address of the list):
INDEX listname (where listname is the name of the
For more information on retrieving Listserv logbooks, see
the section Retrieving Logbooks below, page 11.
* Use the DELETE Key
Many new networkers succumb to the temptation to read
every posting sent to a discussion group. This is no
more necessary or productive than reading every item in
a newspaper or journal. By paying attention to the
subject headings and through a liberal use of the DELETE
key (or your systems equivalent command), it is possible
to wade through a large number of postings quickly and
efficiently. Always give a subject heading to any e-mail
message as a courtesy to others.
* Take Care When Replying
Occasionally, you will read a message from an online
discussion group and want to reply to the individual who
wrote the posting but not to the whole group. Some
systems have a REPLY command that will allow you to
compose a reply without retyping the entire e-mail
address. This REPLY command will send your reply back to
the entire list, not just to the person who wrote the
original posting. REPLY (or your system's equivalent
command) must be used with care to avoid sending a
personal and private note to an entire list. This
mistake occurs quite often on the Net and has been the
source of acute embarrassment. Therefore, when you use
the REPLY key, always check the mail header to see where
your reply is being sent. Some VM/CMS systems have a
REPLY FROM command that will return your note only to the
person who wrote the original posting to a list. Both
REPLY and REPLY FROM should be used with extreme caution
if your message is personal and private.
* Subscribe to NEW-LIST
NEW-LIST is an information service that posts messages
concerning newly created lists. List changes and
deletions are also announced here. This is also a forum
for asking if a list on a certain topic presently exists.
To subscribe, send the command to Listserv@ndsuvm1
SUB NEW-LIST Yourfirstname Yourlastname
Subscription to NEW-LIST list is highly recommended for
all networkers.
* Start A New Discussion Group
If you find that there is no existing group for the topic
you wish to discuss, talk to your system administration
or postmaster. It is usually not difficult to obtain
permission to start a new online discussion group if
there is sufficient justification. Before doing so,
ensure that a group similar to the one you wish to start
does not already exist. You should also talk to someone
who moderates an online discussion group, to find out how
much work is involved, and also retrieve and read the
article How to Start a BITNET LISTSERV Discussion Group:
A Beginner's Guide, by Diane Kovacs et al. Available
from PACS-L, Listserv@uhupvm1 or
Directories of Listserv Lists
The following is information regarding a variety of
Listserv list directories presently available on the Net.
These directories will help you find online discussion
groups for personal interest or as research forums.
* BITNET Listserv Global List of Public Listserv Lists
This directory contains brief information on all of the
discussion groups on BITNET. Check first whether a copy
of the list is kept locally. To retrieve this document,
send the command to any Listserv:
On Internet, send the above command as a mail message to A 3000 line file named Listserv
Lists will be returned.
The directory Listserv Lists is constantly updated and
can be searched remotely to find more Listserv lists.
Send the following command to Listserv:
LIST GLOBAL /keyword
where keyword is the discussion group topic that
interests you. Some relevant keywords for religion
related lists are muslim, islam, buddha, buddhist,
native, christ, ministry, jew, orthodox, pagan, hebrew,
mason, evangel, occult, religion and catholic.
* SRI NIC Maintained Interest-Groups List of Lists
The SRI network service maintains an extensive directory
of list descriptions, variously known as Interest Groups
List of Lists, Interests-Groups, SIGLIST and Interests
Lists. To retrieve this directory, send the following
command to
The above command will return twenty-six files, each
approximately 800 lines long. Further information on the
NIC server itself is available with the command SEND
HELP. This document is also available via FTP as
interest-groups.Z from the node in the
directory /netinfo/. This file is over 900K in size, so
ensure that you have sufficient disk space to receive the
* Dartmouth Merged List of Internet and BITNET Lists
Dartmouth University maintains a combined list of over
2,500 BITNET based Listserv lists and Internet based
interest groups. To retrieve this directory, send the
following commands to Listserv@dartcms1 or
This document is also available via FTP as a variety of
files from the node
( in the directory /siglists/. There is
also a Macintosh hypercard application as well as VM/CMS,
VAX/VMS and UNIX applications that format, display and
search the Dartmouth List of Lists. Retrieve the READ.ME
file from the above FTP directory for more information.
* Dartmouth INTGROUP Database Server
Dartmouth University also maintains a searchable database
that consists of the SIR Interest Groups list, the BITNET
Listserv Global List, and the archives of the NEW-LIST
Listserv list. Send the command INFO DATABASE to
Listserv for complete information on how to search this
* Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences
The best organized directory of academic discussion
groups is Diane Kovacs' Directory of Scholarly Electronic
Conferences. This directory contains information on over
800 online conferences of interest to scholars.
The latest revision of the Directory of Scholarly
Electronic Conferences is available via e-mail to
Listserv@kentvm or (file names
listed below) and via anonymous FTP to the node in the directory /library/.
The files available are:
ACADLIST README (explanatory notes for the
Directory with an index)
ACADLIST FILE1 (Anthropology--Education)
ACADLIST FILE2 (Futurology--Latin American Studies)
ACADLIST FILE3 (Library and Information Science--
ACADLIST FILE4 (Political Science--Writing)
ACADLIST FILE5 (biological sciences)
ACADLIST FILE6 (physical sciences)
ACADLIST FILE7 (business and general academia)
ACADLIST FILEx (and so on as new editions are
ACADWHOL HQX (binhexed self-decompressing
Macintosh M.S. Word 4.0 document of all 6 directories)
ACADSOCH HQX (binhexed self-decompressing
Macintosh M.S. Word 4.0 document of the Social Science
and Humanities files 1-3)
ACADLIST CHANGES (all the major additions, deletions
and alterations)
* For more information, contact:
Diane K. Kovacs
Kent State University Libraries
Kent, Ohio 44242
Phone: (216)672-3045
DKOVACS@kentvm or LIBRK329@kentvms or
Further information on directories of discussion groups
can be had by retrieving the document Some Lists of Lists
(compiled by Marty Hoag This
directory is available via Listserv as LISTOF LISTS from
Listserv@ndsuvm1 or and is also
available via FTP as listsof.list from the node ( in the directory /new-
How to Subscribe to Online Discussion Groups
There are three basic types of discussion groups;
Listserv lists, Internet interest groups, and USENET
newsgroups (USENET newsgroups are documented at the end
of this section). To simplify the subscription process,
each discussion group listed below has instructions
indicating where a subscription request is to be sent.
The following information is included with each
documented discussion group:
Subscription Method:
(Automatic to Server or By Moderator)
Internet Subscription Address:
(Use if you are on Internet)
BITNET Subscription Address:
(Use if you are on BITNET)
Mailing Address:
(Use this address to post to the discussion group)
Number of Subscribers:
(Total number of members)
(Records of past group conversations)
Other Archived Material:
(Other files, such as papers and bibliographies)
Gatewayed to USENET:
(Some BITNET/Internet discussion groups are also
available as USENET newsgroups)
*Posting Volume:
(Average number of postings per day)
*Not listed in this edition.
If the Subscription Method is listed as By Moderator,
then to subscribe, send an e-mail message to the
Subscription Request Address that includes your name,
address and institutional affiliation with your request
to subscribe. By Moderator indicates that the
subscription request will be received and processed by
the moderator of the discussion group.
If the Subscription Method is Automatic to Server, then
send the following e-mail message to the Subscription
Request Address.
SUBSCRIBE listname Yourfirstname Yourlastname
The listname will be indicated in the Subscription Method
line. If you are on Internet, use the Internet address,
if you are on BITNET, use the BITNET address. If a
BITNET address is not available, BITNET users can use the
Internet address.
Automatic to Server indicates that the subscription
request will be received and processed automatically.
The above command must be sent to the Subscription
Request Address as indicated. Remember to leave the
subject line blank and to turn off any automatic
signature file. This is necessary as your subscription
request will be processed automatically by a computer,
not by a person.
The following is an example of how each discussion group
is documented below:
* The International Forum for First Century Judaism and
Christian Origins (IOUDAIOS)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@yorkvm1
Mailing Address: Ioudaios@yorkvm1
Number of Subscribers: 400
Logbooks: Yes
Other Archived Material: Yes
To subscribe to this discussion group, send the following
e-mail message to Listserv@yorkvm1 or
SUB IOUDAIOS your name (Replace your name with
your first and last name)
If you are on BITNET, this command can be sent
interactively as follows:
To unsubscribe from a discussion group, use either the
command UNSUB or SIGNOFF. Due to various technical
problems that sometimes occur, it is recommended that you
maintain a file that records the address of the
discussion groups to which you subscribe, as well as the
address you subscribed under (BITNET or Internet). To
unsubscribe from IOUDAIOS, send the following e-mail
message to Listserv@yorkvm1 or
If you are on BITNET, this command can be sent
interactively as follows:
Note that if subscription was done by a moderator, the
moderator will have to unsubscribe you. A frequent
mistake is to send these commands directly to the entire
discussion group.
NOTE: Before subscribing to a Listserv list, each new
user must send the following command to Listserv:
REGISTER your name
Replace your name with your own first and last name.
This command tells Listserv how to address you.
Directions for online discussion groups that have a
different method of subscribing then the above procedures
will have instructions included with individual entries.
Retrieving Logbooks
Many online discussion groups keep records of past
conversations in logbooks. To retrieve a list of
logbooks and other files, send the command:
INDEX Listname (Where Listname is the Listserv
name of the discussion group)
This command must be sent to the server address. For
example, to get the index of files available from
IOUDAIOS, send the command:
to Listserv@yorkvm1 or Do not
send the INDEX IOUDAIOS command to the address
Ioudaios@yorkvm1 as this would result in the command
being posted to all 400 subscribers.
This INDEX command will retrieve a file that lists all
available logbooks and documents. Listserv indexes look
like this following section from the CONTENTS filelist:
NOTEBOOK archives for the list CONTENTS
(Monthly notebook)
filename filetype GET PUT fm lrecl nrecs
-------- -------- --- --- --- -----
----- -------------------------------
CONTENTS LOG9201 PRV OWN V 79 128 Started on
Fri, 17 Jan 1992
CONTENTS LOG9202 PRV OWN V 79 2875 Started on
Tue, 4 Feb 1992
The file name CONTENTS LOG9201 tells us that this file is
the log of all postings to CONTENTS in January 1992. The
code PRV (PRIVATE) under the column GET means that only
members of this list may retrieve archived files and
logbooks. If this code was ALL then both members and
non-members could retrieve logbooks and files. In the
column under nrecs the number 128 means that this logbook
is 128 lines long. To retrieve this logbook, send the
following command to either Listserv@yorkvm1 or
For information on searching Listserv logbooks, send the
command GET LISTDB MEMO to any Listserv address (for
example, to Listserv@uottawa or Charles W. Bailey Jr., has
written a simplified explanation of how to search
Listserv logbooks. This document may be retrieved as the
file pacsl_dbms.txt via FTP from the node in
the directory /libsoft/.
BITNET and Internet Religious Studies Related Lists
The following information is based on Diane Kovacs'
Directory of Scholarly Electronic Conferences and NEW-
LIST, as well as a variety of other sources. All entries
has been revised and expanded. In all cases, entries
have been confirmed by group moderators to ensure
* Bahai Faith
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: As above
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: ?
Logbooks: ?
Other Archived Material: ?
Gatewayed to USENET: Yes --
The discussion group will act as a non-threatening forum
for discussing and sharing information about the tenets,
history, and texts of the Baha'i Faith. Examples of
posts that fall within the group's scope are: The Baha'i
Faith's relation to other religions; relevance of Baha'i
principles to current world events/problems; analysis of
particular scriptural passages or themes; and general
questions and answers.
Aaron Nabil Eastlund or srb-
Babak Kashef
Mark Towfiq
Rick Troxel
* Buddhist Discussion Group (BUDDHA-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB BUDDHA-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@ulkyvm
Mailing Address: buddha-l@ulkyvm or
Number of Subscribers: 248
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
BUDDHA-L is an electronic discussion group
formed towards the end of providing a means
for those interested in Buddhist Studies to
exchange information and views. It is hoped
that the group will function as an open forum
for scholarly discussion of topics relating to
the history, literature and languages, fine
arts, philosophy, and institutions of all
forms of Buddhism. It may also serve as a
forum for discussion of issues connected to
the teaching of Buddhist studies at the
university level, and as a place for posting
notices of employment opportunities.
The primary purpose of this list is to provide
a forum for serious academic discussion. It
is open to all persons inside and outside the
academic context who wish to engage in
substantial discussion of topics relating to
Buddhism and Buddhist studies. BUDDHA-L is
not to be used for proselytizing for or
against Buddhism in general, any particular
form of Buddhism, or any other religion or
philosophy, nor is it to be used as a forum
for making unsubstantiable confessions of
personal conviction.
Jim Cocks
* Christian Discussion
Subscription Method: By
Moderator; message to MAILJC-REQUEST
Internet Subscription Request Address: mailjc-
BITNET Subscription Request Address: As above
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: 450
Logbooks: Yes
Other Archived Material: No
To provide a non-hostile environment for
discussion among Christians. Non-Christians
may join the conference and "listen-in", but
full blown debates between Christians and
non-Christians are best carried out in
soc.religion.christian or talk.religion USENET
Liz Allen
* Christian Thought and Literature in Late Antiquity
Subscription Method: Automatic to server: SUB ELENCHUS
Internet Subscription Request Address:
BITNET Subscription Request Address:
Mailing Address: or Elenchus@uottawa
Number of Subscribers: 250
Logbooks: Yes
Other Archived Material: No
Christian Thought and Literature in Late
Antiquity (ELENCHUS) is devoted to discussions
of the thought and literature of Christianity
during the period 100 to 500 a.d. (c.e.).
This will include discussions of patristics,
gnosticism, asceticism, monasticism,
archeology, the Nag Hammadi and Manichaean
corpora, the canon of Scripture and the early
translations of the Scriptures (into, among
other languages, Latin, Syriac, Coptic), the
history of exegesis (including the
appropriation by Christians of the texts of
Judaism and other religious, philosophical, or
ideological groupings), as well as historical
and theological developments from the time of
the Apologists to the fall of the Western
The languages of discussion will be English or
French. Submissions in either language are
welcomed, and patience and understanding on
the part of all are encouraged!
L. Gregory Bloomquist
Saint Paul University / University of Ottawa
S-Mail: 223 Main St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 1C4
Voice: (613) 782-3027 / 236-1393
FAX: (613) 567-2959 / 782-3005
* Classics Discussion (CLASSICS)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB CLASSICS your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@uwavm
Mailing Address: or classic@uwavm
Number of Subscribers: 210
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
A list for discussing ancient Greek and Latin
subjects. This list is open to everyone
interested in Classics, and prospective
members are warmly welcomed. The discussions
assume a background in ancient Greek and/or
Latin. The CLASSICS list is neither run by
nor directly affiliated with the University of
Washington Classics Department.
Linda Wright
* Discussion of Beliefs and Practices of Conservative
Judaism (CJ-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB CJ-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@albny1vm
Mailing Address:
or cj-l@albnyvm1
Number of Subscribers: 115
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
Discussion of the beliefs and practices of
Conservative Judaism.
Mark Steinberger Bob Pfeiffer grape@albnyvm1
* Eastern Orthodox Christianity Discussion (EOCHR-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB EOCHR-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@qucdn
Mailing Address: eochr-l@qucdn or
Number of Subscribers: 70
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
The purpose of the Eastern Orthodox Christian
discussion group is to provide a forum for
discussion and exchange of ideas by members of
the various Eastern and Oriental Orthodox
churches around the world, as well as any
other people who are seriously interested in
Eastern Orthodox Christianity and the concerns
of the Orthodox. It exists for polite, open,
tolerant, and truly pan-Orthodox discussions
of any topics related to the Orthodox faith,
to the corporate life of the various national
Orthodox churches, and/or to the individual
lives of Orthodox Christians.
Dragic V. Vukomanocic
* Generic Religions and Secret Societies
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address: Grass-
BITNET Subscription Address: As above
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: 90
Logbooks: No
Other Archived Material: No
GRASS (Generic Religions And Secret Societies)
is a working group formed in order to write up
brief descriptions of various religions and
initiatory societies for whatever purposes you
like, with the emphasis on use in roleplaying
games. As is only natural given the subject
matter, we have an initiatory requirement.
Before being admitted to the group you must
submit something of value to it. We suggest
using a standard format (which may be found on in the file
grass.format), and placing your writeup in the
public domain. Get a copy of GRASS.FORMAT and
write up an organization with which you are
familiar, or submit a substantial amount of
constructive commentary on a writeup that
already exists.
Loren Miller
* Godly Graphics
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: As above
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: 36
Logbooks: No
Other Archived Material: Via FTP to
For discussing Christian uses of computer
graphics, and animations and for related
trading of ideas, objects, images, and even
joint projects. This list is not restricted
to Amiga users, but is open to users of any
computer platform, with the understanding that
all members restrain from religious flames and
pseudo-religious computer flames; that is, we
agree to respect each other's choice of
computer, software, and denomination, and
foster an encouraging, supportive environment.
FTP Archive:
The starter archive file consists of e-mail
correspondence between founding members before
the list actually started. To retrieve the
starter archive and first archive volume, FTP
to in directory
/pub/amiga/incoming/graphics/GGG the following
files will be found:
Samplings of Amiga IFF images and animations
in the directory
Adam Benjamin has uploaded JPEG formatted
24-bit images of objects he has been working
on for the joint Tabernacle Project in
Imagine; an effort to build 3D models of the
Old Testament Tabernacle and its
accoutrements, and produce a walk-through
animation. These objects so far are: the
Laver (water basin), the Holy Candlestick, and
the Altar of Incense. In the directory,
scan.jpg Laver and Candlestick, scanlined
trace.jpg Laver and Candlestick, raytraced
A sample of images from the Scrolling
Announcements Display for Gloria Dei Lutheran
Church. This was generated with Broadcast
Titler 2.0 software and contains a week's
worth of events and a list of Bible Classes.
In the directory
Key: The ".Z" extension means to use the
Unix uncompress command.
The ".lzh" extension means to use "Lharc
-x" on the Amiga.
A Unix version of Lharc, xlharc, is
If you need these files in some other form or
need it e-mailed to you uuencoded (121k big),
you can e-mail a request to the moderator
(address below). Some of these image sets are
in GIF format, but others are in Amiga's IFF.
There is a two week limit on storing files at
hubcap, so you may have to contact the
moderator, who will re-upload files if needed.
Wayne Haufler
* History of American Catholicism (AMERCATH)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB AMERCATH your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@ukcc
Mailing Address: Amercath@ukcc or
Number of Subscribers: 92
Logbooks: No
Other Archived Material: No
Jefferson Community College - University of
Kentucky announces a new electronic discussion
group for those interested in the history of
American Catholicism, AMERCATH@UKCC.
Access to AMERCATH is available
internationally thus forming a global network
of people who research and teach the history
of American Catholicism. The use of the
Listserv list AMERCATH is a major breakthrough
in facilitating instant communication among
faculty, students and researchers.
Appropriate messages for AMERCATH include:
feedback on research program proposals, calls
for papers and meetings, media, and job
announcements information-gathering questions,
syllabi and bibliographies as well as any
other issues pertinent to enhancing the study
and teaching of the history of American
Anne Kearney, Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor of History
Jefferson Community College
University of Kentucky
109 East Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202,
502-584-0181 ext 353,
* History and Theory of the Occult (ARCANA)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB ARCANA your name
Internet Subscription Address: Via BITNET
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@unccvm
Mailing Address: arcana@unccvm
Number of Subscribers: 90
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
ARCANA is a discussion list dealing with the
occult. All questions pertaining to the
occult, scholarly, ritualistic, technical, and
practical, will be welcomed by the list.
Experienced scholars and practitioners as well
as serious newcomers are invited to subscribe.
ARCANA is a list for students and scholars of
the occult. This is not a role-playing list.
Discussion of popular representations of the
occult should be grounded in and refer back to
historical or textual reality.
Leonard Roberts
* History of The Ancient Mediterranean (ANCIEN-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB ANCIEN-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@ulkyvm
Mailing Address: ancien-l@ulkyvm or
Number of Subscribers: 234
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
ANCIEN-L is a forum for debate, discussion,
and the exchange of information by students
and scholars of the history of the Ancient
Mediterranean. ANCIEN-L is ready to
distribute newsletters from study groups, and
to post announcements of meetings and calls
for papers, short scholarly pieces, queries,
and other items of interest.
Jim Cocks
* History of Evangelical Christianity (HISTEC-L)
Subscription Method: By Moderator:
include short biography
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: bays@ukanvm
Mailing Address: histec-l@ukanvm
Number of Subscribers: 99
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv and FTP
Other Archived Material: FTP to node
HISTEC-L is a non-sectarian forum for
discussion, debate, and the exchange of
information by students and scholars of the
history of evangelical Christianity. It is not
a medium for proselytizing, and the advocacy
or disparagement of any faith or sect are not
welcome. The command language of HISTEC-L is
English, but postings in other languages are
accepted. HISTEC-L is ready to distribute
newsletters from study groups, and to post
announcements of meetings and calls for
papers, short scholarly pieces, queries, and
other items of interest.
HISTEC-L maintains a directory at the FTP node, for the collection and
preservation of materials of use to its
members. Our FTP directory is presently empty.
Subscribers who have materials they believe
worth including should contact me by e-mail.
This site will operate in co-operation with and the contents of its
directories will form part of a union
catalogue with ra.msstate and other
cooperating sites.
Daniel H. Bays
* Global Christianity discussion (GLOBLX-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB GLOBALX your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@qucdn
Mailing Address: globlx-l@qucdn or
Number of Subscribers: 43
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
[Need description]
Gary W. van Loon vanloon@qucdn
* Indian and Buddhist Studies (BUDDHIST)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Listserv: SUB BUDDHIST your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@jpntuvm0
Mailing Address: Buddhist@jpntuvm0
Number of Subscribers: 128
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
[Need description]
Yoshiyuki Kawazoe
* The International Forum for First Century Judaism and
Christian Origins (IOUDAIOS)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Listserv: SUB IOUDAIOS your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@yorkvm1
Mailing Address: Ioudaios@yorkvm1 or
Number of Subscribers: 400
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: Yes -- On Listserv
IOUDAIOS (Greek for "Jew") is an electronic
seminar devoted to the exploration of
first-century Judaism its special interest is
in the writings of Philo of Alexandria and
Flavius Josephus. The conference began as an
informal discussion of two papers by Robert A.
Kraft (Pennsylvania) but quickly blossomed
into an international forum, with participants
in North America, Europe, Australia, and The
Middle East.
The Philonic and Josephan corpora are
extensive enough that they invite all sorts of
analysis -- from literary, historical, and
philosophical perspectives, to name a few.
There is also considerable interest, among
participants, in the social realities that lie
behind these texts and their broad historical
context. Prospective members are warmly
welcomed. (The discussion assumes a
significant background in first-century
Judaism and also the ability to read Greek).
David Reimer
* InterVarsity Christian Fellowship List (IVCF-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB IVCF-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@ubvm
Mailing Address: ivcf-l@ubvm or ivcf-
Number of Subscribers: 138
Logbooks: No
Other Archived Material: No
This list is originated from the State
University of New York at Buffalo and is
intended for discussion related to
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). A
multi-denominational Christian group on
campuses across the United States, IVCF is
affiliated with IFES (International Fellowship
of Evangelical Students) worldwide. IVCF is a
student led group on campuses, with guidance
from (usually one) staff worker per chapter.
Students traditionally have one Large Group
meeting per week, which includes worship and
fellowship with other Christians. We also
greatly encourage Small Group faith
communities/bible studies. The IVCF "credo"
in western New York State is to (1) Build
Collegiate Fellowships, (2) Develop Disciples
who embody Biblical values, and (3) Engage the
Campus in all it's ethnic diversity with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Welcome in this list is discussion from
members, staff, and all people affiliated with
IVCF, or those wanting more information.
However, this IVCF-L list does not represent
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, nor does it
represent the values and/or beliefs of the
members, staff, or other persons affiliated
with the organization. This list is strictly
a discussion list with the IVCF logo. It was
initiated by a student leader in InterVarsity,
and many IVCF members are subscribed. This
list, while not a "moderated" list, will be
edited if inappropriate material is sent to
Jim Gerland
* Islam Discussion Group (ISLAM-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB ISLAM-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@ulkyvm
Mailing Address: islam-l@ulkyvm or
Number of Subscribers: 113
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
ISLAM-L is a non-sectarian forum for
discussion, debate, and the exchange of
information by students and scholars of the
history of Islam. ISLAM-L is not to be used
for proselytizing for or against Islam in
general, any particular form of Islam, or any
other religion or philosophy, nor is it to be
used as a forum for making unsubstantiable
confessions of personal conviction.
The command language of ISLAM-L is English,
but postings in other languages are accepted.
ISLAM-L is ready to distribute newsletters
from study groups, and to post announcements
of meetings and calls for papers, short
scholarly pieces, queries, and other items of
Jim Cocks
* The Islamic Information and News Network (MUSLIMS)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB MUSLIMS your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@asuacad or
Mailing Address: Muslims@asuacad or
Number of Subscribers: 270
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
The Islamic Information and News Network is a
moderated forum dedicated to educate the
network communities on issues relating to the
Muslims in an academic & non-political
environment. Submissions are compiled in the
form of a newsletter and mailed to the
Asim Mughal
Mir Assadullah ssi!
Nauman Mysorewala pakeditr@asuacad.bitnet
Mansoor Jafri
Zubair Ahmad
Imran Mehdi
* Issues And Questions of Concern to Observant Jews
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB BALTUVA your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@mcgill1
Mailing Address: baltuva@mcgill1 or
Number of Subscribers: 93
Logbooks: No
Other Archived Material: No
The name of the list is derived from "baal
t'shuva" which is often used to refer to
"newly religious" Jews. The list is not
restricted to this group however - please feel
free to post to the list whether or not you
consider yourself to be a "baal t'shuva."
Claire Austin
* Jewish & Near Eastern Studies (JUDAICA)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB JUDAICA your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@taunivm or
Mailing Address: Judaica@taunivm or
Number of Subscribers: 364
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: Yes -- On Listserv
We are interested in information,
work-in-progress, electronic applications,
and, especially, new approaches, which relate
to Judaic Studies. Questions are welcome, and
participation of the broadest possible
audience is encouraged.
Avrum Goodblat
* Latter Day Saints
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: As above
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: 100+
Logbooks: ?
Other Archived Material: ?
A forum for the discussion of general Latter
Day Saints church related topics. Note that
it is not uncommon for 20 to 30 messages to be
generated in a day. Some of these may be
quite lengthy. If you can't handle this
volume, or your account has a limited amount
of diskspace you may have problems. It is
equally possible for a week or two to pass
with only one or two messages.
Richard L. Hyde
* Liberal Judaism
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: As above
Mailing Address: or
Number of Subscribers:
Logbooks: Available from the
moderator by e-mail to or via FTP
to the node in the
Other Archived Material: FTP fileserver
This discussion group is a forum where Jews
from all Jewish movements can discuss issues
without fear of attacks about the legitimacy
of their movements. The only filtering of
submissions that is done is (a) removal of
attacks, (b) removal of material from
non-Jewish movements (this determination is
based on a definition seen on the USENET
newsgroup, soc.culture.jewish, namely that a
Jewish movement is one that uses only
indisputably Jewish sources (i.e., Torah,
Talmud) as the basis for its philosophy --
thus the liberal movements, including
Humanistic Judaism, are acceptable, whereas
quasi-Christian movements, such as Jews for
Jesus or "Messianic" (sic) Judaism is not).
Submissions not meeting these guidelines will
range from discussions between the moderator
and the author to reword the inflammatory or
offensive material, to outright rejection of
the article. The initial goal of the list was
to provide a forum for discussions concerning
issues of relevance to the more liberal
movements (Reform, Reconstructionist,
Conservative). Remember, it is acceptable to
criticize the position taken by a given
movement, as long as you word your submission
in such as way as to not question the validity
of that movement as a part of Judaism.
Anonymity will be preserved on request.
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB LITURGY your nam
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: As above
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: ?
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
LITURGY provides an academic forum for
discussion of all aspects of Christian
liturgy. The list does not confine itself to
any one historical period, geographical area
or Christian tradition. Therefore
contributions are welcome from all historical
and theological fields. We also welcome
discussion from those involved in other
disciplines such as literary analysis,
comparative religions and sociology of
Michael Fraser
* Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB MISG-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@psuvm
Mailing Address: misg-l@psuvm or misg-
Number of Subscribers: 220
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: Yes -- Via FTP to
Directory: /pub/misg-lib/
MISG-L is a discussion group mainly for the
use of Malaysian Islamic Study Group (MISG)
members. However membership is opened to
anyone interested. Malaysian and Islamic
affairs are the main topics of discussion.
The Malaysian Islamic Study Group maintains a
FTP archive at the node
( in the directory /pub/misg-l/.
This archive contains a copy of the Koran,
various scanned images in .tif files and
numerous other items. [Find out how to make
use of .tif files.]
Azmi Hashim
axh113@psuvm or
* Masonic Digest
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: As above
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: 270
Logbooks: Yes -- Via request to
Other Archived Material: Via FTP to
Masonic Digest is a moderated forum for
discussion of Free Masonry, affiliated groups,
and other fraternal orders. As moderator, I do
not pass on any message which contains or
purports to contain material I am obliged to
conceal, or which I believe members of other
orders are obliged to conceal. Within that
restriction, I am as liberal as possible.
Postings from non-Masons are welcome. So is
criticism, as long as it is reasoned and in
good taste. Many current members of the list
are Master Masons. Others are simply
interested or curious.
Peter Trei
* New Testament Greek Studies Conference (NT-GREEK)
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address: nt-greek-
BITNET Subscription Address: ntgrkreq@virginia
Mailing Address: nt-greek@virginia or
Number of Subscribers: 153
Logbooks: No
Other Archived Material: No
NT-GREEK is an electronic conference designed
to foster communication concerning the
scholarly study of the Greek New Testament.
Anyone interested in New Testament Studies is
invited to subscribe, but the conference will
assume at least a working knowledge of
Biblical Greek. Subscription to this
conference is open to anyone interested.
David John Marotta.
The Center for Christian Study
128 Chancellor Street
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(804) 295-2471
* Old Testament Hebrew Studies (OT-HEBREW)
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address: ot-hebrew-
BITNET Subscription Address: othebreq@virginia
Mailing Address: ot-hebrew@virginia or
Number of Subscribers: 115
Logbooks: No
Other Archived Material: No
OT-HEBREW is an electronic conference designed
to foster communication concerning the
scholarly study of the Hebrew Old Testament.
Anyone interested in Old Testament Studies is
invited to subscribe, but the conference will
assume at least a working knowledge of
Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic. Subscription to
this conference is open to anyone interested.
David John Marotta
The Center for Christian Study
128 Chancellor Street
Charlottesville, VA 22903
(804) 295-2471
* Orthodox Christianity (ORTHODOX)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB ORTHODOX your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@indycms
Mailing Address: Orthodox@indycms or
Number of Subscribers: 72
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
The Orthodox Christianity conference is
dedicated to the thoughtful exchange of
information regarding Orthodox Christianity
worldwide, especially its impact upon and
resurgence within Russia and her neighbours.
ORTHODOX is a moderated conference with no
gateways to any other Listserv lists or Usenet
John B Harlan
* Pagan Religion and Philosophy (PAGAN)
Subscription Method: By Moderator
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: pagan@drycas
Mailing Address:
Number of Subscribers: 550
Logbooks: Yes -- Via FTP
Other Archived Material: FTP to
A conference for the discussion of the
religions and philosophy of Paganism.
Stacey Greenstein
* Personal Ideologies (BELIEF-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB BELIEF-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@brownvm or
Mailing Address: Belief-l@brownvm or
Number of Subscribers: 269
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
BELIEF-L is designed to be a forum where
personal ideologies can be discussed,
examined, and analyzed.
David B. O'Donnell
* The Progressive Jewish Activism List (PJAL)
Subscription Method: To Moderator
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: carr@utxvm.bitnet
Mailing Address: pjal@utxvm
Number of Subscribers: 23
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
The Progressive Jewish Activism List is a
forum for organizing and activism-oriented
discussion by progressive Jews working for
peace and social justice. PJAL is founded on
the principles of:
- opposition to discrimination based on race,
sex, age, religious belief and practice,
sexuality, and physical disability/handicap;
support for human rights and freedom of
- belief in economic and environmental
justice: the right of all people to adequate
food, shelter, and quality of life for
themselves and their children
- support for individual rights to privacy,
including a woman's choice to have an abortion
- support for the resolution of conflict
through negotiation; opposition to violence,
military culture, and negotiation; opposition
to violence, military culture, and occupation
- support for the self-determination and
security of Israelis and Palestinians,
including self-determination for Palestinian
residents of territories occupied by Israel in
1967, and recognition of the Palestine
Liberation Organization as the legitimate
representative of the Palestinian people.
To subscribe to PJAL, please apply to one of
the list owners, Steve Carr or Seth Grimes.
In your application, please describe your
background, state your willingness to adhere
to all of the PJAL principles outlined and
your acceptance of the moderated format of the
Steve Carr
Seth Grimes
* Religions Discussion Group (RELIGION)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB RELIGION your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@harvarda
Mailing Address: religion@harvarda or
Number of Subscribers: 200
Logbooks: Yes
Other Archived Material: Yes -- On Listserv
Religion is a Listserv list for the scholarly
discussion of Religions. It is sponsored by
the Harvard Center for the Study of World
Religions. Unlike lists with similar names,
Religion does not deal with matters of
personal faith or theology. Rather, it's aim
is to encourage discussion of the historical
and comparative study and teaching of
religions. Relevant approaches include
history, sociology, psychology, philosophy,
literary criticism, and anthropology.
Relevant issues include methodology in the
study and teaching of religions; comparative
themes such as myth, ritual, mysticism,
community, and inter-religious contact; and
issues specific to particular traditions.
Tim Bryson
* Religious Communication and Contexts (RELICOM)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB RELICOM your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@ukcc
Mailing Address: relicom@ukcc or
Number of Subscribers: 109
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
A forum for the scholarly discussion of issues
related to religious communication and
communication in religious contexts. This
forum focuses on the study of messages of
religious content or intent and on the
communication processes in religious ritual,
education and persuasive attempts. This
discussion group is open to members of all
religions and scholarly discplines. Inter-
religious dialogue and cross-disciplinary
discussion is encouraged.
David D. Tukey
* The Religious Society of Friends (QUAKER-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB QUAKER-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@uiucvmd
Mailing Address: quaker-l@uiucvmd or
Number of Subscribers: 189
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
The QUAKER-L list is for unmoderated, online
discussion of all aspects of Quakerism, the
Religious Society of Friends. Such discussion
may include (but is not limited to) Quaker
worship, decision-making, publications (e.g.,
Friends Journal, etc.), umbrella organizations
(e.g., FGC, FUM, AFSC, FCNL, etc.), Peace
Testimony and social activism. It has been
operating since November 1991.
Bruce Dienes Steve Thompson
* Shaker - A forum on the United Society of Believers
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB SHAKER your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@ukcc
Mailing Address: shaker@ukcc or
Number of Subscribers: 105
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
A conference for those interested in the
history, culture, artifacts, and beliefs of
the Shakers (The United Society of Believers).
Discussions will cover a broad range of
subject matter including, but not limited to:
social analysis, history, shaker women's
studies, material culture, and organization.
Discussions of other utopian communities are
also welcome.
Marc A. Rhorer
* Social Scientific Study of Religion (SSREL-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB SSREL-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@utkvm1
Mailing Address: ssrel-l@utkvm1 or
Number of Subscribers: 82
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
SSREL-L is devoted to the scientific study of
religion, that is to say, the study of
religion by scholars of various disciplines,
e.g. psychology of religion.
Donald R. Ploch
* Women, Religion, and Feminist Theology (FEMREL-L)
Subscription Method: Automatic to
Server: SUB FEMREL-L your name
Internet Subscription Address:
BITNET Subscription Address: Listserv@mizzou1
Mailing Address: femrel-l@mizzou1 or
Number of Subscribers: 187
Logbooks: Yes -- On Listserv
Other Archived Material: No
FEMREL-L is a discussion and resource group
concerning women and religion, and feminist
theology. Our goal is open, stimulating
exchange on any issues pertaining to these
topics. All religions, creeds, beliefs, and
opinions are welcome, althrough we ask that
participants respect differences.
Cathy Quick c497487@mizzou1
Bonnie Vegiard c507740@mizzou1
USENET -- General Information
USENET is actually a worldwide network of over 10,000
hosts and 300,000 users. Unlike BITNET and Internet,
USENET is not an academic network. Most of USENET's
sites are commercial, but advertising is strictly
forbidden on USENET. USENET supports one service only,
called news or newsgroups, and is available at most
Internet sites. Unfortunately, USENET newsgroups are
largely unavailable to BITNET sites. There is over 300
different newsgroups available, but not all sites carry
all newsgroups. The following section provides
information on all religious studies related newsgroups.
As there are a number of different software platforms for
reading USENET newsgroups, this guide cannot give
specific details on accessing and reading USENET
newsgroups. Users should take local courses and obtain
manuals on their sites' USENET news reader.
Note: If you have access to both USENET and
Internet e-mail, USENET is generally
preferable as a method of access, as it
requires fewer network resources per
additional subscriber. For those who do not
have access to USENET, Internet and BITNET
subscription information is given for
newsgroups that are duplicated (gatewayed) as
lists or interest groups.
The following helpful information files can be found in
the newsgroup news.announce.newusers. All of the
following are recommended reading for all USENET users.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
A Primer on How to Work With the USENET Community
Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette
Hints on Writing Style for USENET
What is USENET?
Rules for Posting to USENET
Other useful USENET information files are:
List of Moderator
This is a list of active moderated newsgroups and their
moderators. These are newsgroups where each posting is
screened by a moderator before being forwarded to the
entire newsgroup.
List of Active Newsgroups, Part I and II
This is a directory of over 300 currently active USENET
Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists, Part I, II and III
This is a list of mailing lists primarily available
through Internet and UUCP networks. This directory does
not include BITNET Listserv Lists.
Introduction to news.announce
This is a description of the newsgroup news.announce.
News.announce is a newsgroup that posts important
announcements about USENET. All USENET users should
subscribe to this newsgroup.
List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part I and II
Many newsgroups contain articles that are posted on a
periodic basis. These articles tend to be general
information files useful to novice and experienced users.
The List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part I and
II documents the majority of these periodic postings.
This list is a good directory to information files that
exist on USENET newsgroups.
* Accessing USENET Documents
The above USENET documents can be found in the newsgroup
news.newusers.questions and read from within a USENET
newsreader. Theses documents can also be retrieved via
FTP from the node ( in
the directory /pub/usenet/news.answers/. They can also
be retrieved via mail, send a mail message to mail- containing the command HELP
for more information.
USENET Religious Studies Related Newsgroups
The following is a listing of all newsgroups of interest
to religious studies fields. These groups are divided
into moderated and umoderated groups. In moderated
newsgroups each posting is screened by a moderator before
being forwarded to the entire newsgroup.
* Moderated Newsgroups
To post to a moderated newsgroup, send your article to
the Submission Address. The newsgroup moderator will
then forward your posting to the group. Inappropriate
submissions will be returned with an explanation. In
some cases submissions may be sent directly to the
newsgroup, where it will be automatically forwarded to
the moderator.
* Discussion of the Baha'i Faith -- SOC.RELIGION.BAHAI
Submission Address: Direct to soc.religion.bahai or to
The newsgroup will act as a non-threatening forum for
discussing and sharing information about the tenets,
history, and texts of the Baha'i Faith. Prior to its
formation there was a good amount of traffic on this
topic in other newsgroups; this group provides a "single
point of contact" for such discussion. Examples of posts
that fall within the group's scope are: The Baha'i
Faith's relation to other religions; relevance of Baha'i
principles to current world events/problems; analysis of
particular scriptural passages or themes; and general
questions and answers.
The soc.religion.bahai newsgroup is gatewayed to USENET
from the moderated Internet mailing list, bahai-faith,
which shares soc.religion.bahai's policies. Those
without USENET access should address subscription and
unsubscription requests to
Introduction to the Baha'i Faith (periodically posted)
Welcome/Introduction (periodicaly posted)
Aaron Nabil Eastlund or srb-
Babak Kashef
Mark Towfiq
Rick Troxel
* Christianity and Related Topics --
Submission Address:
Charles Hedrick
* Discussions of Eastern Religions --
Submission Address: or religion-islam-
The aim of the newsgroup is to provide a forum for the
discussion of Eastern metaphysics/theology/logic. The
word eastern in the title of the newsgroup signifies
religions with origins in South/South-East/Far-East Asia.
For example, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism,
Shintoism, Taoism, etc. All people, no matter what their
religious background, can post articles in this
newsgroup. Articles about western religious systems
(Judaism/Christianity/Islam) are also welcome if the aim
is to make rational/objective comparisons of these
systems with those discussed in this newsgroup.
Group Soc.Religion.Islam At a Glance (Periodically
Aaron Nabil
* Discussions of the Islamic Faith -- SOC.RELIGION.ISLAM
Submission Address:
This newsgroup is for the discussion of issues directly
relating to Islam. This includes theology, comparative
studies with other religions, announcements of Islamic
conferences and sources of information for Muslims,
Ramadan, and so on. Academic language must be used.
Verbal abuse, personal attacks, flames, profanity or
insults will not be forwarded for posting to the group.
Asim M. Mughal
D. Salman Azhar
Hanan Lutfiyya
Basalat Ali Raja
* Unmoderated Newsgroups
To post to umoderated newsgroups, simply send you mail
message directly to the newsgroup via USENET. The titles
of these newsgroups are descriptive of their focus.
* Christian Music, Contemporary and Traditional --
* Jewish Culture and Religion -- SOC.CULTURE.JEWISH
* Evolutionism versus Creationism -- TALK.ORIGINS
* Religious, Ethical and Moral Issues and Implications --
* Esoteric and Minority Religions and Philosophies --
* 2. Electronic Journals and Newsletters *
The Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters is
intended to provide a comprehensive listing of all
electronic journals and newsletters which are of academic
interest and available through BITNET, Internet and any
affiliated networks. This Directory is part of an
ongoing project and is updated as new electronic journals
and newsletters come into existence and as existing
entries are changed. Every effort has been made to
provide the user with up-to-date information. Most
entries have been either provided from or scrutinized by
the journal and newsletter editors themselves to assure
The primary intent of this Directory is to catalog
all existing electronic journals and newsletters that are
available over the various academic networks. A
secondary intention is to catalog all e-serials that are
being produced over the commercial networks. Thus, over
time this Directory will provide an entirely
comprehensive listing of all e-serials. As the
traditional taxonomy of "journal" and "newsletter" is
ill-suited to the diversity of formats found within the
networks, a third category of "Hypercard Stacks,
Digest-Newsletters and Others" is included. This section
catalogs hypercard stacks and other formats that
represent significant sources of information that are
similar in nature to journals and newsletters. It should
be noted that digests which are straightforward
collections of conversational questions and answers are
considered to be a type of list, but any digests which
mix a simple list format with the newsletter format are
here included.
Ordinary (conversational) digests and lists are covered
in Diane Kovacs' compilation, Academic Discussion Lists
and Interest Groups, (see page ?). Thus, no attempt has
been made to provide a comprehensive listing in this
Directory of the hundreds of existing digests and lists.
The complete Directory of Electronic Journals and
Newsletters is currently available in ASCII text from the
following locations:
Edition 2.1 of the Revised Directory of Electronic
Journals and Newsletters is now available for anonymous
ftp from the LIBrary SOFTware archives at as
CONTENTS PROJECT Listserv Fileserver
Send the following commands as an e-mail message to
Listserv@uottawa or
(Please note the spelling carefully)
* Bulletin of The General Theological Library of Bangor
Theological Seminary
The CONTENTS Project distributes a low ascii
version of the Bulletin of The General
Theological Library of Bangor Theological
Seminary, beginning with the October 1992
issue. The following issues are available
from Listserv@uottawa or
* Christian Growth Newsletter
The Christian Growth Newsletter is intended to
help Christians grow. It includes personal
testimonies, encouraging articles, book
reviews, a calendar of events.
To Subscribe:
Send a mail message to Dan Smith, address
below. Please include your mail address in
your message.
They can be sent to Dan Smith, address below.
Submissions will be reviewed, edited by
permission, and then distributed.
Related List: none.
Back Issues: Not available.
Dan Smith
IOUDAIOS Review is the serial electronic
publication of IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1, the
international electronic forum for scholarship
on Early Judaism and Christian Origins. It is
a review journal, which uses the electronic
medium to provide thorough peer reviews
quickly. It uses a simplified SGML system to
facilitate electronic distribution.
ISSN 1183-9937
To Subscribe:
Subscription available through IOUDAIOS: send
mail message SUB IOUDAIOS Your Name
substituting your name for "Your Name", to
Submissions are invited and scrutinized by the
editors, though the editors remain open to
receiving unsolicited reviews.
Related List:
Back Issues:
Back issues are available on the fileserver at
David Reimer, Wilfrid Laurier University
* The Postmodern Jewish Philosophy BITNETWORK
An electronic newsletter/journal of postmodern
Judaism, philosophically considered, dedicated
both to a philosophic review of the variety of
postmodern Jewish discourses and to postmodern
reflections on the variety of Jewish
philosophies and Jewish philosophic
theologies. What "postmodern" means here is a
question to be answered only in the doing. The
three issues of Volume 1 of the BITNETWORK
were devoted to reviews of what our members
are doing -- that is, writing -- and to
reflections on what this writing may indicate
about the direction of postmodern Jewish
philosophic practice. Volume 2.1 (Aug '92)
presents this practice in three forms: a)
"Dialogues in Postmodern Jewish Philosophy"--
transcriptions of dialogues among our members
on various issues in Jewish thought and
theology. Here, we are trying out dialogue as
philosophic method: a kind of philosophic
gemara, though we are yet to identify the
mishnah; b) Philosophic Essays and Responses:
we begin with excerpts from Adi Ophir's
political theory of "distributive evils," with
applications to Israeli political life; c)
Newsletter-like chattings about what we're up
The journal works like something in-between
the voluminous listserv journals and a
standard newsletter-journal. Members send
materials electronically to the editor, who
edits them into a journal format and then, 3
times a year or so, sends them out to a
distribution list of members and others who
express interest. The BITNETWORK has also
spawned a sister-dialogue group, called
BITDIALOGUE and managed by Norbert Samuelson
at Temple. In this, members exchange words
back and forth about various issues in
postmodern Jewish philosophy. The resulting
dialogues are a source of ideas and sometimes
of copy for the BITNETWORK.
To Subscribe:
Write an electronic letter to POCHS@DREW
introducing yourself and asking to join.
After reading our past issues, send essays,
responses, thoughts, and news to POCHS@DREW.
Back Issues:
Harcopies for $10/volume, request to address
Peter Ochs
Department of Religion
Drew University,
Madison, NJ 07940. (201) 408-3222.
* Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
An all electronic, network distributed serial
for Religious Studies
* Purpose:
To disseminate via the global computer
1) The table of contents, standard
bibliographic information, abstracts
and reviews of new and recent
publications in Religious Studies
2) Thesis and dissertations, subject
bibliographies, glossaries, course
syllabi and other pedagogical
3) Software reviews of computer programs
relevant to Religious Studies
4) Prepublication papers, dissertation
abstracts, solicitations for
manuscripts, and provide a central
source of information on all
networked documents of interest to
Religious Studies and related
* Goal:
To provide a comprehensive network
distributed source of information on
Religious Studies publications,
pedagogical and research resources
and software tools.
* Overview:
The Religious Studies Publications Journal -
CONTENTS, subtitled the CONTENTS Project, is a
networked electronic journal that brings
together academic publishers and online
scholars in Religious Studies and related
fields. This journal provides an information
service to academic publishers and the more
than one thousand scholars in Religious
Studies and related fields who are online with
BITNET, Internet, and other international
computer networks. CONTENTS' primary function
is the posting of table of contents, standard
bibliographic, pricing and ordering
information, abstracts and reviews of new
books and journal issues of relevance to
academics in the broad field of Religious
Studies. This electronic journal also
publishes software reviews of programs
essential to computer assisted research.
CONTENTS extends the scope of electronic
publication by combining reviews and abstracts
with table of contents and ordering
information of new books and journals in
print. Publishers are encouraged to provide
an electronic mail contact address so as to
enable CONTENTS' subscribers to order texts
via the network. This electronic journal is
designed in anticipation of the developing
commercialization of the academic networks and
anticipates the growing trend within
publishing houses of accommodating individual
chapter and single article purchases.
The CONTENTS Project operates by obtaining
permission from participating publishers to
scan the table of contents from new and recent
books and journals and disseminates this
information in electronic text to its
subscribers. To the table of contents is
added information on the publisher, number of
pages, price, abstracts and, if available,
online ordering contact. Publishers also are
encourage to submit abstracts, book notes and
reviews for electronic republication.
CONTENTS will also disseminate and archive
information on works in progress, conference
announcements, solicitations for manuscripts,
complete dissertations, bibliographies,
networked documents and audio-visual resources
of relevance to Religious Studies. All
publication records posted by the CONTENTS
Project are archived via LISTSERV at
Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.Ca and may be
searched or downloaded by the network
community. Eventually, all CONTENTS records
will be fully searchable as an online public
access database via TELNET.
A supplement to CONTENTS, Lists in Review,
provides an overview of many of the Listserv
lists (online academic conferences) of
relevance to Religious Studies. A team of
editors surveys individual lists and records
lists of subject keywords that will serve to
indicate what has been discussed on any given
online conference. These list summaries are
compiled by the supplement editor and posted
as a short file to CONTENTS and archived on a
fileserver. This collection will allow
networked researchers to quickly survey what
has been discussed on dozens of lists and then
retrieve past conversations from a list's
The list will not be conversational.
Frequency of postings will depend on the
number of cooperating publishers.
At present, the Religious Studies Publications
Journal - CONTENTS, has over seven hundred
subscribers in more than twenty seven
* Board of Advisors:
Ann Okerson
Director, Association of Research Libraries,
Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing
Sandra Woolfrey
Director, Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Michael Neuman
Director, Center for Text and Technology,
Georgetown University
Larry Hurtado
Director, Institute for the Humanities,
University of Manitoba
Philip Davies
Director, Sheffield Academic Press, Department
of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield
Willard McCarty
Assistant Director, Centre for Computing in
the Humanities University of Toronto
Robert Kraft
University of Pennsylvania
James O'Donnell
University of Pennsylvania
Peter Scott
University of Saskatchewan
Jean-Claude Guedon
University of Montreal
David J. Reimer
Wilfrid Laurier University
Gord Nickerson
University of Western Ontario
Jim Marchand
University of Illinois
William Adler
North Carolina State University
Robin Cover and Raymond Harder
Co-Chairs, Computer Assisted Research Group
Society of Biblical Literature
* To Subscribe:
The CONTENTS Project:
This Listserv serial disseminates book and
journal table of contents, abstracts, and
reviews relevant to Religious Studies. It also
announces new reviews, bibliographies,
glossaries, dissertations and dissertation
abstracts, prepublication papers and other
research and pedagogical material that is
archived on the CONTENTS Project Listserv and
FTP fileservers. This list is not
To subscribe to the Religious Studies
Publication Journal - CONTENTS, send the
following e-mail message to Listserv@Uottawa
or Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA SUBSCRIBE
CONTENTS your name
The CONTENTS Project Full Text Review Distribution List:
If you wish to automatically receive the full
text of reviews published by the CONTENTS
Project, you must subscribe to REVIEW-L. To
do so, send the following e-mail message to
Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA SUBSCRIBE
REVIEW-L your name
To determine the status of your subscription
to CONTENTS, send the following e-mail message
to the above address: QUERY CONTENTS
To determine the status of your subscription
to REVIEW-L, send the following e-mail message
to the above address: QUERY REVIEW-L
Contact the project director at 441495@Uottawa
or 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA if you experience
difficulty subscribing to CONTENTS.
These lists will not be conversational.
Frequency of postings will depend on the
number of cooperating publishers.
* Back Issues:
To retrieve previous postings to an issue of
the Religious Studies Publications Journal -
CONTENTS, send an e-mail message to
Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA, containing the
GET file name command based on the names of
monthly logbooks:
To get a list of individual religious studies
related bibliographies, reviews, articles,
glossaries, and other files archived on the
CONTENTS Project's LISTSERV database, send the
e-mail message
Access to these logbooks and archived files
are not restricted to CONTENTS subscribers.
These logbooks can be searched via LDBASE.
For more information about the Religious
Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS:
* Contact:
Michael Strangelove
Department of Religious Studies
University of Ottawa FAX: (613) 564-6641
177 Waller, Ottawa, Ontario Voice: (613) 564-2300
Robert Kraft's OFFLINE column has appeared in
printed form since 1984 in the Bulletin of the
Council of Societies for the Study of Religion
and in the Religious Studies News. Despite
its name, it also now appears in
prepublication electronic form on the HUMANIST
discussion list at the node BROWNVM and on the
IOUDAIOS list at YORKVM1. OFFLINE began as a
service of the Computer Assisted Research
Group of the Society of Biblical Literature,
but it attempts to cover more widely the
actual and potential use of computers in
religious studies in general. Currently, an
editorial team often contributes items for
inclusion in the column.
There is no subscription list but if one is a
member of either HUMANIST@BROWNVM or
IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1 then it will be sent to you
as it is issued to these lists.
* Back Issues:
A complete set of OFFLINE issues can be
retrieved via FTP from in the
directory /pub/religion/ as
Back issues are also available via Listserv
from the HUMANIST filelist which can be
obtained by issuing the command to
You may obtain a copy by issuing the command
-- GET filename filetype HUMANIST -- either
interactively or as an e-mail message,
addressed to ListServ@Brownvm. Thus on a
VM/CMS system, you say interactively: TELL
LISTSERV AT BROWNVM GET filename filetype; if
you are not on a VM/CMS system, send mail to
ListServ@Brownvm with the GET command as the
first and only line.
* Contact:
Please send information, suggestions or
queries concerning OFFLINE to Robert A. Kraft,
Box 36 College Hall, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA 19104-6303.
Telephone (215) 898-5827. Bitnet address:
To request printed information or materials
from OFFLINE, please supply an appropriately
sized, self-addressed envelope or an address
label. A complete electronic file of OFFLINE
columns (some 500K and growing) is available
upon request (for IBM/DOS, Mac, or IBYCUS), or
from the HUMANIST discussion group fileServer
(see above).
* Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Newsletter
The CONTENTS Project distributes a low ascii
version of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Newsletter, beginning with the May 1992 issue.
The following issues are available from
Listserv@uottawa or
TLG_News May_92
Theodore F. Brunner, Director
* Inactive Electronic Religious Studies Serials:
Online Notes. Electronic Newsletter (defunct) by
Jack Abercrombe. Four issues (11\88 - 11\89)
available from HUMANIST, Listserv@Brownvm as
* 3. Ecunet and PresbyNet *
This section will eventually provide comprehensive
information on North American denominational networks.
What is Ecunet?
Ecunet is a group of denominational and other "networks",
consisting of people who use computers to help them
communicate. Individual members of Ecunet can send
electronic messages to around 2,000 other participants,
plus engage in electronic "meetings" or conferences.
There are currently about 15 denominations participating,
either officially or unofficially. The cost of an
account on the system is $11 per month plus the cost of
long distance calls.
Ecunet is made up of the following denominational
* American Baptist Network
* Anglican/Episcopal Network
* The Black Religious Studies Network
* The Church of the Brethren
* Disciples of Christ
* The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
* PresbyNet -- The Presbyterian Church (USA)
* The United Church of Christ
* The United Church of Canada
* Cost: There is no sign up charge for
Ecunet. There is a monthly fee of
$11.00 and a connect charge of
$12.00 per hour of prime time usage
(6 AM to 6 PM Monday to Friday) and
$7.00 per hour of non-prime time
* Access: Set Baud rate to 2400 or higher
Set Parity to NO
Set Data Bits to 8 and Stop Bits to
Dial (502) 569-8501
Log your signup session to preserve
important user information.
Answer the prompt Username with
Answer the prompt Password with
For more information, contact:
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
What is PresbyNet?
PresbyNet is a network sponsored by the Stewardship and
Communication Ministry Unit of the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.). It consists of a dial-up host running
Participate software, which offers both electronic mail
and conferencing or "electronic meetings". There are
currently no fees charged to Presbyterian members, other
than the cost of the long distance charges to call the
host in Louisville. PresbyNet is used by a large
proportion of headquarters staff as well as regional
staff and members and pastors of some local
congregations. In addition, PresbyNet is a part of
Ecunet, so Presbyterian members have access to all Ecunet
For more information, contact:
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
* 4. Networked Organizations and Associations *
The following is a listing of the electronic mail
addresses of networked organizations, academic
associations, scholarly presses and commercial services
directly relevant to Religious Studies. If you are aware
of errors in this listing, or are aware of entries that
should be included, please contact the author
(441495@uottawa or Please
note that these addresses have not been verified.
* Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive
(within Australia)
(outside Australia)
* American Arab Scientific Society
M. Hashem Sherif
* The American Jewish Information Network, Inc.
AJIN Board of Directors
Alan Stein, Chairman
* American Oriental Society
Jonathan Rodgers
* American Schools of Oriental Research
Rudolph Dornemann DORNASOR@JHUVM
James Flanagan JWF2@PO.CWRU.EDU
* Bene Brak (ATM)/ Biblical Concordance in Hebrew
* CDWord Project
* Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT)
Robert A. Kraft
* Centre d'Analyse et de Traitment Automatique de
la Bible
Prof. Joseph Shatzmiller, Directeur
* Center for Studies in Oral Tradition
* Centre de Traitement Electronique des Documents
* Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies
Robert A. Kraft
* Coombspapers Social Sciences Research Data Bank
Dr T. Matthew Ciolek or
Mr Dave Ritchie
* Ecunet
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
* The Georgetown Center for Text and Technology
Margaret Friedman
* Global Jewish Information Network
Dov Weiner, Director
* Greek Tutor Program
John Hurd
* Institute for Information Retrieval and
Computational Linguistics
Yaacov Choueka
* International Organization of Septuagint and
Cognate Studies
* The Israel Project at Nysernet
Avrum Goodblatt, Director
Chaim Dworkin, North American Coordinator
Warren Burstein, System Administrator
* Jewish Inscriptions Project
Dr. Douglas R. de Lacey
* The Leiden Armenian Database
Dr. J.J.S. Weitenberg
* Library Master / Balboa Software
Harry Hahne, President
* Multi-Linguae Software / Gamma Productions
Linda Brandt
* Michigan Project for Computer- Assisted Biblical
Dr. H. Van Dyke Parunak
* Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
Robert M. Whiting, Managing Editor
whiting@finuh or parpola@finuh or
* Oxford Text Archive
Alan Morrison and Lou Burnard
JANET: Archive@Uk.Ac.Oxford.Vax
* The Packard Humanities Institute
Brigitte R. Comparini
* PresbyNet
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
* Priceton Theological Seminary/ Qumran Machine-
Readable Non-Biblical Texts
* Project Gutenberg
Michael S. Hart, Director
National Clearinghouse for Machine Readable Texts
* The Responsa Project
Uri J. Schild, Director
* Scholars Press
* Society of Biblical Literature
* Talmud Text Database
The Saul Liberman Institute for Talmudic Research
* Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Theodore F. Brunner, Director
* Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
An all electronic, network distributed serial
for Religious Studies
* Purpose:
To disseminate via the global computer
1) The table of contents, standard
bibliographic information, abstracts
and reviews of new and recent
publications in Religious Studies
2) Thesis and dissertations, subject
bibliographies, glossaries, course
syllabi and other pedagogical
3) Software reviews of computer programs
relevant to Religious Studies
4) Prepublication papers, dissertation
abstracts, solicitations for
manuscripts, and provide a central
source of information on all
networked documents of interest to
Religious Studies and related
* Goal:
To provide a comprehensive network
distributed source of information on
Religious Studies publications,
pedagogical and research resources
and software tools.
* Overview:
The Religious Studies Publications Journal -
CONTENTS, subtitled the CONTENTS Project, is a
networked electronic journal that brings
together academic publishers and online
scholars in Religious Studies and related
fields. This journal provides an information
service to academic publishers and the more
than one thousand scholars in Religious
Studies and related fields who are online with
BITNET, Internet, and other international
computer networks. CONTENTS' primary function
is the posting of table of contents, standard
bibliographic, pricing and ordering
information, abstracts and reviews of new
books and journal issues of relevance to
academics in the broad field of Religious
Studies. This electronic journal also
publishes software reviews of programs
essential to computer assisted research.
CONTENTS extends the scope of electronic
publication by combining reviews and abstracts
with table of contents and ordering
information of new books and journals in
print. Publishers are encouraged to provide
an electronic mail contact address so as to
enable CONTENTS' subscribers to order texts
via the network. This electronic journal is
designed in anticipation of the developing
commercialization of the academic networks and
anticipates the growing trend within
publishing houses of accommodating individual
chapter and single article purchases.
The CONTENTS Project operates by obtaining
permission from participating publishers to
scan the table of contents from new and recent
books and journals and disseminates this
information in electronic text to its
subscribers. To the table of contents is
added information on the publisher, number of
pages, price, abstracts and, if available,
online ordering contact. Publishers also are
encourage to submit abstracts, book notes and
reviews for electronic republication.
CONTENTS will also disseminate and archive
information on works in progress, conference
announcements, solicitations for manuscripts,
complete dissertations, bibliographies,
networked documents and audio-visual resources
of relevance to Religious Studies. All
publication records posted by the CONTENTS
Project are archived via LISTSERV at
Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.Ca and may be
searched or downloaded by the network
community. Eventually, all CONTENTS records
will be fully searchable as an online public
access database via TELNET.
A supplement to CONTENTS, Lists in Review,
provides an overview of many of the Listserv
lists (online academic conferences) of
relevance to Religious Studies. A team of
editors surveys individual lists and records
lists of subject keywords that will serve to
indicate what has been discussed on any given
online conference. These list summaries are
compiled by the supplement editor and posted
as a short file to CONTENTS and archived on a
fileserver. This collection will allow
networked researchers to quickly survey what
has been discussed on dozens of lists and then
retrieve past conversations from a list's
The list will not be conversational.
Frequency of postings will depend on the
number of cooperating publishers.
At present, the Religious Studies Publications
Journal - CONTENTS, has over seven hundred
subscribers in more than twenty seven
* Board of Advisors:
Ann Okerson
Director, Association of Research Libraries,
Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing
Sandra Woolfrey
Director, Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Michael Neuman
Director, Center for Text and Technology,
Georgetown University
Larry Hurtado
Director, Institute for the Humanities,
University of Manitoba
Philip Davies
Director, Sheffield Academic Press, Department
of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield
Willard McCarty
Assistant Director, Centre for Computing in
the Humanities University of Toronto
Robert Kraft
University of Pennsylvania
James O'Donnell
University of Pennsylvania
Peter Scott
University of Saskatchewan
Jean-Claude Guedon
University of Montreal
David J. Reimer
Wilfrid Laurier University
Gord Nickerson
University of Western Ontario
Jim Marchand
University of Illinois
William Adler
North Carolina State University
Robin Cover and Raymond Harder
Co-Chairs, Computer Assisted Research Group
Society of Biblical Literature
* To Subscribe:
The CONTENTS Project:
This Listserv serial disseminates book and
journal table of contents, abstracts, and
reviews relevant to Religious Studies. It also
announces new reviews, bibliographies,
glossaries, dissertations and dissertation
abstracts, prepublication papers and other
research and pedagogical material that is
archived on the CONTENTS Project Listserv and
FTP fileservers. This list is not
To subscribe to the Religious Studies
Publication Journal - CONTENTS, send the
following e-mail message to Listserv@Uottawa
or Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA SUBSCRIBE
CONTENTS your name
The CONTENTS Project Full Text Review Distribution List:
If you wish to automatically receive the full
text of reviews published by the CONTENTS
Project, you must subscribe to REVIEW-L. To
do so, send the following e-mail message to
Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA SUBSCRIBE
REVIEW-L your name
To determine the status of your subscription
to CONTENTS, send the following e-mail message
to the above address: QUERY CONTENTS
To determine the status of your subscription
to REVIEW-L, send the following e-mail message
to the above address: QUERY REVIEW-L
Contact the project director at 441495@Uottawa
or 441495@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA if you experience
difficulty subscribing to CONTENTS.
These lists will not be conversational.
Frequency of postings will depend on the
number of cooperating publishers.
* Back Issues:
To retrieve previous postings to an issue of
the Religious Studies Publications Journal -
CONTENTS, send an e-mail message to
Listserv@Uottawa or
Listserv@Acadvm1.Uottawa.CA, containing the
GET file name command based on the names of
monthly logbooks:
To get a list of individual religious studies
related bibliographies, reviews, articles,
glossaries, and other files archived on the
CONTENTS Project's LISTSERV database, send the
e-mail message
Access to these logbooks and archived files
are not restricted to CONTENTS subscribers.
These logbooks can be searched via LDBASE.
For more information about the Religious
Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS:
* Contact:
Michael Strangelove
Department of Religious Studies
University of Ottawa FAX: (613) 564-6641
177 Waller, Ottawa, Ontario Voice: (613) 564-2300
Robert Kraft's OFFLINE column has appeared in
printed form since 1984 in the Bulletin of the
Council of Societies for the Study of Religion
and in the Religious Studies News. Despite
its name, it also now appears in
prepublication electronic form on the HUMANIST
discussion list at the node BROWNVM and on the
IOUDAIOS list at YORKVM1. OFFLINE began as a
service of the Computer Assisted Research
Group of the Society of Biblical Literature,
but it attempts to cover more widely the
actual and potential use of computers in
religious studies in general. Currently, an
editorial team often contributes items for
inclusion in the column.
There is no subscription list but if one is a
member of either HUMANIST@BROWNVM or
IOUDAIOS@YORKVM1 then it will be sent to you
as it is issued to these lists.
* Back Issues:
A complete set of OFFLINE issues can be
retrieved via FTP from in the
directory /pub/religion/ as
Back issues are also available via Listserv
from the HUMANIST filelist which can be
obtained by issuing the command to
You may obtain a copy by issuing the command
-- GET filename filetype HUMANIST -- either
interactively or as an e-mail message,
addressed to ListServ@Brownvm. Thus on a
VM/CMS system, you say interactively: TELL
LISTSERV AT BROWNVM GET filename filetype; if
you are not on a VM/CMS system, send mail to
ListServ@Brownvm with the GET command as the
first and only line.
* Contact:
Please send information, suggestions or
queries concerning OFFLINE to Robert A. Kraft,
Box 36 College Hall, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA 19104-6303.
Telephone (215) 898-5827. Bitnet address:
To request printed information or materials
from OFFLINE, please supply an appropriately
sized, self-addressed envelope or an address
label. A complete electronic file of OFFLINE
columns (some 500K and growing) is available
upon request (for IBM/DOS, Mac, or IBYCUS), or
from the HUMANIST discussion group fileServer
(see above).
* Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Newsletter
The CONTENTS Project distributes a low ascii
version of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Newsletter, beginning with the May 1992 issue.
The following issues are available from
Listserv@uottawa or
TLG_News May_92
Theodore F. Brunner, Director
* Inactive Electronic Religious Studies Serials:
Online Notes. Electronic Newsletter (defunct) by
Jack Abercrombe. Four issues (11\88 - 11\89)
available from HUMANIST, Listserv@Brownvm as
* 3. Ecunet and PresbyNet *
This section will eventually provide comprehensive
information on North American denominational networks.
What is Ecunet?
Ecunet is a group of denominational and other "networks",
consisting of people who use computers to help them
communicate. Individual members of Ecunet can send
electronic messages to around 2,000 other participants,
plus engage in electronic "meetings" or conferences.
There are currently about 15 denominations participating,
either officially or unofficially. The cost of an
account on the system is $11 per month plus the cost of
long distance calls.
Ecunet is made up of the following denominational
* American Baptist Network
* Anglican/Episcopal Network
* The Black Religious Studies Network
* The Church of the Brethren
* Disciples of Christ
* The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
* PresbyNet -- The Presbyterian Church (USA)
* The United Church of Christ
* The United Church of Canada
* Cost: There is no sign up charge for
Ecunet. There is a monthly fee of
$11.00 and a connect charge of
$12.00 per hour of prime time usage
(6 AM to 6 PM Monday to Friday) and
$7.00 per hour of non-prime time
* Access: Set Baud rate to 2400 or higher
Set Parity to NO
Set Data Bits to 8 and Stop Bits to
Dial (502) 569-8501
Log your signup session to preserve
important user information.
Answer the prompt Username with
Answer the prompt Password with
For more information, contact:
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
What is PresbyNet?
PresbyNet is a network sponsored by the Stewardship and
Communication Ministry Unit of the Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.). It consists of a dial-up host running
Participate software, which offers both electronic mail
and conferencing or "electronic meetings". There are
currently no fees charged to Presbyterian members, other
than the cost of the long distance charges to call the
host in Louisville. PresbyNet is used by a large
proportion of headquarters staff as well as regional
staff and members and pastors of some local
congregations. In addition, PresbyNet is a part of
Ecunet, so Presbyterian members have access to all Ecunet
For more information, contact:
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
* 4. Networked Organizations and Associations *
The following is a listing of the electronic mail
addresses of networked organizations, academic
associations, scholarly presses and commercial services
directly relevant to Religious Studies. If you are aware
of errors in this listing, or are aware of entries that
should be included, please contact the author
(441495@uottawa or Please
note that these addresses have not been verified.
* Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive
(within Australia)
(outside Australia)
* American Arab Scientific Society
M. Hashem Sherif
* The American Jewish Information Network, Inc.
AJIN Board of Directors
Alan Stein, Chairman
* American Oriental Society
Jonathan Rodgers
* American Schools of Oriental Research
Rudolph Dornemann DORNASOR@JHUVM
James Flanagan JWF2@PO.CWRU.EDU
* Bene Brak (ATM)/ Biblical Concordance in Hebrew
* CDWord Project
* Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT)
Robert A. Kraft
* Centre d'Analyse et de Traitment Automatique de
la Bible
Prof. Joseph Shatzmiller, Directeur
* Center for Studies in Oral Tradition
* Centre de Traitement Electronique des Documents
* Computer Assisted Tools for Septuagint Studies
Robert A. Kraft
* Coombspapers Social Sciences Research Data Bank
Dr T. Matthew Ciolek or
Mr Dave Ritchie
* Ecunet
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
* The Georgetown Center for Text and Technology
Margaret Friedman
* Global Jewish Information Network
Dov Weiner, Director
* Greek Tutor Program
John Hurd
* Institute for Information Retrieval and
Computational Linguistics
Yaacov Choueka
* International Organization of Septuagint and
Cognate Studies
* The Israel Project at Nysernet
Avrum Goodblatt, Director
Chaim Dworkin, North American Coordinator
Warren Burstein, System Administrator
* Jewish Inscriptions Project
Dr. Douglas R. de Lacey
* The Leiden Armenian Database
Dr. J.J.S. Weitenberg
* Library Master / Balboa Software
Harry Hahne, President
* Multi-Linguae Software / Gamma Productions
Linda Brandt
* Michigan Project for Computer- Assisted Biblical
Dr. H. Van Dyke Parunak
* Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project
Robert M. Whiting, Managing Editor
whiting@finuh or parpola@finuh or
* Oxford Text Archive
Alan Morrison and Lou Burnard
JANET: Archive@Uk.Ac.Oxford.Vax
* The Packard Humanities Institute
Brigitte R. Comparini
* PresbyNet
Merrill Cook
PresbyNet Administrator
Interconnect Director for Ecunet
* Priceton Theological Seminary/ Qumran Machine-
Readable Non-Biblical Texts
* Project Gutenberg
Michael S. Hart, Director
National Clearinghouse for Machine Readable Texts
* The Responsa Project
Uri J. Schild, Director
* Scholars Press
* Society of Biblical Literature
* Talmud Text Database
The Saul Liberman Institute for Talmudic Research
* Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
Theodore F. Brunner, Director