World-Wide Web Home
Welcome to the web about the web, with everything you ever needed to
know or pointers to it. This server is supported by
the WWW team at CERN, the originators of
WWW, with the help of collaborators worldwide.
About The Web Project
Everything you need to know about the W3 is on the web.
A few selected jumping off points:
Places to start browsing
- The Virtual Library points to network resources, arranged according
to subject area by specialists in each field.
- W3 Catalogue
- A good searchable catalogue of web resources from CUI
- Other catalogues
- Other organizations of resources on the web.
List of servers
- All registered HTTP servers by country
- by Service Type
- The Web includes data accessible by many other protocols.
The lists by access protocol may
help if you know what kind of service you are looking for.
Corrections and suggestions to information on this server
[email protected]
please, quoting the URL of the page you are commenting on.